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Pool exercises for spine herniation, degenerative disc disease, after surgery

So if you have back problems swimming classes benefited, it is necessary to know how to swim in the pool for the spine, you should learn useful exercises in the pool for the back. Water makes the human body is almost weightless due to the fact that it has the buoyancy force. It is this property of water and reduces the load on the musculoskeletal system and spine as his rod. So swimming is good for my back – sick and healthy – in the prevention of diseases of the spine. To swimming maximum benefit, you should follow certain rules.

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Rules therapeutic swimming in the pool

Depending on, whether for preventive purposes, people visit the pool or healing depends on how to swim in the pool for his spine, but there are rules that should be respected by all. If it hurts your neck and cervical vertebrae crunch, while sailing should not be too bend the neck. Otherwise, it can cause the stagnation of venous blood, and then the sessions will not bring relief and will result in headaches or dizziness. The backstroke will help to avoid probable discomfort.

If worried about the pain in the lumbar region and the sacrum, the leg movements in the water should be soft, smooth.

If the back does not bother, and the pool is visited with the purpose of recreation or warning of the possible development of diseases of the spine, then you can go there only two or three times a week. The beginner is better to do some time in warm water of about 30°C. after the first few classes getting comfortable and accustomed to, you go to the cooler water of about 23°C.

Every time, before you plunge into the water, it is necessary to warm up, to warm up the body, breathe deeply, and pick up individually suitable technique movements in the water.

Why pool promotes healing

To understand why and in which cases is useful for certain styles of swimming and exercises in water, it is necessary to know what effect being in the water has on the human skeleton.

  • First, swimming is beneficial for the spine in the presence of pathologies, since it relieves pain.
  • Secondly, the water body is virtually weightless, which temporarily reduces the load on the joints, it gives them a respite and an opportunity to recover, and if you do in the pool regularly, it will certainly have a positive impact on the state of the spine. People daily most of the time in a vertical position under the weight of the intervertebral disks are compressed, for this reason, blood circulation becomes worse and the spine with each year of life is increasingly losing flexibility. In the water the compression of internal organs is weakened, on the spine, reducing the load, increasing the freedom of movement of the joints of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Another argument in favor of training in the pool – there is well-trained back muscles due to the fact that the water a person is forced to maintain a balance, and this includes active work the deep spinal muscles that support the spine. Simultaneously, the amplitude of movement of the arms and legs becomes more and move through the water easier. All this together is a necessary exercise for musculoskeletal without exhausting effort.

I advise you to read: can I exercise with a herniated spine.

Different styles of swimming uses different muscle groups, trained back muscles allow you to maintain good posture. Straightened the spine – a promise of health, playing in the pool – perfect prevention of osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia and other diseases of the back. To advise what style is useful in each case, the doctor may.

Different styles of swimming

Basically, when the disease are recommended the back three on the back, breaststroke and freestyle. Although it is acceptable to swim in its own way – for example, on the side or doggy style.

The backstroke

This style is the most gentle. On the back of a uniform load on all the muscles, not happening preisgeben spine. On the contrary, inlying on the water on the back, the load on the vertebrae are almost there, back straightened, involving the muscles of the shoulders, arms, thighs and buttocks. To float on my back fairly quickly, without excessive load on the body.

When swimming on the back, if a person suffers from herniated disc especially in the lumbar spine, and the end – it is impossible to quickly return to its vertical position, as there is a likelihood of preisgabe of the spine, and this can lead to undesirable consequences in this disease. It is necessary to stop, first rolling over in the water on the belly, then to his feet.

With this method, you should start exercising in the pool to all who have pathology of the spine.

Swimming breaststroke

Brass is reminiscent of the style of swimming frogs. Man floating on the abdomen, when moving in the water involved the hands and feet. This style is good for training the muscles of the thoracic and lumbar spine. Brass is recommended for the treatment of hernia, localized in the lumbar region.

Brass – style calm, the person moves in the water at low speed that is good for intervertebral hernias. Brass is not tiring physically, so the training duration can be longer.

kak pravilno plavat pri gryzhah i osteohondroze

When swimming breaststroke should be synchronous to work with his hands and feet, the back should be flat so that the spine is not experiencing excessive load.

Swimming the crawl

This style involves quick movement in the water and energy movements require more effort than when swimming breaststroke. If muscles are weak, untrained body physically, and there are diseases of the respiratory system, that style is not recommended. In addition, in the presence of significant intervertebral hernias of the active work of the muscles and sudden movements of the spinal column can exacerbate back pain.

Crawl in therapeutic and prophylactic purposes it is recommended that after a sufficient number of classes and achieve a certain level of fitness.

Swimming in your own way

Not everyone possesses the breaststroke or the crawl, not having the experience, to swim hard and back – this we must learn. But almost everyone can intuitively hold the body in the water to swim sideways, pawing the water with their feet, or a dog on his stomach, raking the water with his hands. It is important not to overdo it, if a history of disc protrusion and intervertebral hernia.

You need to know simple rules:

  • Don't move in the water dramatically;
  • Don't try to swim quickly, to pay attention to the quality of navigation.
  • Do not overextend only one of the groups of muscles of the back and limbs, to evenly distribute the load on the whole body;
  • Periodically change the active style with a calm presence in the water, completely relaxing the body;
  • If the pain came back or got stronger, then stop to swim free way.

Aquatic physical therapy

Pool exercises for spine have and Wellness, and therapeutic effect. With them, the spine is stretched, relaxing. Aqua gym – an effective way to relieve muscle spasms.

Recommended exercises:

  • Lie on water back, spreading his hands at his sides, taking deep breaths, breathe slowly the muscles of the body relax;
  • Lie on the dividing rope chest, hands up over your head – it's good for the sternum;
  • At the side of the pool to lie on water back of the head from the side, the buttocks rest against the wall of the side legs to bring on Board, hands to separate the parties involved and train all departments of the spine and spinal muscles;
  • Wear a mask for diving with a tube for breathing and to go across the swimming lanes on the water the abdomen or back so that his hands held the dividing rope with one hand, and the legs clung to the rope with the other, while keeping the back in a straight position so that the spine does not bend.

The benefits of swimming for the musculoskeletal system is proven and undeniable, but to cure serious disease of the spinal column solely by lessons in the pool impossible, therapeutic swimming is effective only in combination with the main treatment, and a health benefit to all – it helps to keep your back right, and in General – to keep the body in good shape. Classes in the pool are invalid in the period of acute diseases of the spine and severe pain.