Exercises with protrusion of the cervical spine

Medical-a sports complex may include exercises in protrusions of the cervical spine. In this part of the vertebral column the spinal cord is most vulnerable, because the neck is unprotected by the structure of the back. Thanks to medical gymnastics, is maintaining muscle tone and joint mobility, allowing you to take the weight off the vertebrae and get rid of protrusion of the intervertebral disc, and to prevent its reappearance. Moreover, improving the human condition, increases its efficiency.

Uprazhneniya pri protruzii shejnogo otdela pozvonochnika

Systematic physical therapy sessions improve memory, vision, hearing, and normalizing the endocrine organs, strengthening the musculoskeletal system. We recommend that you regularly perform physical activity (a day or daily). And elementary exercise is best to do every day, several times. This will ensure recovery and prevent the development of complications (intervertebral hernia) and will be the prevention of osteoarthritis.

Tasks physical therapy

The main purpose of medical physical culture at the protrusions is to create tension in a spine. Exercise increases muscle tone, make up the "corset" neck, improve mobility of joints, stretch the spine and increase blood supply. Thanks to the last condition increases the metabolism in pathological areas and are nutrition of tissues, stimulates their recovery.

Thus, exercises in protrusions of the cervical spine affects the two points of application:

  • Due to mechanical exercise and improve the tone of the intervertebral disc back into place;
  • Due to improved blood supply and nutrition of tissues in the cervical spine the regeneration of the ligaments and annulus fibrosus, thereby reinforcing the drive in place and prevents the recurrence of falling.

In addition to the local effect of therapeutic exercise affects the body in General. Resulting in improved overall health.

Rules of carrying out of gymnastics

Physical therapy in protrusion of cervical can be practiced in stationary conditions, at home or in the gym. For best results, requires a long systematic training and a few simple rules:

  • At different stages of protrusion of the discs of the cervical spine would be useful a variety of exercises, so they should choose a doctor, under whose control is the treatment of the disease;
  • To the muscles and joints ready for physical activity before training you should take a warm bath or hot shower;
  • To prevent negative consequences or possible complications exercises should be performed gently;
  • During a workout you need to follow the breath and take deep breaths and exhalations, respectively;
  • After performing the set of exercises it is advisable to lie down for thirty minutes to restore the body.


Though such exercises can be performed to all (including, if the disease is absent), but exercise is recommended to choose together with your doctor. In order not to cause harm to health physical therapy is best to start with the most basic exercises and do them in a day or two days later.

Mery predostorozhnosti

Evidence that everything is done correctly, will improve the health. Then you can gradually increase the load and duration of training. If you experience discomfort or pain you need to avoid exercises that cause them.

Hernia of the spine and protrusion of the cervical spine in the acute stage are contraindicated for physical therapy. Because it can cause deterioration and serious complications. After calming down pain in case the protrusions can start doing physical therapy.

Warm up before exercise

For the greatest effectiveness of therapeutic physical culture and protection from damage preferably before workout to workout. It is also recommended for people who spend long time sitting in front of the computer. Exercises should be performed smoothly and gently, no sudden movements. Theirthe frequency should be 2-3 times a day. After the warm-up it is desirable to go. All exercises can be done sitting or standing, the back should be straight, head looking forward, hands at the seams. Movement must be repeated 12 times.

Nods head:

  • Tilt head forward so that the chin is pulled out of the chest;
  • To return to the starting position (head straight and looking forward);
  • Tip the head back and pulling the chin;
  • To return to the starting position (head straight and looking forward).

Head tilts:

  • Tilt your head so that your right ear touches the right shoulder;
  • To return to the starting position (head straight and looking forward);
  • Tilt your head so that your left ear touch your left shoulder;
  • To return to the starting position (head straight and looking forward).

Turns head

  • Head turning to the right 90 degrees (chin line should match the shoulder line);
  • To return to the starting position (head straight and looking forward);
  • Head turning to the left 90 degrees (chin line should match the shoulder line);
  • To return to the starting position (head straight and looking forward).

Razminka pered lechebnoj fizicheskoj kulturoj

Nods head with an obstacle. Before you start you need a hand putting on the forehead for the formation of resistance during movement of the head. The exercise should be repeated 6 times:

  • Tilt head forward so that the chin is pulled out of the chest;
  • To return to the starting position (head straight and looking forward);
  • Tip the head back and pulling the chin;
  • To return to the starting position (head straight and looking forward).

Tilts head with an obstacle. Before you start you need a hand putting on the head for the formation of resistance during movement of the head. The exercise should be repeated 6 times:

  • Tilt your head so that your right ear touches the right shoulder;
  • To return to the starting position (head straight and looking forward);
  • Tilt your head so that your left ear touch your left shoulder;
  • To return to the starting position (head straight and looking forward).

Exercises for the shoulders and torso:

  • Turns made raising and lowering the shoulders. Motion repeating 10 times.
  • In turn rotate the shoulders forward and backward. Motion repeating 10 times.

The exercise is performed while standing, arms bent in elbow joints, hands are on waist. Torso lean forward and back. Motion repeating 10 times. Due to this charge is heated in the body (the joints begin to move well).

The basic exercises

Exercise in the treatment of protrusion of cervical spine performed from a standing position, lying or sitting, which strengthens different muscle groups (mainly neck and shoulder girdle). Strict multiplicity repetition of movements no. All exercises are done a comfortable amount of time, gradually increasing them. The main condition is the regularity.

  1. You need to sit on a chair and hand positioning along the body. Head lowered so that his chin touched his chest, then make a rotational movement (chin "rolling" on the chest) to the left side as long as the head does not adopt a position as if you are turning (chin line should match the shoulder line). Then it rolls to the right side the same way. So repeat 5 times.
  2. Also sitting to do the massage for a few minutes in a place between the head and the neck.
  3. Lie on your back, bend legs in knee joints. The left hand put on the chest and the right hand on the abdomen. Slowly inhale and hold their breath for 7-10 seconds, then slowly exhale and relax. Repeat the exercise 10 times.
  4. The exercise is aimed at strengthening abdominal and neck muscles (mainly the front). Lying on back with legs bent in knee joints, press or strain to raise your upper body forward. To stay in this state for 10 seconds and then return to the starting position. Repeat 5 times.
  5. The initial position is the same as in exercises # 3 and 4. Slowly raise the pelvis, carrying the support on the foot and the head. When finding the maximum point to linger for a few seconds. Then slowly sink to the floor.
  6. The prone position. To raise the head and torso with outstretched hand without lifting the pelvis and lower limbs. Lock in this position for 10-15 seconds and then slowly return to the starting position.
  7. Standing on all fours, tear 15 cm above the floor and right arm and leg, rotating them to the right. Try to hold this position for at least 10 seconds. The same repeat with the left side.
  8. Get on all fours as much as possible to straighten the neck and back. In this position the 3 circles.