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Can I exercise with a hernia of the spine

Is it possible to play sports hernia, almost the first question asked the doctor. Having been diagnosed hernia of the spine, people perceive it as a sentence, thinking that physical activity is finished once and for all. Some types of activity do you have to exclude, but to say goodbye to sports completely, not have to. The occurrence of hernia occurs for different reasons. The average person, it occurs as a result of the deformation of the disc and gradual destruction of cartilage, making it impossible to return the vertebra to its normal position. On the one hand, it makes the disease incurable, on the other, with the right approach, you can continue to lead an active lifestyle.

mozhno li zanimatsya sportom s gryzhej pozvonochnika

The reason for the deformation of the spine can be a trauma, a sedentary lifestyle, heredity, lack of exercise. Just abandon the sport can not, a strong muscular frame bears part of the load and protects the spine from further deformation.

The allowed types of physical activity

Pilates – a great exercise system that is associated with the static finding of the body in a position that enables the greatest load to the desired muscle group. The result of these lessons is not only strengthening muscles, but also the ability of man to stretch the muscles so that the spine is not overloaded. Pilates with a herniated is the best option physical exercise. The exercise does not involve being in a vertical position, which makes Pilates a viable option for people with a diagnosis of a hernia. Not a high rate classes allows you to engage people imusil problems with excess weight.

Swimming is one of the most effective ways of recovery of motor activity of the hernia. Due to the horizontal body position in the water, the load on the spine is reduced in several times, and the muscles can work effectively. As a result, with regular practice of swimming, significantly enhanced muscular system without causing harm to the spine. In addition, the maximum relaxation of body and traction of the spinal column ensures the elimination of the spasms, improves the blood circulation and, consequently, pain.

Water aerobics herniation, as swimming is a safe form of loading. Strengthening ligaments – additional benefits in water sports

Fitnessclasses and assume a reasonable workload that makes them possible for a person with a hernia. Many of the exercises on the fitness classes are taken from the complexes of therapeutic physical culture. Special attention doctors, therapists advise you to pay for the lesson using an exercise ball. Allow and even recommend this type of activity try absolutely everything the doctor. The invention of the Swiss doctor is indispensable if you need to reduce the axial load on pozvonochnik and strengthen all muscle groups. Due to the unstable shape of the ball, the constant need to keep balance develops coordination and teaches you how to work the muscles without overloading the spine.

Bodybuilding. Practice of this power of sport while hernia should be discussed thoroughly and approved by a physician. There are exercises, which performance is unacceptable and can only further aggravate the situation. Permitted pull-UPS, crunches, leg raises from the prone position, even the bench press, all exercises involving the shoulder girdle and strengthening the muscles without overloading the spine is recommended for implementation.

Prohibited sports

All kinds of activity, suggesting a long stay in a vertical position is strictly prohibited to practice the patients with hernia of the spine. Is it possible to run with a hernia a moot point, most rehabilitators prohibit this kind of activity. One of the popular sports, running with a herniated spine becomes a contraindication. The load on the spine while running huge, increases several times, regardless of speed.

Daily Jogging has the opposite effect, Jogging becomes dangerous. Accordingly, the types of sport associated with running also fall under the restriction are: football, volleyball, marathon walking.

Any jumps become invalid with spinal hernia. When landing after a jump, the spine is loaded five times stronger. Accordingly, a weight of 50 kg, at the moment of landing, the musculoskeletal system can withstand 250 lbs. Given that mostpatients still suffer excess weight, the load reaches unrealistic proportions.

kakim sportom nelzya zanimatsya pri osteohondroze

Any additional trauma can aggravate the situation, therefore, the complete exclusion of jumping is absolutely necessary. Given that the statistics of the disease are disappointing, time to engage in prevention means to avoid many of the problems associated with health. If the diagnosis is made, should be clarified with the doctor allowed the physical load when the hernia of the lumbar spine, and systematically to implement all the recommendations.

It is discipline and desire to change things for the better, should be an incentive for rehabilitation when herniated.

Based on personal preferences and the advice of your doctor, you can choose what type of physical activity you can do with the hernia. You should consider the location of the problem area, if the lower back is to start is to choose swimming, and in achieving some positive results, you can gradually increase the load, diversified classes.

See also: swimming with a herniated lumbar spine.

Whatever system of exercise is not practiced, it is important to remember that pain when you run is not valid. If the pain is in performing the exercises there is a sharp pain is a signal from the body that should reduce the amplitude or eliminate this exercise from the program. Excessive voltage may cause a new injury or aggravate an existing one. When playing sports.you need to constantly analyze their own condition, to be as focused on proper technique.

Regular collection of the metered load will improve the General health and start the healing process and to minimize the negative effects of the disease.

If you let the disease go, quickly manifested negative dynamics. The speed of appearance of the irreversible to the body changes over time will only increase. To prevent this process should immediately begin to act. The proper rehabilitation, a properly chosen physical activity, will enable the person with a diagnosis of a hernia of a normal life.