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The consequences of incorrect posture in children and adults, photos, videos

Hunched shoulders, rounded back, lowered head – first, which can lead to bad posture. This list of consequences – only the outward signs of the curvature, and not the only one. Permanent kyphosis, poor posture and perceived by the people around them as a psychological disorder or physical weakness.

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At least, it is ugly, as a maximum, the consequences of incorrect posture can be severe, including dysfunction of the internal organs, mental disorders, heart disease and others. How is it that initially a healthy person suddenly starts to slouch, his spine curved, and the body adopts an unnatural position?

Which leads to the violation of posture?

For back position answers muscular system, skeletal system. If these parts of our body functioning, the spine is also naturally straight.

Think about why two of the same person, is approximately equal to the body structure, weight, height, one has the correct posture and the second back in the form of a question mark?

A violation in one of the sections of the muscular or skeletal system affects posture. So, flatfoot provokes the incorrect location of the joints of the feet relative to the hip Department. Because of this, the pelvis bulges backward, the lumbar curves, thoracic and even cervical change their position. As a result, the formation of poor posture.

Underdeveloped muscles also affect our back. If the muscles are weak, there is no support of the spine in a vertical position, ranau traction of the chest and abdomen. Weak muscles, respectively, the chest and abdomen outweigh us begins to pull forward under their weight, so the shoulders slouching, back bent.

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If curvature of the spine occurs in a child, it is due to lack of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. In particular, the lack of calcium, magnesium, phosphorus does not develop the bones, making it difficult to accomplish certain functions. In addition, the reasons for the curvature of the spine in a child can be attributed to uncomfortable bed, bad habits, problems with vision, extra weight and various diseases that affect the General condition of the body and skeleton.

Signs of a curvature

The change of posture, curvature of the spine can be seen in the beginning of the development of the disease. The main symptom of poor posture – body asymmetry, when one shoulder is noticeably lower than the other, and the blades are located at different levels.

The disease progresses, the back is noticeably rounded, the waist bends, neck and head move forward.

The next step is to strain the pelvic region, change the location of the hip bones, the asymmetry of the joints of the feet. Gradually, a person gets used to the unnatural position of the body and ignoring the worst consequences. And the consequences of improper posture are significant and include major disruptions in the organs and systems of the body.

The consequences of poor posture

Poor posture is not limited to the unaesthetic appearance and can have much more serious consequences. External unattractiveness, slouching can cause mental disorders, complexes, introversion, especially in children. Not to mention the concomitant diseases.

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The most dangerous thing which can lead to incorrect posture is the deterioration of the internal organs.

Hunched back causes harm to the stomach, which is permanently compressed, the stomach acid gets into the upper esophagus and triggers heartburn. The abdominal organs change position, kidneys descend, begin problems with the genitourinary system.

The deformation of the chest, feeling of tightness in the chest, which interferes with my breathing and hypoxia, i.e. chronic lack of oxygen. The result: constant fatigue, irritability, fatigue, drowsiness. Experienced heart tries to resume the rhythm speeds up and the number of strokes the person develops heart arrhythmia, tachycardia, increased blood pressure, may develop coronary heart disease and eventually myocardial infarction or stroke.

Duedisorders of the organs of the patient may be suffering during menstruation, disruptions in the hormonal system, decrease in immunity. The poor circulation affects the brain, which also receives an inadequate amount of oxygen and other nutrients. This leads to memory impairment, restlessness, loss of attention and, consequently, low efficiency.

Correct position of the head and cervical vertebrae leads to regular headaches, a pinched vertebral artery causes vertigo, nausea, loss of consciousness, disorientation.

Throughout the body, especially in the spine, permanently honored the pain. The back "pulls", most often after a long stay in one position. Incorrect position of the body means uneven load on the organs, and therefore increases the risk of injury. It is proven that bad posture contributes to the rapid aging of the body.

Speaking directly about the diseases of the spine, poor posture over time transformirovalsya in such dangerous diseases:

  • Scoliosis – curvature of the spine and deviation from the natural axis;
  • Osteochondrosis defeat intervertebral discs and joints;
  • Kyphosis – the appearance of roll on the back in the thoracic spine;
  • Lordosis – curvature of the spine and bulging forward in the neck and back;
  • The formation of the hump;
  • At worst, disability.

So, a wrong posture gradually transformirovalsya in a serious pathology, which incapacitates the entire body. To avoid the terrible consequences of the disease need to live a healthy lifestyle, to monitor the posture, strengthen the back.

How to normalize your posture?

There are a range of methods of struggle with incorrect posture. If the cause of the breach become weak back muscles, you need to play sports, enroll in swimming, dancing, studying massage, drink vitamins. In more serious cases it is recommended to wear a special brace or corset.

Working at the computer, watching TV shows, and even dining can benefit the back. Attach a special training stick to the shoulders parallel to the floor. If you want to Crouch, the stick won't let you.

Keep a proper, healthy lifestyle. Do not forget about a balanced diet that includes foods rich in calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, and folic acid. This dairy products, fish, vegetables. Posture needs to be trained from childhood. Teach the child how to carry a briefcase to sit correctly at the table, to go smoothly. Morning exercise, active games, exercise daily should be present in a child's life.

Normalnaya osanka

If you need to lift heavy objects, do it correctly, evenly distributing the load in both hands, so that the spine is not curved. Women, do not go overboard with wearing shoes with high heels. And when you wear heels, remember that going to elegant shoes, slouch is the real crime. Think of the phrase "to walk with a straight back and your head held high" is not unfounded.