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How to fix a curvature of the spine at home, exercise videos

Curvature of the spine – the problem of modern society. To correct curvature of the spine is at home with the help of physical therapy, massage, and other methods. But to completely get rid of the problem will help only a professional.

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How to cure a curvature

Before starting treatment, you should consult with a physician: self-treatment can harm yourself. Scoliosis treatment should be aimed to stop disease progression, restore stabilization of the spine, strengthen a muscular corset and competently carry out the correction, because the main task of the struggle with scoliosis is to reduce the curvature.

The regularity and correctness of application of medical techniques, as well as tenacity and desire to get better will help to achieve good results, although it may take from 3-5 months to 1.5 years.

How to cure such diseases are, how to assign physical exercise, and to what extent to implement them – all of these recommendations, you need to obtain from the hands of a qualified professional who will select an individual set of certain exercises. In addition to specific exercises, to treat curvature of the spine help massage, chiropractic, physiotherapy, orthopedic corsets. The pinning effect of the treatment will contribute to preventive measures, such as Hiking, swimming, skiing or Cycling.

Therapeutic physical culture

Physiotherapy (physical therapy) is one of the most effective ways of treatment of acquired (not congenital) scoliosis I and II degree. The first training takes place under the supervision of an instructor who knows how to treat a specific type of scoliosis, what exercises and how much should be taken. You need to learn the exercises together with exercise physiologist and further independently to carry them home.

When you exercise you should follow some rules: complex must include a mandatory warm-up, basic exercises and the final part. All exercises should be basic and symmetrical. Pilates, yoga and breathing practices can be a great addition to medical gymnastics.


In the treatment of scoliosis plays a significant role massage that aims to relax tense muscles and strengthen the weak. Therefore, the massage should be entrusted to qualified and experienced specialist who knows about these nuances.

Manual therapy

Manual therapy in its effectiveness does not replace therapeutic exercises. It is an additional method in the treatment of lateral curvatures of the spine.

Physical therapy

Physiotherapy used in the treatment of scoliosis only in the complex of therapeutic measures. Part of physiotherapy include electrotherapy, thermotherapy, hydrotherapy, and other topics. In the treatment of spinal curvature effective electrotherapy (electrophoresis and electrostimulation of the muscles), heat therapy (hot pack, paraffin and ozocerite application), hydrotherapy and mud treatment, stimulating the immune system.

Orthopedic corset

Scoliosis treatment at home involves wearing a corset. A person suffering from scoliosis, the muscles weakened and poorly supported in the spine. Well-chosen doctor corset helps to keep the spine in the correct position. Thus, the corset not only aligns the spine, but also stops the progression of the disease.

Strengthen muscle corset

Strengthening muscle can help to align the spine without surgical knife. This process is very painful, and it is used only when other treatment options strain no. Well-formed muscular corset to keep the spine in the correct state, and over time, while maintaining it in sufficient shape, can align the scoliosis. Principles of consolidation the corset is extremely simple:

  • Regular progression of loads;
  • Uniform pressure distribution between the left and right part of the back;
  • Fixation with the "belt lifter";

Exercises to maintain the muscular system and alignment of the spine are divided into 2group:

  1. Exercises with its own weight.
  2. Exercises with weights.

For the proper treatment of the vertebrae it is recommended to use both types of loads.

Exercise 1: pull UPS with own weight. If you have no horizontal bar, or your training does not allow to catch up at least 1 time, practice hanging on the bar with a smooth lowering. This exercise allows you to stretch the vertebrae and give them a natural position. The load on the spine is stretching, so it is important not to jump to the crossbar.

Exercise 2: Deadlift weight in the slope. This exercise will require proper implementation (arched back, the absence of bias in the shoulders), so it will require a mirror. In the initial stages, you can use a small weight ( 4-5 kg) with subsequent progression to its own weight. This exercise distributes the load on your back, strengthens obliques, thereby holding the spine in a strictly vertical position.

Exercise 3: shragi with the load. If the back bias is formed in its upper part, use the lifts of the shoulders with the load. This exercise should be done slowly and systematically. It allows you to strengthen the trapezius muscle, thereby fixing the spine in the upper part. The progression of loads starts with polukilogrammovy goods and ends 50% of its own weight.

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Even a properly selected mode, the mattress and use of all of the above methods can not help to get rid of the problem. Very often curvature of the spine is treated only by surgery. In any case, if you do not get rid of pain, or an x-ray showed progression of the disease better consult a surgeon.