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Lumbar lordosis – what is it, how to treat exercise drugs

Lumbar lordosis is the natural curve in the lower part of the spine, concave inside. Lordosis of the lumbar spine is considered normal only within certain limits determined by the angle of the bend. Some not lucky to be born with such disorders, and some are acquired due to wrong lifestyle, excessive stress, diseases, etc. Excessive bending at the waist can cause the onset of pain, occurrence of diseases of the spine.

Lordosis is often overcome by women in adulthood (approximately 30 years) and is a consequence of carrying a child.

Poyasnichnyj lordoz


There are some parameters that characterize the lumbar lordosis. With their help, to make a conditional division into types.

Depending on the underlying cause of the pathology:

  • Primary lumbar lordosis – when the unnatural bending caused by benign or malignant tumors inside the body, congenital abnormalities of the vertebrae;
  • Secondary – when the violation has been caused by mechanical injuries of the spine.

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Depending on when the disease:

  • Congenital lordosis – violation manifested in childhood, but it is believed that abnormal changes already present at birth;
  • Acquired lordosis pathology develops under the influence of any factors (trauma, tumor, disease).

Depending on type deviation:

  • Geologos – lumbar curve is either absent or much less than normal;
  • Hyperlordosis – lower back arched inward too much.


Because the lumbar lordosis may be congenital or acquired, causes a lot. You have to divide the factors into two groups: congenital and acquired pathology. If lumbar lordosis worried man since birth, this is facilitated by the following factors:

  • Pathology of the worried parents or one of them;
  • Manifested any malnutrition of the fetus in the womb;
  • Injuries to the pregnant mother;
  • Incorrect delivery, which led to the injury of the baby.

If the pathology manifested in adulthood or adolescence:

  • In pregnant women increases the bending at the waist, this pathological process is associated with the increased load. After childbirth, after a certain time the disease passes by itself;
  • Complication of flat feet – increased curve in the lower back;
  • Osteochondrosis and its complications, including schmorl's nodule (can collapse the vertebrae) can lead to the lumbar hyperlordosis;
  • Mechanical damage to the structure of the vertebral column;
  • Strong stretching or tearing along the vertebral muscles – extensors;
  • Inflammation of the spine different kind;
  • Sciatica and its complications;
  • A sedentary lifestyle, permanent seat;
  • Overload from training heavy sports with muscle spasms of the lower back;
  • Violated the metabolism;
  • The abuse of nicotine and alcohol.


Symptoms for this pathology is of a different nature. It all depends on the lifestyle of the patient, the degree of progression of the disease, the cause of her lower Back. excessive bends or over-leveled. Symptoms when a minor breach will be minimal, people might not even understand what it is. Discomfort can hardly arise, except fatigue. The pathology will manifest itself a little later.

As you increase the angle of bend occurs pain, aggravated by voluntary and involuntary deflection of the back. The human changes gait, posture deteriorates, belly goes forward, and the buttocks back.

When geologise the picture is somewhat different: the lower back becomes flat, the back rounded, the pain concentrates in the lower back.

kak proyavlyaetsya giperlordoz

In both cases, the pathology is dangerous and you need to contact the doctor to obtain high-quality treatment. In addition, what person overcome pain, increases the risk of many diseases. Here are some manifestations:

  • href="http://spine.vsebolezni.com/boli-v-poyasnitse/bol-otdayushhaya-v-yagoditsu.html">Pain radiating to the buttocks;
  • Loss of sensitivity of the legs, numbness;
  • It's hard to walk for a long time, quickly there is pain with movement;
  • Disruption of the pelvic organs;
  • Women experience increased pain during menstruation;
  • In men may cause potency;
  • Disruptions in the digestive system.


Knowing what a lordosis in the lower back, it is possible to understand is, you have it or not. This method of self diagnosis can be applied only to hyperlordosis is when the lower back is too concave.

You can just be in the fence to the wall, align the back and see if to pass your hand between the lower back and the wall. If you can – should be addressed to the traumatologist.

The surgeon conducts the primary inspection, probes some problem areas, makes a complete survey of the patient. It's important to observe all symptoms of the disease, it will be very important for diagnosis and future treatment.

kak diagnostirovat giperlordoz ili gipolordoz

As in many pathologies of the spine, for the Lord in the lower back there are several types of diagnostics:

  • Radiography is simple and accessible to all method of examination gives General information about the disease, but sometimes their is not enough;
  • Computed tomography is an excellent method of survey gives very detailed images of bone, but soft tissue damage does not affect and is contraindicated in pregnant;
  • Magnetic resonance imaging is the most effective diagnostic method that can help you learn all about disturbing pathology, learn all the details and details without injury and pain.


Proper treatment of the lumbar lordosis should be diverse, we need to influence the pathology from all sides. Any disease of the spine requires comprehensive treatment to achieve a therapeutic effect.

When lordosis lumbar treatment must deal with a highly qualified specialist. As often with such pathology occurs low back pain, the specialist can be a spine or a neurologist. If the cause of pathology are not defects of the spine and other dangerous diseases, such as disorders of the digestive tract – necessary assistance to the gastroenterologist.

In the presence of metastases, need the help of an oncologist, it is necessary to act very quickly. This pathology is incredibly dangerous.

The most common variant of osteochondrosis and its complications. Consider treatment in such circumstances


The doctor, on the basis of individual examination and investigation, may designate a course of such drugs:

  • Chondroprotectors. Help to accelerate the regeneration of cartilage tissue, to stop the processes of destruction of structural integrity of intervertebral disks. Without such medications may be ineffective.
  • The muscle relaxants. Relieve muscle spasm, to help improve blood circulation in the affected area.
  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Help relieve swelling, to reduce inflammation, to reduce pain.
  • Pain medication. Intended for a person's return to normal life. Help with the pain.
  • Antidepressants. Powerful drugs that are used very rarely in severe pain.
  • Vitamin – mineral complex. Is used for strengthening immunity, strengthen bone and cartilage.

All medicines must appoint a physician, unauthorized use can lead to severe complications.


Physical therapy

To eliminate the pain, strengthen the muscles and speed recovery, using physiotherapy. This includes: massages, treatments, exercises. If you correctly combine all the ingredients, recovery will not be forthcoming.

Good therapeutic effect have procedures such as :

  • Electrophoresis with painkillers;
  • Acupuncture - point stimulation;
  • Leeches – as a way to restore the impaired circulation;
  • The stimulation of nerve endings by the current of small force;
  • The stretching of the spine under water or in special devices in the hospital;
  • Effects of magnetic field.

Such procedures, if properly carried out, is able to greatly rectify the situation and speed recovery.


Massage treatments must be performed by qualified masseur who knows his business. You need to massage the area of the lumbosacral and buttock.

To effectively treat the disease, do not put pressure on the spine itself, it may increase the pain and lead to pinched spinal nerves. It is importantnot to make any sudden movements, just smooth and soft.


There are many different exercisesthat will explain to you how to fix your posture, get rid of pain in hyperlordosis and strengthen the muscle corset. Here are some examples:

  • Lying on your back, you need to align your back and stomach, reducing the lumbar curvature, flexing cramped muscles and relieving the burden on compressed intervertebral disc.
  • Feet shoulder width apart. Do the slopes: you should aim to round the back in the lower back, but without pressure, gently.
  • Can lying down or on the bar to tighten up, rounding the lower back, removing the load.
  • You can try to do squats, not odvoda the waist, keeping the back at this level.

The set of such or similar exercises are simply necessary to eliminate the excessive bend at the waist. Any correction of abnormalities of the spine should include kneading and stretching exercises. This will not only help make the back stronger, more resistant, but will lock the spine in the desired position.

It is important to always warm up before any exercise and don't make any sudden movements. Better to have an expert watching you and made no mistakes in the art. If you do everything right, pathology retreat.


In some cases, when pathological change is bothering the person since birth, the doctor gives the direction of the operation. Of course, any surgical intervention, especially in the structure of the spine, could be dangerous. People can remain disabled, or an infection in the body.

If conservative methods to correct lordosis is impossible, then surgery: the damaged vertebra is removed and replaced with artificial; the variant of metal elements.

operaciya lordoz


Running pathology can lead to irreversible consequences. The person can refuse kidney separate a pinched spinal nerves lead to infertility or erectile dysfunction. In severe cases, the pathology provokes paralysis of the lower limbs.


The best preventative measure to pathological processes in the spine will become healthy and active lifestyle. You want to exclude from life the heavy power sports, because it increases the risk of pathologies of the spine many times. When you workout in the gym, you need to choose moderate weight, to observe and to consult with the coach.

Necessary in the morning to do exercises. In sedentary work need to maintain the correct posture, periodically stand up and stretch.

Sometimes you can hang on the bar, it relaxes the spine.

It is necessary to abandon bad habits, to respect the day, time to go to bed. The mattress is best to buy orthopedic semi-rigid. You can pick him a special pillow.