Home / Scoliosis: extent, causes, symptoms, treatment of spinal curvature / What is the danger of scoliosis, if left untreated: consequences for the organism

What is the danger of scoliosis, if left untreated: consequences for the organism

Bad posture not only looks unattractive, but can lead to disability. The effects of scoliosis global and apply to all the organs and systems of the body. Scoliosis in the early stages respond well to treatment, so noticing the first signs of curvature or the child, think, how dangerous is scoliosis and can lead to ignoring the problem.

Posledstviya skolioza

At an early age spinal curvature can be caused by incorrect seat at the table, while working on the computer with one hand clicks the mouse, so a little sticks out forward. Even innocent music lessons can result in the development of scoliosis. The child's body is so flexible and agile that even the constant bow movement can cause involuntary displacement of the vertebrae. Among other reasons are: metabolic rate, increased range of motion in the joints, congenital abnormalities of the spine, bad heredity.

4 stages of scoliosis

The effects of scoliosis depends on how the disease progressed:

  1. The first stage is the easiest. The curve is no more than ten degrees. Pathology can diagnose visually, changes visible only on x-ray. The first degree of scoliosis does not represent a great danger, so as not to affect the quality of life;
  2. In the second stage, an angle greater than 10 degrees and can reach 25. The deviation is noticeable upon visual inspection: one forearm is below the other. This intermediate stage, scoliosis is easily treatable with physical therapy;
  3. At the third stage, the curvature reaches 50 degrees. The human figure becomes asymmetric. Therapy for grade 3 involves wearing a special corset. Brewing the need for surgical intervention;
  4. In the fourth stage the warping angle crosses over around 50 degrees. Pathology affects the internal organs. Conservative therapy is futile, the patient shows surgery.

Stadii skolioza

How dangerous is scoliosis?

At first, appears stoop, incorrect posture, raznourovnevoj shoulders, asymmetry of body parts. In the later stages appears intercostal hump, deformed thorax. Scoliosis of the spine accompanied by pain that occur after exercise and during a long static position of the body. Patients complain of fatigue.

Curvature of the spine are forcing people to adjust their way of life: do not make sudden movements, avoid lifting heavy objects. Banned such sports as badminton, basketball and volleyball. Athletes have more developed one side of the body, and it can aggravate the disease. To dance classes and gymnastics should be approached with caution, because they imply the presence of rotational motions that should be avoided at lateral offset of the vertebral column.

In scoliosis the spine bends sideways to the right or to the left. At the same time begin to speak of the scapula and ribs. Often in the thoracic shift occurs in the left side, and back to the right. Then the spine becomes S-shaped.

In the thoracic

In scoliosis of the thoracic affects all organs located within the thorax. The effects of scoliosis in the thoracic spine:

  • A pinched nerve;
  • Vertebral artery syndrome;
  • The displacement of the bodies;
  • The metabolic disorder;
  • The development of pathologies of internal organs.

The deformation of the spine affects almost all body systems from respiratory to urinary.

Skolioz grudnogo otdela

Thoracic scoliosis at all stages except the first leads to respiratory failure and cardiac. The ribs connected to the spine, so the deformation of the cervical-thoracic observed the offset. This leads to a change of the shape of lung at maximum inhalation amount of air taken is reduced. Lateral deformation of the dangerous cardiac disease, manifested as dysfunction of the right division of the body caused by compression and impaired blood supply to the lungs.

Violations in the work of the heart and lungs is noticeable at once. The first bell – shortness of breath whenexercise. Enough to climb stairs and will have shortness of breath. Further the patient has high blood pressure, increases the heart rate. If electrocardiography can be diagnosed the rhythm of the heartbeat and even myocardial damage.

People with scoliosis suffer from coronary heart disease. The disease, doctors prescribe medications that help improve blood circulation to the heart muscle.

High blood pressure caused by displacement of the spinal column, is not normal when the medication. In the treatment of hypertension specialists rarely pay attention to the condition of the spine of the patient. And the fact hypertension can be a clear symptom of scoliosis.

In the lumbar

The curvature in the lumbar region turn out a whole set of violations. The effects of scoliosis in the lumbar spine:

  • There is swelling in the lower extremities;
  • Weakens the muscle tone of the abdomen;
  • Flatulence;
  • Violation of the chair, shown in the form of frequent constipation;
  • Frequent urination;
  • Stagnation in the pelvic organs and in the digestive tract.

Scoliosis happening brittle bones, called osteoporosis. The most severe complication is compression of the spinal cord and further paralysis of the legs, up to complete immobilization.

Lechenie skolioza 4 stadii

Suffering and the nervous system. Mental disorder – frequent companions of scoliosis. Especially harmful is the curvature of the spine during periods of growth and development. The danger is that leads to psychological trauma, for example, in the form of complexes about the appearance of imperfections. A teenager may feel inferior because of the ridicule of their peers. The child fears the progression of the disease, the possible surgical intervention.

Youthful idiopathic scoliosis turns into a blurred vision, muscle twitching, disorders of reflexes and loss of sensitivity.

Scoliosis and disability

Scoliosis can indeed result in disability. Half of the people diagnosed with stage 4 becomes disabled. Patients are not able to do even simple chores around the house, often can not always take care of themselves. The patient requires assistance. The person is unable to work due to extravascular compression of vertebral arteries, disturbed thought processes due to inadequate nutrition of the brain. Scoliosis and its consequences can lead to loss of motor activity.

The presence of spinal deformities in children of school age leads to problems with memory and assimilation of new material.

It is important to go to a medical facility, because the disease in the early stages lends itself perfectly to conservative treatment, in which the spine is returned to its original appearance. Diagnosis in the early stages helps to avoid serious consequences of spinal curvature.