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The hump on the back: why does it occur and how to align, prevention

Unfortunately, poor posture has become almost the norm for the average person. The problem with age is aggravated, if not timely to decide how to treat the problem back, after 45 years, the probability to detect a hump on the back. Of course, the pathology does not emerge overnight, learn how to get rid of the hump on the back, not bringing the issue to a peak. But people tend to ignore the initial stage of the disease, spohvatilas when unsightly education begin to notice strangers.

Gorb na spine


At risk are middle-aged women. To the question, why is the hump on the back, there is no definite answer. The reason that occurs gradually overlap each other and as a result, the back is ugly bulge kyphosis. Regain a healthy posture, finding out how to remove the hump on the back, perhaps, to start finding out the causes of pathology.

  • Hormonal imbalance – when there is failure of the adrenal glands fails on the regulation of protein and fat metabolism. Adrenal insufficiency causes an excess of fat deposits on the back. Disease Itsenko-Kushinga (deficit glucosteroids) body fat is redistributed so that the legs unnaturally exhausted, and in the lumbar hump is formed.
  • Miguelez – a disease arising from excessive physical activity, when the actual load on skeletal muscles exceeds the capacity of the muscle fibers. Trying to be protected from trauma, the muscles are compacted and appear lumpy.
  • Low back pain is a curving of the spine for various reasons, leading to pathology in the form of a hump.
  • Klimaticheskie changes in women, subcutaneous fat is redistributed through a reduction in kolichestva sex hormones. In the region of 7 vertebrae formed cushion, thickening, consisting of fat cells.

The effect of the hump

In addition to aesthetic problems as well as inconveniences of a social nature, the hump on the back can lead to serious irreversible consequences: deformity of the chest due to the curvature of the spine, compression of the mediastinum, lung volume reduction, cardiac disorders. Due to the curvature of the spine, the distance between the vertebrae decreases, the situation is not right, causing pressure on the nerve roots. As a result, pain in the back, loss of sensitivity and paralysis of the lower body.

When changes in the cervical spine is compressed neck arteries, can cause disruption of blood supply to the occipital part of the brain, causing pain, dizziness, nausea, possible unconsciousness.

Treatment and prevention

It should be understood that incompetent intervention in the treatment of hump on the back can be fraught with even greater complications. Therefore, expert advice when choosing a method of treatment required. Depending on species, degree of development and the extent of the disease can be assigned to different types of therapy.

Lechenie i profilaktika gorba na spine

  • Therapeutic physical training. The practice of adequate physical activity helps to strengthen a muscular corset, to form a stereotype of the correct body position to return the natural physiologic state of the spinal column. With regular scheduled exercise program in the patient's condition improved immensely. The intensity of physical activity and specific exercises are assigned to each patient on an individual basis. In complex cases, supervision of training specialist, who says what to do and how, is highly desirable.
  • Physiotherapy methods of exposure involve the improvement and restoration of sensitivity of the nerve endings. As physiotherapy can be assigned: magnetic therapy, paraffin, mud, ultrasound, electrical stimulation of muscles, heat. Chosen to treat the procedure helps to restore muscle tone, improve blood circulation, restore normal metabolism.
  • Manual therapy involves mechanical effect on the position of the vertebrae and returning them to the correct position. Chiropractor – a specialist high-class, perfectly knows anatomy and has intuition, on which depends the successful treatment. You should make sure whether you can trust the chiropractor because of the inept effects on the spine can lead to unpredictable and irreversible consequences. It is better to choose a specialist for advice. Repeated session administered after three days, the numbersessions is determined individually.
  • Massage appointed, as an independent or concomitant manual therapy procedure. Through the course of the massage increases muscle tone, eliminates clamps, the restoration of normal blood flow contributes to the normalization of metabolic processes and, as a consequence, the recovery of tissues, slows down the destruction of the intervertebral discs and overall progress of the disease.
  • Orthotics – assistive orthopaedic appliances (corsets) to restore the lost ability to right posture. In each case the fixture is selected individually.
  • Swimming is prescribed to patients with problematic back is always under the supervision of a coach. Regular exercises to restore the ability to the correct breathing, strengthen your back muscles, helping to clean the arising deformation of the spine, to make the normal posture.

See also: the Violation of posture in children

The symptoms and stages of development

It is important to notice the beginning of the spinal deformity, and to correct the problem before it reaches catastrophic proportions. The hump on the back does not appear immediately if you notice any postural abnormalities and back pain are commonplace, there is reason for concern and treatment from a specialist. To miss the initial stage of development of a hump on the back, the average degree impossible not to notice.

Humped back, pronounced sagnotti, concave chest, protruding stomach - these are clear symptoms of ignore will not work.

Over time, due to improper shoulder position, the head is pushed forward and the neck is visibly shortened, the spine takes the obvious S-shaped. If at this stage nothing is done, severe manifest pretty quickly. Curvature of the spine will worsen lumbar lordosis to compensate arose on the back of growth, clearly reduced growth of the patient, muscle drabot, disruption of blood circulation and metabolism will not allow the body to function properly, the internal organs will occur with the violation, to cure the disease completely in the third stage is almost impossible.

Simptomy i stadii razvitiya gorba na spine

Should not wait until changes in the body under the weight of the hump on the back would be irreversible, competent prevention, timely recognition of the problem, a visit to a specialist, accurate and regular implementation of the recommendations of how to remedy the situation, will help to avoid development of the disease.