Home / Scoliosis: extent, causes, symptoms, treatment of spinal curvature

Scoliosis: extent, causes, symptoms, treatment of spinal curvature

Scoliosis – congenital, but more often acquired deformation of the spine. Distinguish the types of scoliotic curvature of the spine, which classify the type and degree of deformation. So depending on the type of curvature there are three types of scoliosis.

S-shaped scoliosis – the curvature is an arc to the right or left. S-shape – deformation on the two arcs, right and left. Z-shaped – curvature of the spine in three arcs to the right, left and down axis.

Degree scoliotic curvature depends on the angle of curvature of the arc. So the first degree of scoliosis allows a deviation from the vertical line at 1°-10°, the second degree – a variance of 11° to 25°, the third degree of deviation of 26°-50°, respectively, the fourth degree between 50° and above.

Prerequisites for scoliosis occur in adolescence period when the adolescent begins the rapid growth of the body. It is believed that the main cause of scoliosis is a lifestyle child-student. The habit of sitting at a Desk in an uncomfortable position, low mobility for most of the day, games on the computer at home, instead of active games and running around in the yard can actually become a condition for the development of spinal curvature.

Treatment of scoliotic curvatures 1-3 degrees is conservative. Prescribe therapeutic exercise, therapeutic massage, physical therapy, wearing a special corset.

For treatment 4 degrees of scoliosis, these measures are not enough. Most likely will not be able to avoid surgery. During the operation the spine is aligned surgically and fix special plates. Followed by a long rehabilitation. Read more about the causes, symptoms and treatment of scoliosis read more in the section.

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