Home / Scoliosis: extent, causes, symptoms, treatment of spinal curvature / Prevention of scoliosis among children of preschool and school age

Prevention of scoliosis among children of preschool and school age

Preventing curvature of the spine becomes necessary when a person is forced to sit a lot in one position. In the end, the load on the spine is distributed unevenly and the result is scoliosis. Particularly urgent is the prevention of scoliosis in children. Their skeleton is not yet formed, with the beginning of school it is subjected to heavy loads. The child needs to sit a few hours in school and then do homework at the same Desk. And this despite the fact that the school furniture is often made without taking into account the anatomical features.

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The fact that students have to sit, do not change. But it is possible to organize the prevention and workplace house. To form the habit of keep a healthy posture. We should not forget about true chosen backpack and shoes. But if the risk of scoliosis is already there, will help such measures of prevention as Wellness exercise classes and massage treatments.

Methods of prevention of scoliosis

If there is a danger of scoliosis, prevention will help to prevent the development of pathology. Preventive measures are already relevant in childhood. Because most risk when the spine is formed and the figure of the future adult.

The most effective physical therapy, massage, physiotherapy and exercises in the pool. These treatment methods are, in principle, used when developing the pathologies of the back and to prevent them. They improve blood circulation, cell metabolism, restore elasticity of the intervertebral discs, prevent the formation of salt clusters.

Special attention in the prevention of scoliosis in schoolchildren should be paid to their situation in class and practicing at home. If the child is always in the same wrong position, it can change shape and develop scoliosis.

Posture and workplace

In the sitting position the human spine is experiencing heavy loads. Therefore, taking into account how much the average student sits at a Desk and work Desk, ensure correct position. It is impossible to the student sitting in the tilt forward or to the side. It needs to keep your back straight, resting on the back of a chair.

Table and seat for a child you need to find the height individually, so as to carry out prevention against scoliosis. The knee joint must naturally take the position of a right angle. The same applies to the relationships between the body and thighs. Feet should always execute a way to remove load from the vertebrae. If the chair is too high, under the feet should stand or small bench.

The table edge should be positioned a couple of inches below the thorax, to the rested the elbow joints on the table. He should not stoop or lift your hands. Between the body and the table to a distance of ten centimeters. A stand for textbooks useful, to avoid any traction to sit crooked.

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Psychological factors

Child psychologists also argue that it is incorrect to position the chair to face the wall. Children unconsciously sit sutulo and provoke a scoliosis, if you see in front of a large repetitive wall. The stronger this effect, if the school environment and collective problem.

It is better to decorate the wall shelves or closet where by little master placed his favorite things. It'll be a distraction, generate positive emotions create a sense of space. The main thing – that these design elements was the personal choice of the student, and then the tightness will disappear, and the risk of development of scoliosis is reduced.

Students begin to slouch because weak light. If the books and notebooks are hard to see, the man immediately leans to better see them. If the lessons are in the evening, one table lamp a little – hang in the room a couple of lights. To engage the student needs no more than an hour in a row, better – 45 mins then need to rest for 10-15 min., it is Desirable to relax actively – have to get up, straighten your shoulders, stretch. This is a good preventive measure against scoliosis, even in the case of an adult.

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Buy any backpack

It so happened that in the post-Soviet territory, even first-graders have to wear to school, large backpacks with lots of books. But in addition to them also other accessories are often interchangeable form of sport. This permanent load is a risk to the child's posture, slowly causing the development of scoliosis.

Doctors recommend to buy school bags with orthopedic back support. It fixes the back, repeating the natural curves of the back. Please note that the backpack was not wider than the child's shoulders, not hanging down below the belt. To prevent scoliosis, backpack straps should be large and robust, with adjustable length to match it to the child and to reduce the load.

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Pick healthy shoes

School shoes for the prevention of scoliosis should have a high heel and still be comfortable. It is desirable to put orthotics. This will help not only to eliminate the factors in the development of scoliosis, but also to ensure the prevention of flatfoot. Pay attention to the shoes in the prevention of scoliosis in children of preschool age. Do not pay attention to the appearance of a model, unless it is clearly not suitable for a child or he feels it discomfort.

Check your purchase. Even if your son or daughter easily wears shoes, he should still easily bend inside foot. Winter shoes should not slide, otherwise the child's body will offset the balance of the additional load on the spine. Do not buy sneakers and shoes far can "grow". Need to get comfortable in them always. Space for growth, however, the model needs to leave – otherwise it may be a situation that the child a long time goes into a small size Shoe.


Massage good already from the first months of human life for the prevention of diseases of the skeleton. Moreover, newborns have a need – every day you need to massage the feet and hands of the baby. This will be a good prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system in the future, in particular scoliosis.

To prevent scoliosis, massage therapist works specific techniques on the muscles of the spine. Stabiliziruemost and comes in a symmetrical condition the fabric of the muscles, improves blood circulation back, eliminating the discomfort and fatigue. To carry out massage treatments can be at home yourself, this is one of their advantages.


The work of a physiotherapist is to heat the region of the spinal deformity and to return to his natural position, to remove the risk of development of scoliosis. For therapeutic purposes, it uses ultrasound, phonophoresis, electrophoresis, magnetic fields, low-frequency current.


Swimming – the best prevention of scoliosis. When a person is in the water, the load on the spine is distributed evenly, muscle spasms go, the risk of scoliosis of the spine disappears. Muscles are thus strengthened and the likelihood that it will relieve stress on the spine, getting smaller. Swimming gives a natural stretch, which normalizes the state of the intervertebral discs, keeping the spine healthy and elastic, preventing the development of scoliosis.

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How to prevent scoliosis, to ensure its prevention? First therapeutic exercise. There are specific exercises for scoliosis aimed at its prevention. Most popular exercises:

  • Stand up, start to rotate the shoulders back five times, then five times forward;
  • Put your fingers on the shoulders, spread the elbows and rotate them five times in different directions;
  • Pressed to the wall, step forward, without lifting your upper back from the support;
  • The classic "Bicycle". Lie down on the Mat, raise your legs and pretend to be pedaling;
  • Without changing posture, lift the leg even higher and move your legs by crossing them. Lift gently the housing. Movements are performed half a minute;
  • Standing on the floor, raise the hand that is on the side where the curved spine is not poking out. Drag the hand up, concentrating on the straightening and stretching of the ridge;
  • Tap the wall to the side, where it goes crooked back. And the other hand lift and pull to the wall.

If you or your child has such symptoms as pain in an attempt to spread the shoulder belt or straighten your back, pay attention to thisa simple complex. This is a good answer to the question of how to avoid scoliosis in the future, to ensure its prevention.

Morning exercise

These exercises are performed in the initial position lying on back:

  • One pull knees to chest, hugging them with your hands and simultaneously pulling the toes towards yourself;
  • Connect fingers in the occipital region, raise your legs at a right angle. Raise the body to the maximum far, trying to touch elbow to the opposite knee. First, left elbow to right knee, then Vice versa. Ten repetitions will be enough;
  • Bending his legs at the knee, grab onto your head and elbows try to lift your buttocks and hold this position for several seconds.

Then, on all fours, go on:

  • The maximum pull your knees in turn to the arm with the other hand;
  • Straighten your back, then bend it to the bridge. Head it should stretch in the direction opposite to the loins;
  • Make explicit provision left arm and right leg then right arm and left leg. Do a few repetitions.

General guidelines

The best prevention of spinal curvature – the healthy way of life. Correct diet, gymnastic exercises, walking on the street and enough sleep.

To strengthen the student's spine and give him the strength to cope with the forthcoming day stress, will teach him to morning exercises.

Diet, in turn, should not contain a lot of salt, fatty and spicy – such food affects the metabolism and weakens the back, which could be an additional factor in the development of scoliosis. In the period of hard study at school is to begin taking vitamin-mineral complexes that support the skeleton of the student.

Important point – the bed on which you sleep or your children. Invalid too soft or firm mattresses and pillows – they distort the natural position of the spine. The bed should be of medium hardness, it is better to choose the mattress and pillow. It is more expensive but will save you money in the future will have to spend on treatment of scoliosis and other pathologies of the spine.

To take care of the health of your son or daughter have on the stage of pregnancy. Taking vitamin-mineral complexes during this time, you will reduce the risk of developing scoliosis in their children in the future. Also worth a little more to go and spend time in the sun to have your child receive the vitamin D needed for strong bones. You need to avoid the permanent rest – otherwise the child from his mother's womb will not be adapted to physical activity.