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Violation of posture in children of preschool and school-age treatment

The first impression about a person is formed, including how exactly he's holding back, that is the correct posture. In addition to the favorable impact on others, it is also the guarantee of human health. Incorrect posture entails, in addition to excessive load on the spine, many problems in the work of all organs and systems, primarily musculoskeletal.

People of the upper classes around the world was watching very carefully the bearing of children from an early age. Today, parents pay little attention to how the child holds the back. In the endless parental care, they follow the diet, behavior, training your baby, and about the violation of posture in children of preschool age, the parents find out at the doctor when the problem has already appeared.

How to recognize violations of posture?

The child's body is growing rapidly, so the formation of posture occurs up to 24 years of age. Curvature of spine in school-age children can be caused by many factors, so his health should be checked annually. Correct posture is characterized by the following features:

  • The body is vertically placed;
  • The chest is deployed;
  • Stomach muscles tightened;
  • The blades are located close to each other;
  • Shoulders are taken away.

Pathology consider any violations of these signs. Doctors are three degrees of spinal curvature:

  • 1 degree – the child is able to keep your back straight and level, but forgets about it, and in a free position, his posture broken;
  • Stage 2 – rough position of the spine is corrected, if the child hanging on the bar and the straightening of the body.
  • Stage 3 – violations persist even when the vis on the crossbar.

Why spoil posture?

The causes of violations of posture in children may be congenital or acquired. The violations identified immediately after birth can be caused fetal abnormalities in the formation of the spinal column, reproductive injuries. Often curvature of the spine are acquired in nature.

The reasons why the child is disturbed posture, can become social conditions, namely:

  • Sedentary lifestyle;
  • Uncomfortable furniture, it is a mismatch to the growth of the child;
  • Poor lighting desktop;
  • The carrying of the briefcase on one shoulder or use instead of bags or packages, etc.

In all these cases, the child is fixed with an incorrect position, in which it is located for a long time, and over time, the habit persists. Also on the formation of posture in children of preschool age are affected, and how adults care for them in infancy.

Posture adverse to wearing the baby on one arm, sitting down a child up to five or six months of age, attempts to put the baby on his feet too soon, as well as finding a walking child to walk continuously from one side only from the parent.

Also the development of proper posture much in the way of the following health factors:

  • The lack of load on muscles;
  • Weight;
  • Malnutrition;
  • Nerazmennye the mode of the day;
  • Insufficient consumption of vitamins and minerals;
  • Somatic debility.

The consequences of poor posture

Incorrect posture in the child when the body is being shaped, inevitably leads to a lot of trouble, namely:

  • Internal organs descend, they are compressed, resulting in can develop the disease or disorder to all systems and organs;
  • Due to the disruption of normal blood circulation becomes worse memory, headaches, fatigue;
  • Lung capacity is noticeably reduced;
  • Pain in the back, the child becomes hard to sit a long time;
  • Shortness of breath, lagging in physical development and more.

If the posture is disrupted with displacement of the vertebral axis in the direction, this is called a scoliotic arc. True scoliosis it can be distinguished only by x-rays. Nevertheless, this disease is not less dangerous than serious and scoliosis curvature entails a disability.

More susceptible to other scoliosis girls from 11 to 14 when it is growing very rapidly, and thus begins puberty. This is due to the fact that muscle mass does not keep pace with the rapid growth of the skeleton. Curvature of the spine canaccompanied by the emergence of the vertebral hump. During the inspection of such a child, it is possible to notice a large protrusion in the breast area. These children, pain in the chest, it becomes difficult just to rely on the back of a chair.

Treatment and prevention

Human skeleton, including the spine, begins to form long before birth and continues until adulthood. Especially important is the period up to when the child very rapidly learns to master his body, to hold his head, sit, stand walk. At this time, it is important not to harm the child's spine. This will help with some recommendations:

  • Do not teach your baby to sleep on soft and not set it on the cushion.
  • With the birth of the child is periodically spread on the tummy, and after three months, his Wake should take place predominantly in this position.
  • It is not necessary to drive the child's hands until he learned to walk again. The same applies to sitting down kid – no need to put him in the high chair, between the cushions or on his knees until he began to do this on their own.
  • You don't have to carry a child on one hand.
  • To observe how well the kid is holding your back when sitting on the chair can have two to three years.

Especially need to carefully follow the correct posture of the student, since high loads during long periods of sitting at a Desk or at a computer provoke the development of postural disorders in adolescents.

To prevent any possible negative effects possible, with treatment by the methods of correct posture in children, which can be applied to adults.

A corset

Several centuries ago European nobility widely used rigid corsets which did not allow them to slouch. And Japanese young people are specially stitched into the clothes heavy wooden or metal plates, which are forced to keep your back straight. Today, a corset can be purchased in pharmacies and orthopedic shops. He is chosen strictly individually, depending on the growth and dimensions of the back child or adult. But initially you need to consult an orthopedist about when and how much you need to wear a corset. This device will help to develop the habit keep your back straight as to bend it quite difficult.

With proper selection of the size and compliance, posture corrector is absolutely safe to all without exception and carries only a positive effect.


The formation of posture in children of preschool age is impossible without regular exercise. Sports is the most effective measure for posture correction in children. But if the violations and have a pronounced need to consult your doctor. It will help to determine the most effective and safe sports and exercises for the specific violation. The best for the treatment of postural disorders in a child are physical activities swimming, dancing, gymnastics, riding, yoga.

Physical therapy

How to correct bad posture of a teenager, tell the doctor – specialist in physical therapy. There are special complexes of exercises, aimed mainly to strengthen the spinal muscles and improving the work of the entire muscular system of man. Such classes should be conducted regularly in the form of a morning exercise or to unwind after school lessons. If the child has a severe case of spinal curvature, start treating him better in the special room patients under the supervision of a specialist.