Exercises herniated lumbar spine, video

Exercises herniated lumbar spine aimed primarily to strengthen the muscle girth of the waist — complex longitudinal and transverse muscles, tightening and strengthening the spine. These muscles hold the vertebrae and intervertebral discs on the same axis, do not allow them to shift and squeeze the surrounding tissue. Regular physical therapy a herniated lumbar spine is the most effective preventive measure. In the future it prevents grigioperla pinching in the lower back, causing pain; insures their short-term and long-term physiological effects leading to reduced mobility and a complete paralysis of the lower body.

Uprazhneniya pri gryzhe poyasnichnogo otdela pozvonochnika

The mechanism of action of exercise therapy on the lower back

Each exercise in therapeutic gymnastics in the herniated lumbar spine is focused on the development of a certain group of muscle fibers. Dynamic and static stress of its own weight of the body alternately is directed to the dorsal, ventral, and lateral part of the muscles of the lower back. It stimulates:

  • Blood circulation in the lumbar region;
  • The process proceeds in the lower back nutrients and outputting the products;
  • The restoration of normal spinal cord conduction and all of its lumbar branches regulating the functions of internal organs of the abdomen and lower extremities.

By systematically charging when the hernia of the lumbar spine, conducted according to modern therapeutic procedure:

  • Growing muscle tissue;
  • Strengthens the connection of the vertebrae in the lumbar region;
  • Decreasing the probability of slipping or proslavleniye of the intervertebral discs and the corresponding occurrence of the hernia.

Gymnastics, hernia, formed on the border of the lumbar and sacral spine as an extended version of the conservative exposure allows for even further stimulate the urogenital system. Physical exercises enhance blood circulation, neuroregulation, metabolic capacity, immunological properties of the vital organs of the pelvis. Positive consequences are:

  • More effective resistance to external infections and the resulting inflammation;
  • The restoration capabilities of the organs of the pelvis.

What you need to know before school starts

Therapeutic exercise herniated lumbar requires a few preliminary rules:

  • To control the pain. Start charging is possible only in the absence of these symptoms in the lower back. Exercises that cause a little discomfort, should be performed very slowly, avoiding increased pain.
  • To avoid stress, leading to severe pain. In the process of training him to have to go back. With the right choice of therapeutic methods unpleasant feelings will eventually become dull or disappear altogether.
  • During the first classes physical therapy not recommended: "twist" back in the turns; to jump; tap on the spine; sharply bend forward and backward; to strain painful places of the lumbar region.
  • To follow the amplitude of movements and workload: they must increase gradually.
  • All the exercises are split into several sets, from the easiest to the more complex. Execute them sequentially several times during the day.

See also: chiropractic herniation of the lumbar spine.

Only in such a leisurely way, you can enter into an optimal rhythm, heal and strengthen the lower back.

The most effective methods

The complex of exercises for lumbar hernia is performed mainly in a reclining position. To meet the need on the back. The surface must be solid and straight. As bedding it is better to use a thin cloth pad. Softer materials will cause deflection of the spine and reduce the therapeutic effect. The main complex is preceded by a warm-up.

Light massage:

  • Stroking with the palms of the muscles of the lumbar region;
  • Rubbing the fingers of both hands the longitudinal muscles of the spine along the spinous processes.
  • Walking in place with the transfer of weight from one foot to the other (the feet are not lifted from the floor).
  • Stretching from position "standing" (arms down at the seams):
  • In the breath the arms are raised up, legs stretched, relying on the finger pads;
  • On the exhale is engaged in the starting position.

Immediately following the warm-up begins the main therapeutic stage. A number of specific exercises for the lumbar hernia of the spine depends on the fitness of the subject and ranges inaverage 3 to 15 times on each problem:

The initial position (NP) No. 1:

  • His arms out to the sides palms down;
  • Legs compressed, elongated;
  • The head is orientated in the forward direction.

The execution order of tasks:

  • Slightly bend at the knees both legs;
  • Stretch press;
  • Relax
  • Repeat the exercise until you feel fatigue.

NP — same as above.

  • -To sink, to relax;
  • To repeat the exercise.

Op No. 1:

  • To prosohnut both legs at the knees;
  • Lift the left arm is brought forward, the palm down on right knee;
  • Make an attempt to raise the knee of the right leg with overcoming the resistance of the left hand (the effort to save a few seconds).
  • After a short relaxation, repeat the exercise with your right arm and left knee.

Once you have completed these exercises should become more complicated gymnastics in a lumbar hernia. All exercises for one part of the body is duplicated on another redo each problem from 2 to 12 times.

Op No. 1:

  • The arms extended at the sides with palms down;
  • The legs are compressed, stretched straight;
  • Right oriented head.

All movements of the limbs are made strictly on the account:

  • Time to lift left leg;
  • Two — perehlestnut her front right to turn the head to the left;
  • Three to the head to straighten that left leg to remove with the right foot;
  • Four lower left leg.

Op No. 2:

  • The position of both hands, as in the previous exercise;
  • Heel shifted to the buttocks, knees ultimately divorced.
  • Time to roll the trunk to the right side (without moving the pelvic area);
  • Two to the head to rotate to the left.
  • Three and four — motion run in reverse order.

Op No. 1.

  • Times — left foot to put on the right knee.
  • Two to the torso to roll to the left, head to the right;
  • Three and four — consecutive return body parts to their original position.

Op No. 3:

  • Hands lowered with the palms spread apart on the sides
  • Heel pushed to buttock,
  • Knees closed.

The sequence of the tasks:

  • Time feet left the floor, knees drawn to the abdominal wall;
  • Two — torso twisted to the right, the head is thus rotated to the left.
  • Three and four — the body takes its original position.

kak vypolnyat uprazhneniya pri poyasnichnoj gryzhe

Op No. 1.

  • Time left heel to rest against the toes of the right foot.
  • Two to the torso turning to the right, head in the same time rolled to the left.
  • On "three and four" to return to the No. 1 position.
  • The initial position is the same.
  • When "one" is to throw back part of the left ankle on the knee of the right leg.
  • Two — take the left knee to the side and deploy the right torso (head to turn left).
  • "Three", "four" — to return to position # 1.

NP — same as above. Breathing — deep abdominal type.

  • His hands spread along the body;
  • At the peak of the breath to hold your breath for 5-8 seconds, to stretch the abdominal wall;
  • In the original position and relax.

The task is performed 10-15 times in a row.

The position is the same. Knees raised above the floor.


  • Hands to lift, to pull in front of him:
  • Lifting your shoulders off the floor and straining press the stomach, pull the hands to the knees.

Every attempt to reach out should last at least 8 seconds.

The exercise is done sitting on the Mat:

  • Squat;
  • Sustainability rests in the palm of gender;
  • Arching your lower back, move hands forward until the limit (the heel from the floor do not tear).

Repeat up to 10 times.

Starting position:

  • Stand up, feet spread at shoulder level, palms clench into a fist to get back to the line of the spine.
  • On the inhale press the knuckles of the spine upper lumbar vertebrae and lead him by the hand towards the pelvic region;
  • On the exhale, return the fists to the upper spine and continue the massage.

Is 10-15 massaging movements.

Contraindications of therapeutic exercises for a herniated lumbar spine are:

  • Pain in the lumbar region,
  • Inflammatory processes in internal organs, especially in the acute phase.
  • Malignant tumors in the spine.

In other cases, well-designed physical therapy is only good.

Many pathologies of the spine, unlike other diseases, can be cured without drug therapy and, especially, without surgery. For mild forms gruzevich pinching a fairly conventional therapeutic exercises assigned by a specialist and performed under his strict control. The end result depends largely on the patient, his will and desire to overcome his illness. The only way to regain health and a full life.