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Exercise with a herniated of the thoracic spine at home video

Exercises herniated of the thoracic spine may improve well-being and relieve pain from pressure of nerve roots. Gymnastics can be carried out both at home and under the supervision of a doctor of physical therapy. The main principle when practicing is not to do too much. Hernia of the spine is extremely sensitive to bending, because choosing a set of exercises, you need to focus on the sparing. Under intense bending, jumping, severe curves can cause damage to the intervertebral disc than to help the condition.

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If the doctor prescribed you exercises or physical therapy – better not to start it myself. Only a specialist can assess which exercises you will do. Beginning gymnastics by yourself, you can damage the spine and surrounding muscles.

The objective of the exercise with a herniated

The hernia is pushing the fibrous ring of intervertebral hernia. To restore the body after such a violation, it is necessary to strengthen the fibrous ring – with improving blood flow and injection of the vitamins necessary for recovery of enzymes and anti-inflammatory antihistamines, and the muscle corset back – he will not allow further development of scoliosis and disk protrusion.

The strengthening of the corset can improve the condition of the disk by increasing muscle strength. This is important to prevent surgery, as complications of a herniated disc. Constantly increasing the load leads to a curvature of the spine that affects already damaged spinal cord.

Do not put yourself as a priority goal the execution of an increasing number of approaches – exercise is not always painless. The main stopping signal is pain, it is formed from an intervertebral disc pressing on the spinal roots. By careless movement can occur pressure on the spine, causing severe pain response.

This can be avoided the main principle of physical therapy – do not do if painful. It will protect against injuries and make exercise more enjoyable. Overriding will not lead to anything good, as the pain causes the development of pain syndrome – impact of pain in the brain, which is manifested by epileptic seizures.

Exercises for thoracic

Exercises will help to repair a hernia without surgery. To do this, most importantly the frequency and regularity of the execution of the exercises. Speaking frequency, doctors do not mean you need to do them as often as possible – do them on schedule, which will make you specialist of physical therapy. Recovery from a herniated of the thoracic can help the following exercises:

  • Bending with a straight back;
  • The depressions lying on the back;
  • Deflections on the knees;
  • Backbends, lying on his stomach;
  • The fetal position;
  • Tucking your legs to your chest.

Bending with a straight back

Flexion herniation of the thoracic are sitting on a chair with a back. The maximum back straightens, his hands drop behind his head. It is important to keep in this position, the spine throughout its long was pressed to the back of the chair. In this position, you must do 5-10 lean forward until you feel tension.

Voltage says that work the transverse muscle of the spine, which are fastened together the vertebrae, provide bending and twisting. Strengthening of these muscles allows you to stop the displacement of the vertebra and disc protrusion due to a more uniform distribution of the load.

Camber on the back

For this exercise you need to lie on a straight, smooth surface. You will need a cushion or rolled up in a roll towel. It is placed under the back, in the lumbar region. Hand fall under his head. Task – to bend back, taking a breath and then relax, exhaling. Extremely important in this exercise is a component of breaths.

The lungs occupy a fairly large area in the body. Making consecutive breaths, you deflect the spine and cause the muscles of the intercostal and spinal muscles. Exercise strengthens the extensor group of muscles of the spine, which is extremely positive effect on the herniated thoracic.

To do is tothe moment when you will feel the increase in tension. If you feel pain, you should immediately stop the exercise to reinforce the spine. As already mentioned, exercise with a herniated of the thoracic spine should be performed without pain.

Deflections on the knees

For this exercise you need to sit on feet, cross-legged, holding their hands at knee level. Then made dimensional jiggle with bending the back forward and backward. Is made up to 10 repetitions, while in the back will not appear sense of tension. This exercise is not suitable for you, if you feel pain when you try to clasp your knees with your hands in the vertebrae, trapped nerve bundle.

Backbends, lying on his stomach

For this exercise, lie on your stomach on a firm surface, e.g. on the floor. Bend your knees and try to get their hands. Not everyone will be able to reach the feet in this pose, especially with the hernia, because it is not a prerequisite. Try to bend, forming a "boat".

3-5 seconds is sufficient voltage. After this is done a break of up to 10 seconds, in order to give it a rest. Five repetitions is sufficient in order to trigger positive dynamics in treatment. Try not to overdo it – despite its apparent simplicity, this exercise is quite traumatic for the spine if performed improperly.

The fetal position

This position is taken from the most ancient gymnastic practice yoga. Yoga in General is extremely beneficial to the human body, as evenly develops the muscles and flexibility of the body. Exercise "embryo" refers to the base – for execution you only need to get the right position.

To do this, lie on your right side, bend the knees up to your chest and hug them with your hands. Not all of this provision will be able to help – in the absence of stress there will be no therapeutic effect on intervertebral hernia. Also exercise desirable to stop the manifestation of pain – it will have a harmful for the body.

Features exercise

Physical therapy, hernia has its own characteristics. Hernia of the thoracic requires before starting any exercise getting rid of pain. No pain will only hinder recovery factor – you will not be able to understand when to stop the exercise. This can damage the spine and lead to disturbances in the body.

The main use of physical therapy to strengthen the muscle tissue. In the absence of constant exercise you will not be able to obtain the desired therapeutic result. If possible, attend group therapy under the supervision of a specialist treatment will be faster and more efficient than at home. Remember that the tips from the Internet are not always useful in a particular situation and assess your condition is the only one specialist with a diploma.