Home / Scoliosis: extent, causes, symptoms, treatment of spinal curvature / Exercises in case of scoliosis of 1 degree: children and adults video

Exercises in case of scoliosis of 1 degree: children and adults video

The first degree of scoliosis is a primary, treatable form of the disease that does not affect the organic degeneration of the tissue. Exercises in case of scoliosis of 1 degree act as the most effective method of conservative treatment. The effect achieved by targeting the physical development and strengthening of the back muscles lining the spine.

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When the 2nd severity predictions vaguely. Ordinary physical correction in this case is completely will not help. Need complex treatment. 3rd and 4th degree scoliosis — it is primarily a surgical case. Thus, only gymnastics in scoliosis of the 1st degree gives hope for an absolute recovery.

Selection of exercises

Physical therapy in scoliosis of 1 degree should be focused on this stage of the disease. It is important to take into account the clinical manifestations of scoliosis, which are individual to each. The main of them is forms of spinal curvature:

  • With shaped arc in the same plane ("hump");
  • S shaped — dogdurova strain ("snake");
  • Z shaped — curvature in three planes of space ("spin").

Each of these deformations requires specific approach in development of set of exercises for scoliosis. Without consulting a podiatrist is not necessary. Self-medication can have harmful service and only provoke the progression of the disease.

In addition, you should follow certain methodological rules. Conduct classes in a well ventilated area to facilitate breathing during exercise. Themselves load on the spine (the degree of its bending) to increase gradually: start with lighter and just as adaptation to heavier tasks.

Important regular training, their aspiration for a positive result. Any failure in lessons slows down the process of recovery. When pain in the spine we need to reduce the intensity of the movements, and showed the symptom. In extreme cases, to choose the less painful option. The use of painkillers to eliminate. They will not give the opportunity to test their own physical potential.

Contraindications for practicing physical therapy in scoliosis of 1 degree are:

  • Progressive pain during exercise;
  • Vertigo due to failure of blood circulation in the nervous system;
  • Angina;
  • Weakness of the respiratory function (e.g. pneumonia or bronchitis).

Without the supervision of a specialist in physical therapy scoliosis of the first degree, you can use the exercises only in the basic group, the least loaded spine.

Basic exercises physical therapy

The main purpose of basic therapeutic exercise — correction of posture, which is achieved by:

  • Strengthen back muscles;
  • Increase its flexibility;
  • Traction to normal configuration of the spine.

The method of traction — only passive. Even excluding the one on his hands with the bar.

The entire set of exercises according to the method of their implementation is focused on four initial positions:

  1. Standing — No. 1
  2. Sitting No. 2
  3. Lying on back — No. 3
  4. Prone — No. 4

Thus (in the room) they will be listed below. Each of the movements in the exercise is executed symmetrically, namely:

  • Manipulation of the limbs;
  • Of torso;
  • His turns.

The number of iterations in the initial phase should be between 3 to 5 times. In the future, this load can be increased. Rest before switching to the symmetric execution is in the source position. For the best adjustments of posture in scoliosis it is recommended that charging with a visual orientation of the mirror.

chto predstavlyaet soboj gimnastika pri skolioze


Relaxes the muscles of the spine:

  • Get on all fours;
  • Crawl around the room 3-5 minutes

It is possible to alternate with the depressions under the imaginary crossbar.

Stretching of the spine and bend backward

In the source position No. 3 (lying on back):

  • Heel pressed into the floor, heads bowed to the breast chin;
  • Strain is not less than 10 seconds.

The number of repetitions due to higher: 3-5.

Pulling up the waist belly through the press

The source position is the same:

  • Arms stretched along the hips (or lay over the head);
  • Lift the leg slightly bent at the knees;
  • To simulate the torsion pedals of the bike almost straight legs.

For each of the 3-5 approaches to allocate an average of half a minute.

The development of the lumbar spine

Of "lying":

  • Hands placed behind the head or parallel to the hips:
  • Legs to lift, push and cross in front and behind each other.

Movements are performed alternately in the horizontal and vertical plane. On each plane is given approximately 30 seconds.

Stretching the spine with bending forward

From the position No. 4 (on the belly):

  • The toes press down the head decline back;
  • The load on the spine to save 10 — 15 seconds.

The number of repetitions due to higher: 3-5.

Stretching the spine movements of the limbs

On the abdomen:

  • Pull the legs, chin lay on his clasped together hands;
  • To lift from the floor the head, chest;
  • The brush rests on the shoulders.

Relying only on stomach:

  • Hands spread to the sides and swing to throw forward, together, back under the chin;
  • The legs are getting a divorce, too, on the sides, stretched and reduced.
  • Rest for a few seconds at the starting position.

The exercise is repeated 10 to 15 five times.

Spinal twist

From the same position:

  • On interlocked fingers, leaning your palms on the floor, put his chin;
  • Pull the legs straight off the floor, dissolve in the parties;
  • To cross one over the other first in the horizontal then in the vertical plane.

Each exercise is 25-35 seconds. The number of exercises 3-5.

chto predstavlyaet soboj gimnastika pri skolioze

Stretching the spine

On the abdomen:

  • Head put on joined hands, legs, pull, push;
  • Release hands, to settle, to pull ahead;
  • Doing push UPS the whole body and limbs with a support on the abdomen;
  • Bring your feet together, raise hands;
  • Hold this position for about 10 seconds.

After a short rest perform 3-4 exercises.

Correction of posture

Original position # 1 (standing). Performed in front of a mirror.

  • A fingers to rely on shoulders, elbows to raise and breed in;
  • About 30 seconds to rotate the elbows clockwise and still the same — counterclockwise.
  • Relax;
  • Repeat task 3-5 times.

Requirements for exercise:

  • The orientation of the mirror;
  • Moderate pace;
  • Small amplitude movements.

Correcting posture

From a standing position:

  • Hands up, pulling forward;
  • Sit-up 5-15 times.


  • Mirror;
  • Slow pace;
  • Increasing the depth of planting and the frequency of repetitions, from lesson to lesson.

Posture correction in scoliosis S-shaped type

Position No. 2 (seated):

  • The palms of each hand rests on the neck, elbows dissolve in the parties;
  • To twist the spine at right angle right, then left 3-5 times.

Position No. 3 (on the back, runs on the bench):

  • To bring the scapula on the edge of the gym;
  • Hands and elbows in the preceding clause;
  • Head and shoulders to hang down, straining thoracic spine;
  • To return to the source;
  • Roll on the blades left and right (the angle of elevation of the shoulder to 30 degrees).

Position No. 4 (on the belly). Gymnastic equipment — high bench.

  • To bring back under the edge of the projectile;
  • Put your hands behind the neck;
  • Hanging down at a right angle;
  • Unbend and bend back ago.

Just 5 to 15 repetitions. As training, you can perform this exercise with weights (e.g., weights).

Spine traction on the bar

Gymnastics equipment — horizontal bar (or any bar).

  • Pulling up.

You can start with simple muscle tension with a slight flexion of the elbow.


Long-term results of scoliosis treatment, tested by years of experience already proved the effectiveness gymnastic therapy. Baseline therapy in case of scoliosis of 1 degree is able to stop the disease and eliminate it completely. Some difficulty is only S-type scoliosis in children (Z-shape is very rare).

Here may require auxiliary procedures:

  • Directional manual massage;
  • Physical therapy;
  • Stretching exercise machines;
  • Fitness;
  • Acupuncture.

Good help from the scoliosis swimming in the pool and Jogging in the fresh air. In any case, you need to act purposefully and regularly. Consistency of training is key to their success.