Home / Scoliosis: extent, causes, symptoms, treatment of spinal curvature / What kind of doctor treats scoliosis of the spine in adults and children

What kind of doctor treats scoliosis of the spine in adults and children

What kind of doctor treats spine curvature in adults? – This question is raised by those who had symptomatic back problems, whether it's visual change of shape (distortion) or began to ache vertebrae after long sitting. Depending on the type and stage, you should address to the therapist, orthopedist or surgeon.

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Basic inspection

What kind of doctor treats scoliosis? Perhaps this question is raised by all mothers. After all, in adult life, few who are engaged in preventive inspection of his body, especially on the condition of the spine. Before coming to the hospital, you need to clearly, to what doctor to address for inspection, and which is responsible for the treatment?

Suggest to read: a Right-hand scoliosis.


The first person to go to is the local doctor (internist). He will be able to determine the existence of a problem scoliosis in adults, and it is he who decides who to continue to apply. A podiatrist or surgeon. In addition, sometimes a therapist is enough. It can dispel suspicions about the curvature, or designate a leveling corset in the curvature of the spine, which will be enough for children.

If the curvature of the spine was discovered at a later age, the corset and recommendations on the gym will not help, and then the therapist writes an assignment to...


To the podiatrist. Is a doctor specializing in the treatment of flat feet and the alignment of the back. If something can be done without surgery, the podiatrist is able to do it.

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In particular, this doctor may prescribe:

  • Physiotherapy. Exercises normalizing the state of the muscle corset. Usually in the early stages, deformation of the vertebrae is dynamic, and is caused by the failure of a person's right to keep back;
  • The appointment of a special corset. Suitable for those who is constantly in a sitting position. Usually assigned with a physical therapy;
  • To contact the surgeon. If scoliosis of the spine in the second degree, or curved vertebrae of the lower section.

Without resorting to a podiatrist will have to spend a number of additional tests before you will be able to write a referral to see a specialist in spinal diseases.


To the treating surgeon should be applied only in the most extreme cases. Why? Because his methods are far from physiotherapy. But the surgeon will determine exactly the type and kind of curvature. Because usually pronounced scoliosis may be accompanied by mild kyphosis or lordosis. And in this case, any physical therapy, or aligned with the corset, it's just contraindicated.

It often happens that the surgeon may prescribe:

  • Straightening the course of the massage. Usually it is an intense procedure in the amount of up to 50 pieces for 3 months. They help to straighten the vertebrae in place. Quite rare, but this method allows you to completely align your back and avoid further displacement;
  • A metal retaining plate. In this case, operation is conducted in which the doctor manually changes the position of the vertebrae and fixes them with the help of special pins.

Then performed additional surgery (six months to a year) for the removal of these pins. The effectiveness of this alignment 100%. In order to fasten the result, there should be a holistic approach to treatment in the postoperative period, so that the spine started to bend again. In particular:

  • Learning to hold the posture;
  • To perform complex physical therapy;
  • To strengthen the muscle corset with athletics;
  • To regularly visit massage parlors.

Who treats

Curvature of the spine which doctor you want to apply for productive treatment? Depending on the stage that can go a podiatrist and surgeon. Eif the situation is neglect, contact is only to the surgeon, he will be able to cure. In rare cases, further appointed surgery to insert metal plates to hold the spine in position for straightening.

Causes of scoliosis can not be identified, however, often mentioned can be called "memory back." If a person spends all his time at the computer, driving or sitting in the office, scoliosis, lordosis and kyphosis with his eternal associates. In scoliosis we need to radically change the way of life the Curvature of the spine is a beachtwenty-first century. A sedentary lifestyle is everywhere:

  • At work in the office;
  • At home on the couch;
  • At the cinema.
  • Resting at the computer;

People overly strain the back. And as a result virtually every second in our time, there is curvature of the spine.

Regularly contact the previously mentioned specialists, to prevent or slow scoliosis, lordosis, kyphosisand. Exercise. And then, perhaps – that will be enough to spend rest of his life with a healthy spine and no problems related to distortion.