Home / Pinching of spinal nerves and blood vessels, causes, treatment / Can increase the pressure in cervical osteochondrosis?

Can increase the pressure in cervical osteochondrosis?

High blood pressure in osteochondrosis – a dangerous symptom, as most patients incorrectly fights with him. Instead of treat the cause, people treat the manifestation, and even more harm to your body.

Davlenie pri shejnom osteohondroze

Trying with all his might to artificially lower it, you violate the brain and the risk of becoming a victim:

  • Dizziness;
  • Constant fatigue;
  • Darkening before the eyes;
  • Doubling of view;
  • Fainting;
  • The loss of consciousness.


Before you jump cure, you need to find the cause. If the circulation changes from cervical degenerative disc disease, you need to go for comprehensive measures. Meds from hypertension there is not enough. You need to get rid of osteochondrosis.


You want to normalize cerebral blood flow. To do this, you need to have on hand drugs that dilate the blood vessels. Unlike conventional pressure lowering drugs they do not slow down blood flow and increase the access of blood. As a result, the indicators go down, but the brain is not a sense of starvation. One such remedy is the reverse, stabilizing blood flow and brain metabolism.

To relax spasms of the muscles will help medications – muscle relaxants, such as Mydocalm or Sirdalud. It is unnecessary muscular tension is often the root of the problem the compressed blood vessels.


Choose drugs that will combat with swelling and inflammation. Blood stagnates in the veins, appear swollen, perezhimaya artery. It will help diuretics. Inflammation will help defeat nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as Ibuprofen or Diclofenac.

To help the cartilage tissues to regenerate and improve their metabolism, the use of chondroprotectors. For example, Triaktiv or Movex. Drug Equator is complex, a combination of lisinopril and Amlodipine. Systemically struggling with jumps in osteochondrosis. Lowers the risk of heart complications which may arise as a result of the clamping of the artery.

Physical therapy

To get rid of the complications of cervical osteochondrosis, osteochondrosis of the cervical spine need to be treated comprehensively. Only pharmacy means will not give the desired effect. We need to strengthen and rehabilitate the body as a whole and the cervical in particular:

  • To reduce the load on weakened neck muscles will help orthopedic neck brace;
  • Services of a chiropractor will correct the position of your vertebrae, released pinched blood vessels and nerves;
  • Physical therapy exercises will help to stretch the spine and strengthen the muscles. The muscle will once again take over the load, the spine will breathe freely. And stretching of the spine helps to free up space between the vertebrae, freeing pinched blood vessels and nerves. Swimming in the pool – gentle and effective therapeutic exercise in osteochondrosis;
  • Massage improves blood circulation in problem areas, stabilizing the metabolic processes in the affected tissues. The muscle relaxes and the spasms that clenched vessels, causing increase pressure, leave.

Popular recipes

If the pressure threatens to rise in osteochondrosis, RUB the neck following homemade rastertime:

  • Mix 10 ml of iodine, 10 ml of oil of camphor, 300 ml of ethanol and crushed ten tablets of aspirin. Let the rubbing lie down twenty days in a dark place. RUB the neck – ointment, home-cooked, has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, stabilizes blood pressure;
  • The usual St. John's wort oil can be used as an ointment filler for bathtubs or the basis for a poultice.

Lechenie narodnymi sredstvami


If you in your experience have not yet learned whether increases the pressure osteochondrosis, think about prevention:

  • Get rid of extra pounds. The back muscles are not designed for permanent support of a large body mass. When their strength is not enough, the vertebrae begin to compress the intervertebral discs, those are deformed, disturbed metabolism in them;
  • If your profession is connected with computer you of driver, try as much as possible to often get up to do a little workout. Long sitting affects cartilage discs;
  • Do not lift weights, and if you raise, do it with proper technique. Sit down, straighten your back and lift the object;
  • Don't follow the sporting records that are not calculated in the normal human body;
  • href="http://spine.vsebolezni.com/osteohondroz/mozhno-li-pri-osteohondroze-zanimatsya-sportom.html">Do gentle sports. Attend pool sessions of therapeutic exercises, stretching, yoga. If this is not enough time, just try to walk often. So you will strengthen the muscle and avoid excess load on the intervertebral discs.