Home / Pinching of spinal nerves and blood vessels, causes, treatment / A pinched nerve in the lower back: symptoms, first aid treatment

A pinched nerve in the lower back: symptoms, first aid treatment

People over the age of 40 years and professional athletes experience problems in the lumbar region. Most often, the pain associated with fatigue from heavy loads. But sometimes back pains are caused by pinched nerve in the lower back. Acute and sharp pain, hold down movement, and are forced to frantically swallow air. Symptoms of pinched nerve in the lower back is extremely unpleasant.

zashemlenie nerva v poyasnice

Pain due to the fact that the nerve root of the spinal cord in the lower back, badly squeezed. Therefore, there is a sharp "shooting" pain in the lower back. In the first second even think that breaks muscle. Another symptom that occurs when compression of the nerve root that is sciatica. This disease affects patients at the age of 35-40 years.

Why pain?

The reasons for the constraint set can be much. Athletes regularly experience high loads. Almost any workout includes exercises to strengthen back muscles. Especially often, a pinched nerve in the lumbar experiencing heavy lifters. In the sport study any muscle group, one way or another hurts the back. Excessive loads and improper execution of exercises can lead to muscle spasms.

As a result of excessive tone, muscle is pinching the nerve ends, causing pain in the lower back. If you do not remove a heightened state of constant muscle tone can lead to their inflammation.

A pinched lumbar nerve, not only occurs in athletes. The disease can befall people suffering from herniated discs. This is a serious disease of the musculoskeletal apparatus. It disk the kernel will fall out of the spine, and the compression of the radicular nerve in the lumbar spine.

If twisted the loins to one side, this may be a result of side symptom of such diseases as osteochondrosis. It occurs when the deformity of the vertebrae in the spinal column. The consequence of degenerative disc disease is very often a pinched nerve in the lower back.

Oddly enough, to provoke a pinched lumbar nerve, can pregnancy. The last time the fetus is gaining weight, growing in size. The center of gravity of the expectant mother moves forward, further loading the lower back. With the transition to old age, human bone tissue loses density. Elderly people with hardly any load. That does not even require much effort to work the back muscles, leading to congestion and compression of the vertebrae.

First aid for the infringement

What to do if a pinched nerve in your lower back? In time attack you must take a horizontal position on a flat surface. It should be warm and without tilting. Lying position will ease stress on a pinched nerve.

At the time of the attack, the patient can not make the situation "right". Any movement of the back is accompanied by a new spasm and increased pain. First aid will be simple folk remedies, which are used by our grandmothers for decades. Tightly wrap the waist with a warm blanket, or a woolen scarf. This will provide a flow of dry heat, which will partially relax the muscles, and provide temporary weakening of the pain.

obezbolivaushie preparaty pri zashemlenii nerva v poyasnice

Take any extra-strength pain reliever. Well remove pain syndrome Ketorol, Ketanov, Allergy and others.

Please note that these drugs have many contraindications. It is best before buying pain medicine, consult your doctor. After 5 -10 minutes after taking the drug, you will feel relief and the ability to rectify its skewed position. You can use analgesic drug in the form of gel or ointment (Fastum gel, Ketonal cream, etc.). The means applied directly to the area of the body where pain is felt.

In this critical period you need to stick to your diet and daily regimen. Refrain from drinking alcohol. This not only worsens the disease, but also reduces the influence of drugs. Therefore, the pain can return again. Limit consumption of spicy and salty foods.

How to treat a pinched nerve?

If the patient's condition in the period of exacerbation is severe, how to treat a pinched nerve in your lower back? In fact, assistance is not limited to pain relief. Even if you feel temporary relief, this is not a reason to abandon a doctor visit.

First you need to diagnose the cause, which had a seizure. Perhaps the disease is much more serious than pinchingof the sciatic nerve. And the attack is just a symptom. Second, the disease must be cured. Otherwise, the attacks will spoil your life more and more. The symptoms and treatment are not linked in time. Often, medical care is provided after the withdrawal of the attack, when the patient's condition is normalized.

Turning to the doctor, you will undergo several diagnostic tests:

  • Obtaining radiographs
  • Computed tomography
  • MRI

After determining the causes of pain, the doctor chooses the treatment for pinched nerve in the lower back. The most effective methods are:

  • The course of treatment with medicines. Prescribe medicines in the form of tablets or intramuscular injections. Possible complex treatment.
  • Massage is a very effective treatment if the cause of the pain is caused by excessive load on the muscles. Additionally, use acupuncture.
  • Physio – procedures are not interchangeable, especially in severe cases, when the muscles are already inflamed. This therapy helps to work directly on the affected area of the back.
  • Surgery is reserved only in extreme cases. This method is possible if there is a spinal cord hernia, or other pathologies associated with displacement or deformation of internal organs.
  • Manual therapy is effective in the disease of moderate severity. Not infrequently, the course of this treatment helps to prevent the conduct of abdominal surgery. It is recommended to use for prevention of diseases of the back.

This treatment for pinched nerve helps to eliminate the cause of pain attack. It is especially important to use a number of procedures in the complex. To drink a course of tablets will not be enough. The disease is characterized by too severe symptoms. Manual methods and the course of acupuncture has localized effect on muscles and joints. They can be applied even in the period of exacerbation.

Courses of manual therapy and acupressure not only treat the cause of the disease, but also removes pain syndrome. Such methods do not have side effects. You can self-refer to specialized centers to receive advice.

Is it possible to relapse after treatment?

Unfortunately, our body is unpredictable. Lifestyle of people is very different. Athletes return to the loads, the elderly again carry heavy bags, and the pregnancy repeatedly brings happiness to many families. That is, after treatment, return to normal life, which has led to the emergence of attack. To avoid relapse is possible only if you change your lifestyle.

Review your interests, or the nerve root in the lower back will zaselyatsya any one time. Whether you sport records if you're bedridden? Why suffer the inconvenience of being overweight? It's time to accept that you are not so young. Now run up the stairs to 9th floor will not end for your body no good.

rejidivy zashemlenij poyasnichnogo nerva

Try to reduce the risk of recurrence of the situation which provoked the attack. But, we should not forget about preventive measures to promote health. There are many practices that are excellent prevention of diseases of the back. Vacuum therapy and stone therapy are successfully used in private medical centers.