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Vertebral artery syndrome: symptoms, treatment

What is the vertebral artery syndrome and whether there are effective ways of treating people who put such a diagnosis. Vertebral artery syndrome is the symptoms that occur as a result of violations of blood circulation in the brain due to pinching of the vertebral arteries.

CHto takoe sindrom pozvonochnoj arterii

More recently, SPA was found only in the elderly. Now this pathology is diagnosed even in their twenties youth. Often develops left-sided syndrome. This situation stems from the fact that the left artery leaves from the aorta and the right from the subclavian artery.

The mechanism of development

In the result of degenerative changes of the spine is observed pinching the vertebral artery and narrowing of its lumen. The result of the brain not receiving the necessary nutrients and oxygen that leads to the development of hypoxia – oxygen starvation.

Spinal, or vertebral, arteries to the brain, only 30% of the blood (also supply spinal cord), the main part of nutrients and oxygen is supplied through the carotid arteries.

Therefore, in most cases, the vertebral artery syndrome a serious threat to life is not, but is still able to cause many problems. It can cause dystonia, hypertension in the brain and disability.


Cause vertebral artery syndrome is capable of a variety of factors. They can be divided into 3 large groups:

  • Congenital anomalies in the structure of the artery (the kinks, severe tortuosity);
  • Disease, leading to reduction in the artery lumen (arthrosis, atherosclerosis, arthritis, anomaly Kimmerle, Bechterew's disease, embolism, thrombosis);
  • Compression of the artery due to the development of osteochondrosis, scoliosis, abnormal bone structure, muscle spasms, tumors in the neck.

According to another classification, the causes are:

  • Vertebral (they are connected with the spine): spinal disc herniation, degenerative-dystrophic changes associated with osteochondrosis, the growth of osteophytes, caused by spondylosis, inflammation in the facet joints, injury to the vertebrae;
  • Nevertebralnah (not related to the spine): atherosclerosis, the narrowing of the lumen of blood vessels due to hypoplasia (underdevelopment), excessive tortuosity of blood vessels, spasms.

To trigger the development of pathology is capable of sharp head movements (bending and twisting) and a sedentary lifestyle. To cure the syndrome, should first to remove the cause.


Symptoms of vertebral artery syndrome can resemble other illnesses. These include:

  • Headache is usually unilateral and can be throbbing or burning, worse after walking, running, riding in public transport, sleep on the back;
  • Nausea and vomiting, not to facilitate the General condition;
  • Violations or loss of consciousness;
  • Numbness of the face;
  • Visual – sudden severe pain in the eyes, dryness, periodic appearance of "fog" or "flies", a transient attenuation of visual acuity;
  • Auditory and vestibular disorders – periodic hearing loss, noise in ears, dizziness, pulsation in the head;
  • Signs of malfunction of the cardiovascular system: the unstable blood pressure, angina;
  • Brain disorders associated with impaired balance, unintelligible speech, change in handwriting, double vision or darkening of the eyes.


The effectiveness of treatment depends on timely diagnosis. So before you treat the pathology, the patient is directed to a comprehensive examination. If there is suspicion of a vertebral artery syndrome, diagnosis includes:

  • Investigate complaints of patient and anamnesis of disease;
  • Neurological examination;
  • X-rays of the cervical – detects pathological changes in the Atlanto-occipital joint;
  • Duplex scanning of the arteries to detect abnormalities in the blood vessels, explains their permeability;
  • Angiography of the arteries measures the velocity of blood flow andthe diameter of the vessel, identifies the location of the abnormalities;
  • Doppler determines blood flow disturbances, explores the vascular permeability, the nature of the flow and its speed;
  • Magnetic resonance or computed tomography of the cervical – detects abnormalities in the spine;
  • Magnetic resonance imaging of the brain, evaluates the provision of brain cells with oxygen and nutrients, to determine the cause of circulatory disorders shows the localization constraint.

Therapeutic methods are selected for each patient individually based on the results of diagnostic tests.


If diagnosed vertebral artery syndrome, treatment should be complex. It is aimed at eliminating pathologies in the cervical spine and normalization of the arterial lumen.

Treatment includes:

  • Drug therapy;
  • Physical therapy;
  • Acupuncture;
  • Manual therapy;
  • Physiotherapy;
  • Orthopedic treatment;
  • Sanatorium-resort treatment;
  • Surgery.

Conservative methods

When drug therapy syndrome used:

  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (nimesulide, aceclofenac, Ibuprom, meloxicam, celebrex, celecoxib) – relieve pain, reduce inflammation, prevent blood clots;
  • Muscle relaxants (tolperisone, mydocalm, baclofen, drotaverine, known as no-Spa) to relieve increased muscle tone, relieve spasms;
  • Vasoactivity (Cinnarizine, agapurin, trental, nicergoline, Cavinton, Vinpocetine, instenon) – dilate arteries, stimulate blood in the brain;
  • Venotonic (troxerutin, diosmin) – improve venous outflow;
  • Angioprotectors (diosmin) restore the health of the arteries;
  • Neuroprotectors (gliatilin, somazina, sermion) is to protect the brain from adverse factors, and prevent damage of neurons;
  • Antihypoxic (Mexidol, Actovegin) – prevents the development of hypoxia through the regulation of energy metabolism;
  • Nootropics (lucetam, piracetam, tiocetam) – improve brain function, elevate mood;
  • Medicines that restore the metabolism in nerve cells (gliatilin, glycine, citicoline, piracetam, Semax, Cerebrolysin, Mexidol, Actovegin);
  • Drugs, normalizing metabolism in the whole body (thiotriazolin, Trimetazidine, Mildronate);
  • Vitamins belonging to group b (milgamma, Neurovitan, neurobion) – improve the nutrition of neurons.

If necessary, symptomatic treatment is prescribed:

  • ANTIMIGRAINE funds (sumatriptan) is used for migraine attacks;
  • Drugs to eliminate vertigo (Betaserc, betahistin);
  • Anti-anxiety medicines;
  • Antidepressants.

Will effectively complement medical therapy physiotherapy:

  • Traction (stretching) of the spine;
  • Magnetic therapy;
  • Darsonvalization;
  • Galvanization;
  • Diadynamic currents;
  • The impact of ultrasound;
  • The use of pulsed current;
  • Phonophoresis;
  • Electrophoresis.

Acupuncture relieves pain and relieves neurological disorders. Specially selected exercises will help to strengthen the muscle corset. Will have a beneficial effect on the body swimming.

Massage activates blood circulation, which contributes to the filling of oxygen to the brain. But any manual procedures shall be conducted by a specialist. Otherwise, massage can exacerbate the situation, causing irreparable harm to the body. If it is not possible to consult a professional massage therapist, then at home you can use the roller massager.

Orthopedic treatment involves the use of special bedding. When osteochondrosis recommended wearing a collar Schantz. For pain use woolen scarves, ointments containing snake and bee venom.

Should pay attention to proper nutrition to provide the body with all necessary vitamins and minerals. It is recommended to include in the diet of currants, cranberries, chokeberry, sea-buckthorn, prunes, nuts, beans, fresh juices. There should be absolutely no alcoholic beverages, as they increase hypoxia.

Usually the treatment of vertebral artery syndrome is produced on an outpatient basis. But in severe cases require hospitalization.


When conservative methods are ineffective, and the lumen of the artery narrows to 2 mm, it is recommended surgery.

operaciya pri sindrome pozvonochnoj arterii

In specialized centers of spine and neurosurgery surgery on the arteries performed using minimally invasive techniques using endoscopes. It is sufficient to make a small incision, less than two centimeters, which reduces the injury of the body, preventsdamage to nearby organs, reduces the rehabilitation period.

While surgical intervention removes the abnormal growths of the bones, cut peregudau artery in the place of narrowing and make it plastic. The effectiveness of surgical treatment up to 90%.


To not have to treat the syndrome of the vertebral artery, it is better to prevent the development of pathology. This should be an active lifestyle, sleeping on a comfortable bed (best on the orthopaedic mattresses and pillows). During professional activity requiring a stay of the neck in one position (for example, working at the computer), it is recommended to do exercise for cervical. The appearance of the unpleasant symptoms you must immediately consult a doctor.