Home / Pinching of spinal nerves and blood vessels, causes, treatment / A pinched cervical nerve symptoms and treatment at home

A pinched cervical nerve symptoms and treatment at home

Acute pain in the cervical radiculopathy or involuntarily forced to ask the question: what to do if you pinch the neck? The cervical vertebrae are continuously under pressure, the muscles of the neck and shoulders are in constant tonus. The appearance of additional pressures, the muscles compress nerve roots of the cervical spine and cause inflammation.

Pinched nerve (radiculopathy) may be due to: exacerbation of chronic diseases, a sharp turn of the head, increased physical stress on the body, hypothermia cervical.

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Signs of pinched nerve in the cervical:

  • Sharp cutting pain in the cervical spine, neck or shoulders is one of the surest signs of a pinched cervical nerve;
  • Pain in the cervical spine;
  • Numbness or reduced feeling in your hands. Often there is numbness in one limb;
  • Weakness, fatigue;
  • Headache;
  • In rare cases, numbness or swelling of tongue, swelling of the larynx;
  • Dull pain in the chest. The symptom can often be confused with a heart attack. To know the identity of the diagnosis, adopting a vasodilator. If after an hour symptoms of the disease subsided, then the pain is a symptom of a pinched cervical nerve;
  • Redness of the skin in the cervical spine.

A symptom of the disease not always the is one symptom, there are often several. Simultaneously a pinched artery or nerve roots can cause acute disruption in the blood circulation, until the stroke.


Causes of a pinched nerve in the cervical spine varied. This may include accident, injury cervical, malignant and benign, spasm of the muscles of the back and neck, low back pain, and hernia. But most often the inflammation caused by hypothermia cervical spine.

History of pinched nerve can be:

  • Sedentary and sedentary lifestyle;
  • Curvature of spine;
  • Hereditary factor;
  • Age.

Before starting treatment, you should consult with your doctor. The doctor put correct diagnosis and prescribe appropriate therapy. Self-treatment may aggravate the disease.

First aid

Acute pain in the cervical spine can be caught by surprise. What to do, how not to make the wait worth waiting for medical care?

  1. It is necessary to anesthetize the cervical region. Anesthetize help ibuprofen or cetanol;
  2. Lie down on a hard flat surface, not to make any sudden movements. Inflamed nerves and muscles need relaxation.

Untimely medical aid is fraught with serious and severe consequences. When pinched cervical nerve impair blood circulation in the body, particularly in the upper part of the body that can lead to impaired sight or hearing. Usually the signs are quite pronounced, allowing easy diagnosis doctor. However, to confirm the accuracy of the diagnosis, the doctor may prescribe one or more additional tests: x-rays, tomography, ultrasound or magnetic resonance method for the determination. The results of this analysis assigned the appropriate treatment.


Treatments for pinched nerve in the cervical spine are complex therapy. The simultaneous conduct of different methods of healing provides the desired effect, relieves inflammation and pain. Repetitive therapy, for example, only painkillers give only temporary effect, not eliminating the very cause of the disease.

Cervical pinched dangerous by compression of nerves and blood vessels that supply the brain. In this regard, the muscles are constantly in tone and difficult to relax.


Treatment of pinched cervical nerve does neurologist or neurologist. Based on the severity of the disease are prescribed the appropriate drugs. To cure a pinched nerve in the cervical spine is necessary infirst and foremost, to relieve inflammation and pain. For this drugs such as:

  • Bargain;
  • Ketones;
  • Diclofenac-Ratiopharm;
  • Indomethacin.

When pinched cervical nerve medication, presents analgesic and muscle-relaxing drugs that have sedative and anti-inflammatory properties. Often in this disease are appointed antispasmodics muscle relaxant, relieves spasms in the muscles. The goal of therapy in restoring damaged tissue and the smooth running of the blood supply. In certain cases it is necessary to take vasodilators, and muscle relaxants. Analgesics depending on the severity of the disease take both in pill form and in the form of intramuscular injections.

Manual therapy

To release the clamped nerve fibers – a solution to the problem of pinched cervical nerve. As a comprehensive treatment option well established physiotherapy, massage, acupuncture and osteopathy, manual therapy. In the absence of the running process relief after a treatment from a chiropractor comes after a couple of sessions. Of the latest means to facilitate the inflammatory process helps ultrasound and shock wave therapy. Accelerates recovery, the adoption of the comprehensive vitamins, in particular group B.

If necessary, the doctor may advise to fix the neck with a special collar that eliminates stress on neck vertebrae.

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Ointment and cream

If there is pain in the neck for several days, prescribed as a warming medicinal creams. Well established warming cream based on bee venom. However, if the symptoms of the disease appeared recently, the use of a warming of the funds may only exacerbate the condition, causing redness and swelling of the cervical region. At the appearance of edema can be recommended periodically for a short time to apply cold. If the proper observance of the following methods to improve the effect does not occur, the doctor may prescribe a course of corticosteroids.


In more complicated cases, a surgery. However, it is used only when no other method of treatment does not give the desired effect. It shall be made taking into account such circumstances as the patient's age and General health. Recovery after the operating period is usually 2-3 months. To consolidate the treatment prescribed chondroprotectors, restoring the nervous and connective tissue.

Folk remedies

Good if pinched nerve in the neck, and render the application of methods of folk medicine. The excellent result shows rubbing to the neck of pork fat or butter, mixed with grated hop cones. Miraculous properties with the pinching of the cervical vertebrae has a garlic butter. 500 ml of vodka diluted with 2 tablespoons of the garlic oil and massage movements applied to the affected area.

Tablespoon of ammonia mixed with two spoons of bleached oil is applied on the night on the neck area and wrap with a warm towel. The morning will be much relieved.


As we know prevention is better than cure. Here are a few rules that will not allow you to face the problem of a pinched neck:

  • Gymnastics and physical education. One of the most important preventive aspects. The vertebrae of the back and neck need to move to support the tone of the entire apparatus;
  • People who lead a sedentary and sedentary lifestyle, you need every hour to do some stretching, helping the blood move and avoiding the swelling of the extremities;
  • Sleep on a firm hard surface. For this ideal orthopedic mattress and a thick pillow;
  • Lifting weights, strong physical exercise and excess weight can lead to pinched cervical nerves;
  • Swimming and yoga are beneficial to the health of the entire skeletal apparatus, while they do the ligaments supple and elastic, preventing wear and aging of the whole organism.

When preventive measures and timely treatment the problem of pinched cervical nerve is unlikely to bring you inconvenience.
Most importantly – it takes care of your body, to prevent excessive stresses and strains. Poor health hard to recover, and most importantly requires enormous effort, time and money