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Spinal stenosis: what is it, symptoms, treatment

Spinal stenosis of the lumbar is expressed in a partial overlapping of the spinal canal. As the compression tube channel compressed the spinal cord. The disease is progressive: the transition to severe protracted. In the initial stages shows the standard treatment with medications, physical therapy, therapeutic massage. In the running version of the disease surgical intervention is required. Consider the symptoms of the disease, methods of diagnosis and learn how to treat spinal stenosis.


The causes of the development of Spinoza

Spinoza is divided into congenital type and acquired development. In the first case, the disease occurs due to the specific structure of vertebrae: they are formed during the development of the embryo. The features of idiopathic (congenital) Spinoza are:

  • The legs of the fetus are formed incorrectly: one shorter than the other;
  • Increase or shortening of the vertebral arch;
  • The decrease in the growth of the fetus and other.

Stenosis of the spine acquired type is more common congenital. Causes:

  • Injury canal in the lumbar region, caused by mechanical impacts of a destructive nature on the back;
  • Degeneration of the spinal vertebrae due to osteoarthritis of the joints. Another reason could be the low back pain. These causes of stenosis of the lumbar spine are the most common;
  • Medical intervention, such as removal of part of the vertebral arch. Destructive processes inherent in people with metal designs on the spine;
  • Tumor;
  • Infectious diseases;
  • The change of metabolism due to which the vertebrae are accumulated products of metabolism;
  • Violation of blood supply of spinal nerve roots;
  • Rheumatoid arthritis, etc.

It happens that the patient is diagnosed with congenital stenosis of the intervertebral foramen, which eventually becomes another kind of Spinoza – acquired. Narrowing of the vertebral arteries and holes in this case to cure not medicines, surgery is required.

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The symptoms of the disease

We have examined the symptoms that causes spinal stenosis of the lumbar spine. However, they differ from symptoms Spinoza, occurs when narrowed the channel in places the neck or chest. So, chest constriction is characterized by:

  • Pain in the neck, partial neck;
  • Suffer from shoulder muscle;
  • Numbness or tingling in the upper torso;
  • Paralysis of individual parts or the entire body simultaneously;
  • Violation and the stop of the respiratory function;
  • No sensitive reflexes below the level of injury.

The thoracic spine is less likely to suffer from stenosis. The reason for his immobility: it is hard to exert external influence, which can lead to degenerative changes. The signs of the Spinosa are:

  • The selective sensitivity of the skin of the abdomen and chest;
  • Pain in the abdomen, pain in the heart;
  • Pain at the site of injury.

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If the treatment of spinal stenosis was not conducted on time, patient wait complications. Primary neurological symptoms occur, the intensity of the manifestations of which depends on the degree of spinal cord compression. In the case when the spinal cord is damaged, complications are rarely reversible. They include:

  • Lower paraparesis;
  • Disruption of the normal functioning of the organs of small pelvis;
  • Loss of sensation and paralysis.


Diagnosis of the disease begins with the collection of medical history: doctor examines the complaints of the patient, the nature and location of pain, the way of life of the patient, which could lead to stenosis of the lumbar spine. Next, the doctor conducts a physical examination of the patient and answers the question of what it is. Here are assigned additional diagnostics.

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  • X-ray

Procedure x-ray irradiation does not cause pain to the patient. It shows bone changes using rays x-ray machine. In the case of stenosis, it reveals osteophytes, hypertrophy of the facet joints, injury or weak stability of the spinal segments. The same x-ray provides a picture that enables us to understand whether the patient is reducedthe intervertebral slit. X-ray visualizes the soft tissue and makes it impossible to identify tumors and other types of damage.

  • MRI

This method allows to image the internal structure of the body. The procedure is harmless and does not pose a risk to life. Obtained on the MRI picture shows longitudinal and transverse slices, which give a possibility to diagnose any pathology of the soft tissues. MRI reveals hypertrophy of the facet joints, hernia and other destructive pathology.

  • Computed tomography

Study the dorsal division is carried out by x-rays. The resulting picture is processed by a computer program and produces image slices. The same image obtained by MRI. Diagnosis using computed tomography allows to identify bone spurs, hypertrophy of the facet joints and other changes of the bone tissue. Tomography can be combined with myelogram. Picture of the disease in this case becomes clearer.


Spinal stenosis, which treatment can be medical or surgical lends itself to wholly cure. Medical treatment may in the initial stages of the disease, provided that there are no significant neurological disorders. If symptoms, great pain in the lumbar and feet, conservative treatment is not suitable.

Treatment of primary Spinosa – complex use of physiotherapy, exercise therapy, massage and medication.

Treatment includes:

  • Non-steroidal drugs. They allow you to remove the inflammation with squeezed nerve root and reduce swelling, remove pain. The form in which non-steroidal drugs to be consumed for the patient, are negotiated individually;
  • Vitamins of group B. They have a positive effect on the structure of the peripheral nervous system, while bezbolevaya inflamed areas;
  • The muscle relaxants. Group of medicines used to relieve tension from the muscles;
  • Means of improving blood flow;
  • Decongestant drugs;
  • Blockade with lidocaine and hormones. They relieve pain and swelling.

Late presentation to the doctor, surgery is indicated. By this time the patient are amplified neuralgic symptoms, disrupts the function of organs located in the pelvis, appear paresis. Surgery helps to remove the compression of the spinal nerves.

Spinal stenosis of the lumbar – disease, which likely will result in disability of the patient. This can be prevented if you pay attention to their health, and listen to the signals given by the body. Only the timely treatment will help get rid of the disease forever, without the relapses.