Home / Pinching of spinal nerves and blood vessels, causes, treatment / Drug treatment of sciatica: pills, shots, epidural anesthesia

Drug treatment of sciatica: pills, shots, epidural anesthesia

Drug treatment of sciatica is to use pain medications. After all, the main symptom of sciatica is pain that gives man the ability to lead an active lifestyle. Sciatica is a disease of the sciatic nerve, accompanied by inflammation, is a complication of spine. It's not even a disease, but a symptom of difficulties with the spine.


The largest nerve in the human body – the sciatic. Therefore, a pinched, accompanied by inflammation, is expressed in the unbearable pain that need to be addressed. This is great for the treatment of sciatica medicines.


Often sciatica arises from other diseases associated with the spine. The main reasons are:

  • Hypothermia on the lumbar;
  • Osteochondrosis;
  • Injuries to the spinal trunk;
  • Herniated disc;
  • The occurrence of malignant tumors on the background of tuberculosis or other diseases;
  • The inflammatory process of the urinary system.

Hence the conclusion that the disease occurs by itself as a result of pathology of the structure of the spine and on the background of the problems of internal organs.



To start I would like to note that if you have sciatica the sciatic nerve , there are certain methods of dealing with pain arising in the sciatic nerve.

Methods of self-deliverance from a painful syndrome:

  • Keep straight back and bend the spine. Not Tahiti heavy objects and do not sit on a soft surface, as this will lead to an increase in painful sensations in the leg;
  • If You are allergic you can take ibuprofen or aspirin. Also, you can use any non-steroidal anti-inflammatory meds. The use of blood-thinning drugs, the funds listed above are unfit for use;
  • Cold compress. Make applying locally to the affected area;
  • Performing ice-cubes kneading motion, You can reduce the pain;
  • Use as a cold compress, and applying heat;
  • Put something under your knees when the horizontal position of the body on a rigid plane. This method will reduce the voltage level of the sciatic nerve and ease pain effect.


Treatment of sciatica sciatic nerve, applying medication, local and General action, help to speed up treatment. Physiotherapy clips result from medical treatment. In practice, the tablets do not have applications. The main method is the injections.

medikamenty dlya lecheniya ishiasa


All anesthetics are divided into groups. Of them we will stop the attention on non-steroidal means, which is formed on the blocking production of chemicals responsible for pain. Such funds are called prostaglandins. These drugs are used for ailments directly related to pain. Today, there are a huge number of medicines this category. They are divided into fast-acting and long-lasting. The second can be consumed only once a day.

  • Recovering without a doctor's prescription: acetylsalicylic acid, ibuprofen, Ketoprofen, and others.
  • Prescription drugs: motrin, Ansaid, Seractil and others.

To reduce the degree of adverse effects of medical treatment should be carried out after supply. Side effects from NSAIDs:

  • Due to the impact on the gastric mucosa may cause nausea and vomiting. In severe cases may be accompanied by bleeding and stomach ulcers.
  • The drop in the level of blood clotting. If the patient takes blood thinners means there will be a high risk of internal bleeding.
  • Adversely affects the kidneys.

Contraindications to use of NSAIDs:

  • Disease ulcers intestinal or stomach;
  • Anemia;
  • Tendency to internal bleeding
  • High blood pressure;
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular, mochevyvodjashie systems, liver disease.


The other category of funds – steroid anti-inflammatory drugs thatused for treatment of sciatica inflammation of the sciatic nerve. These medications are specially created for your body's production of the hormone hydrocortisone. Cortisol is a biologically active hormone, which has the structure sterakovou core. The body's production occurs in the adrenal glands under the influence of adrenocorticotropic hormone. Steroid course of treatment prescribed for a short period of time, not exceeding two weeks. Further, the use of drugs can turn serious consequences on the human body. The effects of this category of drugs is based on the removal of edema, and reduction of the inflammatory process in the tissues.

Side effects of steroid anti-inflammatory drugs:

  • Weight gain;
  • Peptic ulcer disease;
  • Osteoporosis;
  • Edema of the facial part of the head;
  • An increase in the level of blood clotting;
  • The drop in the overall level of immunity.

Vospalenie sedalishnogo nerva

Epidural therapy

Epidural injections are one of the modern and frequently used ways of dealing with pain in the spine. The process consists in the introduction of the drug into the surrounding spinal cord cavity, which contains the nerve roots branches. The effect of epidural therapy is intermittent, but quickly relieve the pain resulting from neuralgia. A category of drugs used in medicine since 1952. The main task of the injection reduce pain in the lumbar spine. The advantage of this method of treatment is exposure to a lower dose of the drug, because it is injected directly into the nidus. Accordingly, the risk of adverse effects from medical treatment is lower.

Opioid means

You can treat sciatica medicines, which included narcotic elements. The meaning is that chemical elements absorb the pain, blurring the General perception of the nervous system. These drugs are the most potent.

Opiates great relieve the pain for a short period of time. The use of more than four months is dangerous, because there is a dependence to the drug.

Nowadays, there are new methods of using painkillers. A skin patch, which includes opioid substances, reduces the level of pain in the site of the outbreak and makes it significantly better than the use of opiates orally.

Side effects from opioid painkillers:

  • Nervous tension;
  • Problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Paranoia;
  • Sleepy and sluggish;
  • Lethargy.

In full compliance with the conditions of use for a long period of time, opioids are safe. The stopper for the purpose of this medical treatment from the doctors is the fact of taking drugs in young people. So this therapy is truly rare in our medicine.


One of the most available drugs was Tramadol. The drug has another name – Ultram. Pain medication, an alternative treatment option with the use of opioid substances. Tramadol generates no strong dependence, though, and has a number of such opioid properties. The drug has no effect on the gastrointestinal tract. Using Tramadol and acetaminophen together, can be much quicker to reduce pain than any other medication.