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Back pain during pregnancy first trimester: causes, treatment

Why can hurt the lower back during pregnancy in the first trimester? During pregnancy the female body undergoes rearrangements, which require the fruit. Causes of pain in the lumbar spine: hormonal changes acting on bone tissue and ligaments. In addition, this pain is evidence of other pathologies, unrelated to pregnancy or be a symptom of incipient miscarriage.

bolit poyasnica pri beremennosti v pervom trimestre

Changes in the female body

Pain during pregnancy in early pregnancy are often physiological in nature. What happens to a woman after conception?

  • In the first weeks after conception mouth there is the taste of metal;
  • The mammary glands swell, there is accumulation of blood in the pelvis;
  • Urination becomes more frequent;
  • Occurs fatigue;
  • Irritation on sharp and the sharp smells to nausea and vomiting;
  • Broken chair, starts aching pain;
  • Uterus presses on the bladder;
  • Stretched ligaments that support the uterus;
  • It can get a back.

If the first months of pregnancy there is pain, then the causes can be a urinary tract infection or kidney disease. Prerequisites for the emergence of symptoms often becomes the softening of the ligaments under the influence of increasing progesterone. The body's position in space changes, and the load on the spine increases. A pregnant woman is advised to consult the surgeon who will check the correctness of her posture and recommend exercises to keep the body in good shape.

You should pay attention to?

  • If pain are intermittent, the patient increased body temperature, can cause edema and increased urge to urinate, then surely this medicine. The disease can be treated stationary.
  • When discomfort and sharp pain in the pubic joint doctors often record symphysiotomy. For her character duck walk.

In these cases, immediately contact a doctor for statement of the correct diagnosis. Most often the doctor will recommend wearing a brace, to comply with bed rest and prescribe pain medicine.

The main causes of pain

  • Hormonal changes. Under the action of relaxin increases the flexibility of the joints of the hips and sacrum, which contributes to their relaxation. The pubic ligaments soften too. Pain in this period natural and do not require medical intervention or treatment.
  • Symphysis. Pathology develops as a result of excessive stretching of the pubic muscles. Pains are of a spasmodic character, the woman noted loss of coordination. Treatment only with medication.
  • The displacement of the center of gravity. The new position of the body due to growing tummy makes a woman pulling the neck forward. The woman increases the load on the lumbar, in this regard, the lower back starts to hurt. If the woman has scoliosis or other abnormalities of the musculoskeletal apparatus, the discomfort becomes even stronger. If she moves a little, the problem is getting worse.
  • Problems with the kidneys. Symptoms: rise in temperature in the patient, the swelling of tissues and limbs. Urine changes color to dark, start the headaches. Symptoms of kidney stones, gall bladder. You can't waste time or to self-medicate. In this situation, it is best to consult a doctor for tests. Especially when discomfort is manifested not only in the waist, but gives in the groin.
  • Sharp pain in waves like contractions or feel like the onset of menstruation, accompanied by bloody discharge is a symptom of threatened miscarriage. You should call an ambulance.
  • If a woman feels pregnant, begins nausea, malaise, but suddenly appeared pain in the lumbar, rigirously in the scapula, clavicle or rectum, it is likely that the occurrence of ectopic pregnancy. It is accompanied by spotting, severe cramping, pressure is falling, confused consciousness, pale skin. The woman required medical help.
  • Pancreatitis. Pathology is characterized by aching pain in the lower back, weakness, nausea, impaired chair. Cal gets the oiliness and Shine. Pancreatitis is treated stationary.
  • Diseases of the spine. Soreness in the lumbar spine caused by osteochondrosis, hernia, scoliosis, lordosis and other pathologies.
  • Myositis. Occurs due to inflammation of the muscles after a long stay in the draft,frost. The pain starts in the awkward position of the body. On palpation of an inflamed muscle is detectable and is in great shape. Inflammation can be at any stage of pregnancy.


The appearance of the infection you must consult your doctor, who will prescribe treatment. This usually a special diet and medicines. Physiological pain go away on their own, but a pregnant woman needs to move more, to avoid stagnation in the pelvic area.


Every morning, the expectant mother needs to do exercises, try to walk and walk. Recommended yoga with an adapted course or swimming in the pool. These easy ways to strengthen muscles. Remember, the more muscles are toned, the easier it is then to give birth.


Pregnant women are recommended with standing, walking and sitting, follow the correct posture, do stretching exercises of the spine and sleeping on a hard orthopaedic mattress. This mattress evenly distributes the load, the body is fully at rest, the nervous system is in a state of stability.

metody ustraneniya bolej v poyasnice

Help with myositis, sciatica

In these diseases it is recommended to use special means (for prescription) that will not be harmful to the unborn baby. Because they are made alcohol-based. During treatment, the patient should not strain, you should spend more time in bed and not lift weights.

It is impossible to massage the sore spot, if your back hurts. Can be treated with honey dressings. This method will not harm a pregnant woman. To do this, heat the honey and smear them with a sore lower back, covered with foil and zamatyvaem a scarf or shawl.

If a woman has no infectious diseases and pathology, but it hurts the lumbar spine, most often the pain is temporary and goes away without treatment.

ustranenie boli pri pomoshi uprazhnenij

Other methods of treatment

Your doctor may recommend a pregnant woman the following methods of influence on the affected area:

  • Wear a brace or corset. They relieve the excessive load on the spine, facilitating the work of the affected Department.
  • Physiotherapy. This method is suitable only for those women who have threatened miscarriage, there is no likelihood of preterm birth. Classes will help to strengthen the muscular frame. Do not overload the body. All the exercises are discussed with the doctors and trainer that will develop a program for the patient.
  • Antibacterial course of treatment. Depending on the disease is cephalexin, ciprofloxacin and other medications. If the patient was diagnosed with glomerulonephritis, you should take the prednisone for effects on the immune system.
  • Drugs for local use. These funds have a positive impact on the affected areas, the main thing is to find a cure, so as not to harm the patient.
  • The displacement of the vertebrae, the doctors also recommend the use of bandages or corsets that will take the weight off the spine