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Ointment for back pain during pregnancy in first, second and third trimester

Many pregnant women experience severe pain in the lower back. Online you can find various ointments and creams that successfully relieve pain, but many of them use during pregnancy is impossible. Therefore, before using ointment for back pain during pregnancy, it is necessary to consult with your gynecologist. Because back pain may indicate pathology of pregnancy.

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Why not self?

During pregnancy on your back greatly increases the load and very often women experience severe pain. But before you slather your lower back, you need to visit a doctor and determine the exact cause of the pain. The reason for pain in the back can be:

  • Frozen pregnancy;
  • Beginning on a miscarriage;
  • Detachment of the placenta;
  • Polinevrit.

If you self-medicate, then you can lose time, and save the pregnancy will be difficult. Very often back pain in the last period is a harbinger of childbirth. In this case, the application of ointments will not bring relief. Most often the pain is manifested in osteochondrosis and other diseases of the spine, but the disease can be determined only by the doctor. Even if the pregnancy was already such a diagnosis and you know how to get rid of pain, then visit a fertility clinic.

Choose safe tools

Choosing creams that help with back pain during pregnancy, do not listen to the advice of friends and advice forums. Because even homeopathic medicines consisting of herbs, can harm the baby and cause abortion. It is always safer to choose the right medicine along with your gynecologist. But if the back hurts, and the doctor can not find, then:

  • Use ointments purchased at a pharmacy;
  • It is better to buy ones that are allowed during lactation;
  • Before applying read the instructions carefully, paying attention to contraindications and composition;
  • Do not use vehicle with expired.

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In any case, remember that it is only emergency care and as quickly as possible, visit a prenatal clinic.

Homeopathic medicines

Naturally, the more natural ingredients included in the product, the safer it is during pregnancy. But here it is necessary to remember not all herbs and homeopathic components harmless in pregnancy. In addition, many herbs can cause allergic reactions, so before you start applying, carefully study the composition, if any component was previously Allergy medication is not used.

Pregnant women are not advised to apply ointments and creams from back pain, having a warming effect. They increase the blood flow to the affected area, respectively, may provoke the outflow of blood from the placenta. With prolonged use it can lead to oxygen starvation of the fetus and affect its development and growth. So everyone's favorite, full of herbs, the balm "Asterisk" it is better not to use during pregnancy.

Pregnant women should refrain from use of drugs, which include snake and bee venoms. Through the skin the poison easily penetrates initially into the bloodstream and then into the placenta.

Traumel S

One of the drugs that has no contraindications during pregnancy, is a German cream Traumeel S. it is composed of 12 different herbs that reduce inflammation and reduce pain. In most cases it does not cause allergic reactions, but before applying it is worth the test. Usually it helps in inflammatory processes of the spine. Relief comes after the first day of use, but if after three days not getting any better, contact your doctor.

Even to reduce discomfort, apply the cream-gel "Malavit". It has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. This is achieved thanks to its composition of herbs, essential oils, extract of Shilajit. Women who have allergies to the products of bees, is to refrain from the use of the drug, as it contains dead bees.

Pain ointment

Sometimes pain can be so strong that no homeopathic ointment or special exercises does not help. The pregnant woman is deprived of sleep, any movement causes her pain. Ultimately, this can also hurt the baby, so the specialist may recommend the use of anti-inflammatory href="http://spine.vsebolezni.com/mazi/obezbolivayushie-mazi.html">ointments for the back with the analgesic effect. Should not self-prescribe yourself these drugs, because they apply only if the benefit outweighs the risk to the fetus.

One of the most safe drugs are considered "Menovazin". When applied to the affected area, it is practically not absorbed into the bloodstream. It includes menthol, which not warms, and cools the diseased area, exerting slight anesthetic effect.

Many ointments prohibited in the third trimester. Their use can cause pathology of the nervous system of the fetus. These tools include "Fastum gel", "Nurofen-gel", "Finalgon". Pregnant women should not use preparations containing diclofenac.

How to apply

Before the use of any means test for a reaction. During pregnancy a woman's body is completely rebuilt. Those components that have not previously caused Allergy, now cause allergic reactions. To test apply a small amount of ointment to the arm near the elbow. If a rash or redness are observed, you can begin treatment.

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The tool should be at room temperature, do not apply ointment to the skin straight from the fridge. Very gently, effortlessly, with light massaging movements of her rubbing along the spine and lower back. After it soaks in, cover the injured area with a warm scarf (scarf, blanket) and soak for at least an hour in silence.