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Why after ovulation sore lower back, what could it be?

After ovulation, sore back. Why is this happening? Along with the pain, discomfort starts in the ovaries, slightly increased mammary glands, changing the color of vaginal discharge. In the process of ovulation the egg is released, and a small amount of blood gets into the abdomen, the woman feels discomfort. But breaking through the shell of the ovary and the movement of ovum in the fallopian tube causing the pain. Therefore, after ovulation occur nagging pain in the lower back and the abdomen.

Posle ovulyacii bolit poyasnica

The mechanism of the female cycle

In the first stage of the cycle in the female body there is a growth of follicle and egg, then they are maturing. After the egg breaks through the shell of the ovary. Starts its movement to the fallopian tube. At this time the woman increases the content of progesterone in the blood. The hormone prepares the lining of the uterus, the cervical mucus and glands of the breast to a successful conception.

At breaking the shell of the ovary the egg a little blood gets in the peritoneum, the woman feels discomfort, and the tear causes pain.

Start dragging pain in the abdomen, ovaries. Give pain in the lumbar spine. These symptoms continue a day or two, then pass until the next ovulation. The pain may be localized, the left, then right, because the maturation each cycle occurs in the ovary.

The woman feels nagging pain radiating to the lower back, tugging the lower abdomen. There is a headache, not hungry. The woman feels tired and sleepy.

Other causes of pain

If in this period, conception does not occur, and the discomfort passes in a few days. If pain does not stop, but become stronger, the woman should consult a doctor.

prichiny bolej v poyasnice posle ovulyacii

Pain during ovulation may be a symptom of pregnancy, a harbinger of gynecological diseases, or baby if the woman is in the last months of pregnancy.

In early pregnancy

If a week has passed since ovulation, and my stomach pulls and radiates to the lower back, discomfort may be the first signs of pregnancy.

Pain accompanies the attachment of the embryo to the endometrial layer of the uterus.

It takes several days and the pain will themselves, begin other signs of "interesting situation." This sharp emotional swings, intolerance to certain smells and tastes, drowsiness and fatigue.

Prolonged pain more than 3 days

If pain not become weaker, but only stronger and a fever, you need urgent gyno. It will specify the number of days ill, where localized discomfort, what is the nature of pain, frequency. The doctor will identify reasons why applying the methods of laboratory studies and ULTRASOUND.

prichiny dlitelnoj boli v poyasnice posle ovulyacii

The causes of pain can be:

  • Disturbed hormonal balance, which is determined through tests. They will help you understand why a stomach ache and lower back.
  • If the temperature rises, the main cause of discomfort becomes inflammatory process in the fallopian tube or the ovaries. If women have ovarian inflammation, often the cause lies in the presence of the pathogen (the fungus Candida, Ureaplasma, chlamydia, Mycoplasma).
  • Pain after appendectomy. To strengthen pain after ovulation may surgical intervention on excision of an Appendix.
  • Gynaecological diseases. The cause of the pain is often cestos, endometriosis, salpingitis.
  • Osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine. Pain can to strengthen the presence of degenerative disc disease of the lumbar, especially if the woman leads a sedentary lifestyle.
  • Miscarriage. If a woman is already pregnant, the appearance of pain may indicate early miscarriage.

If the pain does not pass in two days after the start, it is not necessary to tighten visit to the doctor. Woman should alert the appearance of diarrhea or constipation, urge to vomit and nausea, fever or chills, problems with urination, headache, dyspnea. If going to the hospital is delayed, it can harm your body.

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Pain treatment

If the cause pain after ovulation getting ovulation only and not other diseases, enough to slightly alleviate the condition. But if discomfort and pain due to other causes, you should take action immediately.

  • Endometriosis is growth of uterine endometrium to the ovaries and other internal organs. Cure it with medication or surgery.
  • Ectopic pregnancy – when the embryo hits the uterus, and attaches to the fallopian tubes. The embryo gradually grows and begins to put pressure on the pipes, gradually tearing them down. All this brings to a woman a lot of pain, spotting. Treated only with surgery.
  • In other diseases of internal organs after the diagnosis the doctor prescribes conservative treatment (hormonal, anti-inflammatory medications, a course of antibiotic therapy, etc.)
  • Surgery is recommended in severe stages of endometriosis, ectopic pregnancy, ovarian cysts and other diseases.

First aid for pain caused by ovulation

  1. Applied on the lower abdomen bottle with warm water or a heating pad for 5-10 minutes. This method will quickly relieve spasms and eliminate pain.
  2. Use antispasmodics or other analgesics, for example aspirin, Nospanum, spazgan etc.
  3. Massage your lower back lightly in a clockwise direction. If desired, this is done in tennis balls that fit into a cloth bag and placed under the patient's lower back. It is necessary to slightly flatten them and roll over the sore area.
  4. Allow yourself to rest. It is possible to spend more time lying on the couch or bed or to do relaxing exercises. It is important to drink a lot.
  5. During the pain you can't use those foods which have an additional burden on the digestive tract or increase flatulence. Should be removed from power these days meals from the legumes and high in fat, chocolate, strong black tea and coffee.
  6. Relieves discomfort and pain bathtub with warm, but not hot water. Enriching it with decoctions of herbs or essential oils.
  7. Many gynecologists in the periodic occurrence of pain following ovulation recommend taking oral contraceptives. This can be done only after the selection of a contraceptive by a physician.

ustranenie bolej v poyasnice posle ovulyacii

You may need the following information: after a month of sore lower back

The prevention of pain

To pain following ovulation didn't bother in the first place should make it a rule to visit a gynecologist once in 6 months. This will allow time to identify the beginning of a gynecological disease and speed up treatment. It is important to keep a diary of your cycle to understand when the pain is caused by ovulation, and when other causes. There, you can fix the symptoms and character of pain.

To postovulatory syndrome bothered less need not expose yourself to stress, nervous breakdowns, clean up from food, coffee, to minimize alcoholic beverages.

If the pain is accompanied by depression, we should advance to take antidepressants to live precisely according to the order of the day. These days body easily gains weight, so you should eat less fat and sweet.

Remember that such pains can be the norm, but sometimes become a symptom of the disease. So the woman in this period is recommended to carefully monitor their feelings and manifested symptoms.