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Sore lower back 35 weeks pregnant, what to do

Women often feel back pain in 35 week of pregnancy. This is the consequence of increasing the load on the spine because the fetus greatly increases in size. Often comorbidities significantly affect the health and course of pregnancy, because it is necessary to carefully monitor their health.

Pochemu bolit poyasnica na 35 nedele beremennosti?

Pregnancy is a special time in every woman's life, and thus attentive to the disease. Migrated rubella and toxoplasmosis during pregnancy severely harm the fetus and health of the woman, because timely visiting the doctor and delivery of analyses necessary for a healthy baby.

What may be hiding pain

You should clearly know your history. Often women forget about such diseases in history as the osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia. You need to consider this before going to the doctor in order to give him a full history of diseases and pathological processes. The health of a pregnant women, it is doubly important, since carrying a heavy process.

It is necessary to distinguish the usual fatigue in my back from pathological processes. Often, the fruit can be a massive that when the anatomical features of women strongly can worsen during pregnancy – for example, with a weak spine and low growth in women. In some pathological processes of the fetus can greatly increase its weight.

Such diseases include hydrocephalus. When the liquid remains in the cavity of the brain, damaging it. The fruit greatly increases in size, in the best case the child lives with a disability. It is diagnosed in the first trimester, because the need to carry out an abortion for your health. The large weight of the fetus greatly complicates such diseases as scoliosis, osteochondrosis and intervertebral hernia.


Scoliosis is basically a curvature of the spine from smooth – he swerves from the straight line at an angle deviating from the norm. This disease may occur compensatory syndrome – spine is bent in the upper division, forming the Latin letter S.

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Scoliosis causes root compression and disorders of the tonic muscles. The muscles around the lower back form a muscular corset of a spine which supports the spine and organs at the level of the waist. Damaging it, the person causing the bending of all the departments. When pregnancy is complicated by the change in body weight.

Pain syndrome may be caused by not only a spasm of the muscles, but also by compression of spinal roots. They are responsible for the innervation of the surrounding organs and muscles. To the spinal cord back are sensory nerves that transmit sensations from different parts of the body.

When pumping under pressure there is pain. The pain can be as fickle arising under certain provisions of the body, and to stay permanently. In such cases, it is desirable to conduct the blockade of nerve fibers, or the appointment of anti-inflammatory drugs. Unfortunately, almost all these methods can harm the fetus, therefore assess the benefits vis-a-vis the possible benefits and risk.


Osteochondrosis is a disease in which the cartilage grows from the vertebrae, preventing the vertebrae to bend freely. This is facilitated by low physical activity, high body mass, impaired nutrition and poor diet. Almost all of these causes occur during pregnancy.

Osteochondrosis dangerous not only by displacement of the nerve roots, but damage to blood vessels. This can lead to fetal hypoxia. If at 35 weeks sore lower back should immediately consult a doctor to prevent the development of such diseases.

Treat low back pain with protivopodagricakih funds that stop the development process of cartilage tissue, some of them are absolutely safe for the fetus in such terms, but the earlier it can harm the formation of bone structures of the child, why should be attentive to the recommendations of a physician.

Disc herniation

The intervertebral disc consists of two main elements: the nucleus pulposus, or so-called amorphous mass of the disk, and fibrous, often called ring. Purposee coreacts as a shock absorber and dampens vibrations transmitted from the lower extremities. Fibrous sheath limits its order to maintain the desired disc shape.

A hernia is the protrusion of the ring in which the portion of the nucleus pulposus begins to bulge. During pregnancy this process is most acute because of the increased pressure on the spine from the side of the body. Treatment depends on the degree, but often can be confined to paravertebral blockade pressed against the spine.


Treatment of lower back pain during pregnancy it is best to lay on your supervising physician. Many drugs are highly toxic, and not acting negatively on a woman's body outside of pregnancy, the fetus, they can cause a lot of damage. In this case we are talking about the development of the pathological malformations, deformities, anomalies.

Treatment is symptomatic and depends on the particular disease. Often, you only need to hold out until retrogene – then, subject to refusal of breast feeding, you can continue therapy by conventional means, in spite of the contraindications of drugs.

If, however, it is urgent to begin treatment, you should carefully applies to medicines. Should choose drugs that do not pass the placental barrier and are not dangerous. It has to be proven by research from leading medical organizations. Of course, in any case can not self-medicate and should consult your doctor.