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Cervical myositis: symptoms and treatment of inflammation of the neck muscles

Cervical myositis – inflammation of muscles in the neck and shoulder. The occurrence of disease play a role many factors. Often people are unaware of the seriousness of the disease, so rarely go to the doctor. This leads to the transition of an acute disease into a chronic form. Myositis of the cervical muscles occurs at any age.

SHejnyj miozit

The symptoms of myositis

The symptoms of myositis are varied. The main symptom of the disease is pain. Pain – a sign of ongoing process. It is intense, may intensify or weaken. Patient can not rotate or incline the head, to probe the site of inflammation. People restrict the movement and tries to avoid pain. Irradiation in the upper half of the body is characteristic of myositis often the pain bothers one side of the cervical region, but may be concerned about both.

If the condition worsens, the person begins to feel heaviness in the neck, watching a swelling in the vertebrae. Some patients report headache pain, radiating to the temple or nape of the neck, difficulty in chewing and swallowing food, so they often refuse to eat.

With the progression of the disease there is fever, cough, and in severe case even concerned about the asthma attacks.

The transition in the chronic form the pain is worse at night or when weather changes. Periods of exacerbation go into remission when the patient did not bother, but the disease can reappear.

The causes of inflammation

Now analyze the main reasons that may occur cervical myositis:

  • Some diseases of an infectious nature: a respiratory catarrh, tonsillitis, rheumatic disease, reduced immunity.
  • The disease affects musicians and office workers. Then there are those people who constantly keep the muscles of the neck in tension.
  • Often neck injuries: sprains, fractures of the upper extremities can become inflamed muscles.
  • Prolonged stress, depression, hypothermia reduced immunity, so the risk increases.
  • Parasites in the allocation of its toxins damage the muscles of the neck.
  • Diseases of musculoskeletal system as the person can find an awkward position for a long time.
  • Different poisoning, bad habits, and comorbidities (diabetes mellitus) have an impact on the body.

Types of cervical myositis

  • Purulent cervical myositis. Causative organisms are staphylococci, streptococci, which when released in the wound and produce toxins;
  • Infectious cervical myositis occurs after acute respiratory illness during systemic lupus erythematosus;
  • Neyromiozit. In addition to the neck muscles affects the nerve bundles, thereby touches upon new areas of the body;
  • Ossificans myositis. In addition affects the cervical vertebrae;
  • Dermatomyositis occurs due to changes in hormonal background. Most often it is a hereditary disease.


Effective method of diagnosis is electromyography. It registers the number of impulses passing through the muscle. If the fiber is damaged, the unit detects changes in the conduction of impulses. Another method is ultrasound. The study will help to clarify the place of occurrence of inflammation.

If the disease was preceded by any trauma prescribe x-rays to determine the position of fracture or damaged.

diagnostika shejnogo miozita

How to treat myositis of the neck?

Cervical myositis treated with drugs. Recommended diet and a course of therapeutic massage. Allowed the use of traditional methods of therapy.


Medicines are used to reduce inflammation, eliminate pain and destruction of pathogenic bacteria. For pain need NSAIDs. They are appointed until the inflammation cannot be removed. Whenintense pain, swelling, fever NSAIDs can be taken intramuscularly. You need to take Diclofenac, Ketorolac.

You can use a combination of drugs Ibuprofen in combination with Paracetamol, Diclofenac with Paracetamol. To relieve spasms and muscle tension are suitable muscle relaxants: Hydroxyzine, Baclofen, Tizanidine, and others.

If cervical myositis autoimmune in origin, you should take corticosteroids: Hydrocortisone, Methylprednisolone. They reduce the activity of autoimmune reactions and facilitate the condition. Glucocorticoids have many side tools, so you should not self-administer. It is better to consult a doctor who will help to assign dose.

If the myositis caused by bacteria, antibiotics are used widely spectrum of action. But in any case it is impossible to use a warming ointment, as they will accelerate the growth of bacteria and aggravate the condition. The penicillin group antibiotics, it is quite suitable for successful treatment.

In the treatment of cervical myositis, you can include ointment. Ointments are only used in the absence of contraindications. Rubbing helps to improve blood circulation in the area and eliminate pain, inflammatory in nature. You can use the ointment Fastum Gel. It is easy to relieve tension, pain, improve well-being. This therapy is used in the absence of bacterial infection.

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Diet disease just as effective. It is necessary to remove from the diet of fried, spicy, salty. For fever you need to use more liquid (more than 2 liters per day). To relieve inflammation is to eat more polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are rich in fish. So if neck hurts, feel weak, be fish.


Consult your doctor, he can prescribe therapeutic exercises for the neck muscles. Massage important to treat myositis. With the right approach to get rid of the stagnation of blood in the muscles, remove the pain.

  • The doctor has to correctly calculate the time of work and rest;
  • Do not force yourself to exercise when you feel discomfort;
  • Exercises will strengthen the muscles of the back and neck, improve skin tone, relieve tension.

Successful treatment of myositis of the neck is possible when combining medicines with diets, massage.

massazh pri miozite

Folk remedies

  • VapoRub can be made from fat, pre grind it to a powder horsetail. After gently applied to the skin;
  • For pain Laurel oil mixed with water. Then the solution soaked gauze and placed on the affected area;
  • For reducing inflammation drink the tincture of Adonis, the pre-Bay grass boiling water and infusing for about an hour;
  • Able to relieve the pain of a copper coin. They need to apply for a day on the affected area, and then just to clean;
  • Preparation of a bandage with honey, which is applied to the neck can ease the burden. But first you need to wrap the top of the warm woolen scarf.

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The prognosis of the disease

  • Recovery. If time went to the doctor, right reacted to his recommendations diligently treated, myositis of the cervical will quickly disappear without complications;
  • The transition in the chronic form. This files most often occurs in the absence of proper treatment: the categorical refusal to accept medications, reducing the doses, constant fatigue and lack of rest;
  • Complications: systemic inflammation, suppurative inflammation, and others.

Myositis of the neck muscles is a serious disease, so do not delay treatment indefinitely.