Home / Lower back pain: causes, treatment, in men, in women during pregnancy / Nausea and lower back pain in men and women, the reasons

Nausea and lower back pain in men and women, the reasons

Pain in the lower back, which are combined with retching and nausea, can be symptoms like severe pathologies of the digestive tract, genitourinary system and diseases of locomotor apparatus. You need time and most importantly the right to differentiate etiopatogenie diseases from diseases of the internal organs.

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Pain in the lower back in medical practice called lumbodynia – from the word "lumbalis and algia" – lumbar pain.

Some people do not share the sacral part of the spine and lower back – the sacrum is a fusion of five vertebrae and joints adjacent to the pelvis. The loin is a movable part, consisting of five vertebrae and is 3-4 cm below the navel. In case of pain in the back part of the pelvis, we apply the term sacralgia.


Pain in the lumbar part of the back talks about a possible lumbar radiculitis, osteochondrosis, intervertebral disc protrusion, osteoporosis and entrapment of nerves. Also the pain can be the consequence of scoliosis.

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But if the pain is adjacent to the nausea, it often says problems with internal organs. These include:

  • Pathology of gastrointestinal tract;
  • Pathology of the urinary tract and kidneys;
  • Gynecological and urological diseases.

Nausea, pain sensations can vary from reason to reason, because if you feel back pain and nausea, for diagnosis you must see a doctor.

Pathology of the gastrointestinal tract

The digestive system of the person is subject ogromna number of pathological changes, as in the process of living in contact with a huge variety of chemicals. The main pathologies that cause in addition to back pain and even nausea, include:

  • Appendicitis;
  • Colitis;
  • Intestinal infection;
  • Hernias;
  • Neoplastic growths.

The Appendix is a formation of the intestinal wall in the lower part of the ascending colon. In its walls it contains a large number of lymph nodes, and belongs to the organs of the immune system. Inflammation of the Appendix is facilitated by the consumption of bad food, neglect hygiene, eating heavy indigestible elements.

Atypical location of the Appendix, the pain of appendicitis can be transmitted in the back, because it will start to hurt passing near the lumbar and celiac plexus. In appendicitis the nausea and pain will have a special character – vomiting usually a single, the pain is dull, nagging. Perhaps lowering the temperature, weakness, malaise.

Colitis is an inflammatory process in the intestine. The main symptom is bouts of colic that are spread from the navel to the lumbar region. Feel, resemble colic spasms. When spasm, the obstruction of the intestine, which can give vomiting – especially when spasm in a thin and duodenum. Another diagnostic symptom is mild asthma antispasmodic.

Intestinal infections are the result of bacteria or parasites in the intestines, where they irritate the stomach walls secreted toxins. Symptoms of infection resemble poisoning, the pain will spread to the anterior wall of the abdomen, lower back and pelvic area. GI infections are accompanied by multiple, painful vomiting. Often when vomiting occurs re-infestation.

Nerve entrapment due to inguinal hernia may cause the urge of vomiting and severe pain in lumbar and inguinal region. Pain can cause loss of consciousness the person vomiting has a strong character and carries a neurological basis.

Often, cancerous growths can propogate the intestinal wall and grow into the lumbar spine. The pain will be felt in the muscles of the loins, because their work is disturbed and the nerves are under the influence of hormones secreted by the cancerous tissue. Toxins often lead to vomiting and disorders of gastrointestinal tract.

Pathology of the urinary system

The kidney is separated from the muscles of the back only by a layer of fat that protects them from hypothermia. Kidney stone disease is manifested in humans, severe paroxysmal colicky pains, which start from the left or right ofof the spine at the level of the waist, depending on lesions of the left or right kidney. The pain spreads to the groin, bladder, and sexual organs. It is often attacks of kidney stones are accompanied by nausea and vomiting because there is a violation of the return capture of urine in the blood fall the toxins from the decay of blood at the time of damage the nephrons.

In addition to kidney stones the pain may manifest in infections of the bladder and kidneys – cystitis, nephritis. They are caused by agents of microbial nature. The pain extends from the kidney to the bladder and further, in tract. The patient often sick, there are complaints of back pain.

In addition, nephritis can cause serious consequences for a person develop kidney failure, which is manifested in the deterioration and pollution of the body with the toxins of metabolism – urea, ammonia.

Gynecology and urology

Lower back pain with nausea pain are also due to diseases of the genital organs. In women, the symptoms can cause fibroids, inflammation of the appendages, and even premenstrual syndrome, depending on the anatomical features and acquired pathologies.

In the case of a painful end of the cycle and menstruation, you can talk about the anatomical location of the uterus – the proximity to the rump.

Endometrium, separated from the walls of the uterus, destroys blood vessels and nerve endings that cause pain during menstruation. At the same time, often with the wrong lifestyle, the destroyed cells can release toxins that cause nausea. Pathological changes in the uterus, tubes and ovaries also will give back. When a ruptured ovarian severe pain will be felt on the left or right side of the back, in this case, there may be excessive bleeding from the vagina.

In men lower back pain can cause prostatitis – inflammation of the prostate. The prostate is a gland secreting seminal fluid into the urethra. In case of inflammation, the prostate increases in size, pressing the channel causing the problem in urination, frequent nausea and pain in the lower back. Nausea is not typical for prostatitis, manifested in the cases of distribution of inflammation on the nerve endings in the inguinal canal, which houses the important nerve endings. In such cases, the error can be confused with inguinal hernia and the secondary development of inflammation of the genital organs.

If you experience pain in the lower back, accompanied by nausea and vomiting, an accurate diagnosis of the conducting profiled specialist – gastroenterologist, urologist, nephrologist, or gynecologist. Self and attempt symptomatic treatment can only worsen the disease, cause severe consequences and even be fatal.