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Why sore back during ovulation: causes, treatment

Many women, especially those who already became a mother complaining about what a pain in the lower back during ovulation. Do not worry about it. Most often this is a normal process due to the individual characteristics of the structure of the female body. The egg is traumatic for the tissue, why the pain and start to give in the waist.

Mozhet li bolet spina pri ovulyacii?

If there are other symptoms and pain in the lower back torment for several days, you may want to draw on its condition at the time of ovulation and undergo a medical examination. In some cases, pain associated with inflammation or cyst.


Many of the women starts to hurt the lower back during ovulation. Most often the reason is following - the egg leaves the ovary to get the opportunity to become fertilized. Pain is rarely strong, but the girls are often worry due to the fact that every ovulation becomes a bit painful. The discomfort occurs in the lumbar region, may shift to the lower part of the abdomen.

In most cases, pain is caused when the egg breaks the tissue of the ovary. From the gynecological point of view is normal phenomenon that does not require any medical interventions. At the moment of rupture of the ovarian tissue there is a microscopic bleeding. The blood enters the abdominal cavity and irritating its nerves, pain.

In some cases, blood is quite a lot, and it collects in the recto-uterine recess. This is the cavity between the uterus and abdominal muscles. Irritated nerves create pain radiating to the abdomen and lumbar region. Also the pain may be well localized in the uterus, or to give to the area of the rectum.

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The eggs develop to a full state one. The ovaries are change each other in this process – one month one, the next another. When damage occurs to the follicle the girl feels a nagging, uncomfortable feelings. In one month they are located in the right part of the body, the following may occur in the left. If this could happen and so it only hurts once in two months, and localized discomfort at the same time always only one side.

In this case there is a suspicion that uncomfortable the release of an egg associated with individual characteristics of the female body. Tissue can put pressure on the follicles on one side or the other, or both. From this point on will depend on the frequency of the pain.

The tissue of ovary can occur because there is an inflammatory process or history of a difficult birth. If pain have a stabbing character, develop paroxysmal, rapidly, and continue for several days, perhaps the reason for the inflammation. The reason can be also in cysts or gynecological infection.

The nature of the pain

If you listen to what the girl says about the pain during ovulation, radiating to lower back, you can see that they are rarely plagued by more than two days. How much expressed symptoms usually varies from one woman to another.

Sometimes it's only a faint, barely tangible stabbing sensation. In other situations, more nagging, strongly expressed. Discomfort can be clearly localized or surrounding. Not all girls can easily survive ovulation, I break down and drink the pain medication. Not in all cases it is justified, sometimes it's better to wait. After all, any medicines, especially painkillers, affect the digestive system. And do not abuse them, especially if you drink them you have and during menstruation and during ovulation.

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Alarming symptoms

Not worth it at the first painful sensation in the lower back to be frightened and to run to the doctor. Another thing – if the pain suffers more than two days. Also a concern are these symptoms of ovulation, such as:

  • Sick and dizzy;
  • Stomach ache;
  • Feel sick, and vomit;
  • Difficulty breathing;
  • Urination causes pain.

In this situation, you need to visit a gynecologist to understand what back pain and other symptoms. If the pain is lower back and belly due to the normal from a physiological point of view the characteristics of your body, will be assigned analgesics. They will help to stop lower back pain.

Will also be counseled to eliminate all stress factors, both physical and mental. Have a good rest, to relax, to think about yourself. The condition of the lower back when performing these tips will improve much faster.

Two of the three girls suffer from the discomfort of ovulation. Usually the pain is soon gonebut sometimes be quite strong, accompanied by other uncomfortable symptoms. If such aggravation is not observed, do not panic – rather, it is a small nuisance.

Specified manifestations painful ovulation is better not to neglect. When they occur be sure to visit the doctors and get tested, to understand why there is discomfort. Frequent, recurrent and severe pain in the lower back during ovulation should alert you.