Home / Lower back pain: causes, treatment, in men, in women during pregnancy / Pulls back to an early stage of pregnancy: to delay, what to do, what to take

Pulls back to an early stage of pregnancy: to delay, what to do, what to take

If you pull the lower back in early pregnancy, no need to get panic! Many of the symptoms that appear during pregnancy is quite natural and explained physiologies. From the beginning of pregnancy, a woman's body begins to change rapidly. And we now mean not only external changes, but internal restructuring. Often these metamorphoses begin to occur so suddenly that defy the mother-in stress, which can only hurt her. So, let's see why a sore lower back in early pregnancy.

Pochemu bolit poyasnica na rannih srokah beremennosti?

The first four weeks of pregnancy

Sometimes it pulls the lower back in early pregnancy before the appearance of two cherished strips on the test. A woman's body from the first days of conception begins to prepare for the process of carrying a baby and childbirth. From the first days in the body begins to produce the hormone relaksin. Under the action of the muscles and ligaments begin to soften, pelvic bones are set in motion. All this is necessary for a successful outcome of childbirth – so is easier for the baby to come out.

The internal organs also begin to prepare for what is soon the fruit will start to grow. The spine in the lumbar region is changing, preparing for the loads that will soon begin to increase, because the spine takes the brunt of the burden during gestation of the fetus. So, we can say that if you have a sore lower back during pregnancy in the early stages is an indication that the body is working properly. It is rebuilt to ensure that your child is comfortable.

The pain can aggravate, if the mother suffers from scoliosis or other diseases of the bones and muscles. Also increase the painful symptoms may lead a sedentary lifestyle. In this case, women need to move more.

boli na rannih etapah beremennosti

Fifth – sixth week of pregnancy

This period begins global restructuring of the lumbosacral. Also under the action of relaxin, the pelvis begins to become more agile and flexible. It also caused the concern of your body of the baby. With the development of the fetus, he will not feel pressure. Also the fact that changes in sacral division will reduce the inconvenience that may provoke the fruit, gaining weight. Another "bonus" relaxation of the sacrum is the preservation of a balance, because the development of the embryo your center of gravity shifts.

Speaking on the shift of the center of gravity not to mention that it is directly related to the back pain because of this woman's instincts helpless shoulders and pull the neck. This position only increases the load on your back, which in turn increases the pain.

As one of the causes of pain in this period can be increased production of the hormone progesterone. He was stronger softens the ligaments in the lower back what causes back pain in early pregnancy.

Very often in the fifth to sixth week the pain from the lower back can flow in the legs. This happens when a pregnant little moving. In this case, it is possible to advise one more go!

Doctors say that during this period the pain occur rare, so special concern not deliver if the woman has no hidden diseases.

The seventh week of pregnancy

On the seventh week, the uterus begins to grow and rise, which causes the muscles that support it to grow. Due to this strained the whole lumbar spine and pain. She usually has a weak pull color and also a little worried about the woman.

The eighth – ninth week

During this period increases the sensitivity of the sciatic nerve. Due to its location close to the pelvis and lower back, back pain very often accompanies this time. The pain will be pulling, but not much.

Tenth week

As you know, if back pain in early pregnancy, there is nothing unnatural. And so on the tenth week, when the fetus begins to grow rapidly, the pain can also accompany the woman. The load on the spine begins to increaserapidly, and because of this, the lumbar spine starts to hurt a little more. If you've experienced just a dull pain, now it will be accompanied by great fatigue in this Department. The weight of the baby is growing, and because of this, the tension in the back also increases, which affects the lower back.

Eleventh week

The highest peak of lower back pain in early pregnancy reaches the eleventh week. At this period the tension in your back are not distributed evenly, and the pain only intensified. At this stage of pregnancy the pain and swelling from the waist can move to the hip and legs. It is considered normal. The fetus continues to grow and pull cords. On the back it is reflected as mild pain, does not cause special inconvenience.

Throughout pregnancy

We considered a normal, natural causes of lower back pain. But there is still pain that is a symptom of disease, which is manifested during pregnancy. Such diseases include pyelonephritis, hernia, kidney stones, sciatica, and more. If pain symptoms persist and only increase, or are accompanied by additional discomfort, we suggest you go to the doctor!

What to do if back hurts

As you know, a similar symptom is the norm rather than some deviation. Whining in the back to start in the first week after conception. This is due to the natural physiological processes in the body pregnant. The body begins to reorganize itself in preparation for gestation and childbirth.

The main reason is the softening of the ligaments and that the pressure on the spine increases, and it increases every month. Unfortunately, to do with it anything, but try to ease the pain.

Even before pregnancy you can keep her as comfortable as possible the flow.

Preparing for pregnancy

First and foremost, you should make an appointment to see the podiatrist. As you know, the main reason for pain is stress on the spine. And if the spine has any deviations from the norm, under the action of this load, they only will appear, adding to your pain palette of new colors.

In case of detection of scoliosis or degenerative disc disease, the doctor will likely recommend exercise swimming. This simple physical exercise is excellent strengthens the spine and muscles, and additionally prepares your body for childbirth, which contributes to their relief.

An excellent option for the spine and will be buying an orthopedic mattress. This will help the spine to take the correct position during sleep, thereby removing the load.

Another threat diagnosis could be flat. If you suffer from this disease, the load on your spine is distributed unevenly, and therefore child bearing, and so overstraining the back, will give you very difficult.

Not superfluous to visit the dietitian. In pregnancy, the weight rapidly increases, the load on the spine grows, because of this, and have pain. But if before pregnancy you had this extra weight, your spine will become doubly so in the period of carrying a child.

How to remove back pain

Pregnancy requires regular physical activity – gymnastics, yoga for pregnant women, which are popular nowadays, or simple walking. The perfect and most secure will be swimming. Remember that static spine harmful exactly the same as the overvoltage. Physical activity should be in moderation – you should not torture the body usual gym with weights, because now you have two!

Excellent prevention of spinal curvature, as well as a great way of stretching will be simple lying on a hard surface and sleep on the orthopedic mattress.

If you suffer from myositis or sciatica, then we extremely advise you to resort to medical anti-inflammatory ointments and tablets. Not only that, they will have a negative impact on your child, and their effect on your body during pregnancy may be surprising. The harmless rash. In this case we advise to reduce physical activity. Peace in this case is the best medication that will help not only you but also your baby.

Another nuance prenatal life women is a Shoe with a heel, if she doesn't want to aggravate back pain. When wearing shoes with heels, the load on the spine increases and the back may begin to ache in the lumbar region.

When in theinteresting position, a woman will only exacerbate the pain by wearing your favorite heels. Forget about the heels for the period of pregnancy, allow yourself to relax and flaunt in your favorite ballet flats or sneakers.

Make sure your diet. Back in the early stages of pregnancy hurt from stretching muscles that need calcium. So this microelement is essential not only to the fetus but also the mother, to relieve pain by rebuilding the body. Today there are many vitamin complexes for pregnant women, and almost all of them contain calcium. Of course, before you start to take them, you should consult with your doctor. Until then, we invite you to lean on dairy products, parsley and chicken.

If you are a supporter of alternative medicine, can try to ease lower back pain in early pregnancy aromatherapy or acupuncture. But, again pre-consult with a specialist, do not self-medicate. Often medicines that help the woman before the pregnancy may adversely act on her during the period of gestation. Be careful!

Also, you can resort to one of of traditional medicine and honey to the poultice. It is necessary to warm honey and apply it on the lower back, cover with polythene and warm.