Home / Exercises for treatment of scoliosis, osteochondrosis, protrusion and herniated / The horizontal bar when degenerative disc disease: cervical, thoracic, lumbar, traction

The horizontal bar when degenerative disc disease: cervical, thoracic, lumbar, traction

In recent years, doctors in many countries recommend hanging on the bar in osteochondrosis not only patients, but also all the other people in the prevention. According to the latest statistics published in specialized media, approximately 85% of our planet's inhabitants face diseases of the spine.

During the vis column of the spine is unloaded, the distance between the vertebrae increases, and the intervertebral discs straightened. Thus, with regular practice of the back becomes more flexible, pain is reduced. But do not forget that the various kinds of stretching of the spine can be carried out only after consultation with your doctor, don't experiment with your body.

Polezno li viset na turnike pri osteohondroze?

Use the horizontal bar

With daily practice at the bar pretty quickly see the following improvements:

  • Every week pain in the back and discomfort during movement is reduced;
  • The spine becomes more elastic;
  • Regenerate damaged soft tissues, increases blood flow;
  • The feeling of numbness disappears;
  • Salt deposits, which are located in joints, decrease.

Remove the tension and tiredness with the spine with the help of the horizontal bar in two ways – it vis vis the floor.

Vis or polovic

At vis, position hands on level, shoulder width apart, use a straight grip. The body should be maximally relaxed, and breathing deep. The body swayed, cross your legs at the ankles. Keep your head straight, do not throw back up or lower down, it may contribute to injuries of the cervical spine. If during exercise you feel that the spine is stretched, it means you did everything correctly and load from the back is distributed evenly on the muscles. In addition to the beneficial effect on the back in permanent employment, hand and arm muscles will become stronger.

Hang no more than 30 to 40 seconds and make no less than 3 approaches.

If after several approaches the feeling of pain or discomfort can increase the efficiency of this exercise by slow rotations of the body. This will stretch the intervertebral cartilage and increase their elasticity. Specialists recommend to carry out IPOs after heavy physical exertion or prolonged sitting work. The first few sessions on the bar pull your knees to your stomach on the exhale and lower on the inhale.

By doing so, the muscles come in tone by contraction and relaxation, well in this case locking the spine. After performing exercises it is important to know how to get down, because jumping to the ground, vertebrae, collide among themselves, can cause a pinched nerve or herniation.

However, the vis is used exclusively as a preventive measure and people already suffering from degenerative disc disease, is not suitable, since it already deformed vertebral disc is under stress, which in turn contributes to the formation of hernia.

When existing back problems, doctors recommend the use of the floor of the vis since it is more secure. Feet you can control the load experienced by the spine. Out of the floor of visa you need to smoothly and gradually, first to become firmly feet on the ground and then let go. With regular exercises for 3 - 4 minutes, improvement will not keep itself waiting. Do not forget that before starting any exercise definitely need to stretch and how to warm up your muscles.

Experts recommend to refrain from performing the above exercises in the period of exacerbation of osteochondrosis, as well as people suffering from excess weight.

The horizontal bar in cervical osteochondrosis

With cervical osteochondrosis, vis on the crossbar and can cause exacerbation of the disease or even cause a deterioration of health, because in such exercises the 6th and 7th vertebrae are compressed. At the initial stage of the disease doctors recommended to do kinezioterapevt vis upside down. In any case, do not perform this exercise without the safety net, ask someone from the household or mates to help you. Firmly clasping the feet of the crossbar, push the hands to the body and maximally relax the muscles. Try as much as possible to swing. If you have problems in cervical spine the largest positive effect will give the regular pull-up, because it is one of the few physical exercises that involves the muscles of the back.

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Correct technique perform the following:

  1. Hands on the bar position on the shoulder width straight grip;
  2. Body lifting exercise on the inhale, smoothly, without jerks, keep your backs straight;
  3. Always touch the chest up and driving the blades;
  4. During the descent slowly exhale and straighten the arms.

In addition to the classic pull-UPS, experts recommend to practice pull-UPS behind your head. This exercise is performed as follows:

  1. Hang on the bar wide grip is about 20 - 30 centimeters wider than shoulders;
  2. Relax, leaving the stress state of the forearm;
  3. Smoothly pull to the middle of the back of his head appeared at the top of the bar, exhaling the air;
  4. Get down on the extended hands, breathing in.

Pull-UPS are great to strengthen your back muscles, which take part of a huge load, daily experiencing the spine. But do not just do maximum number of repetitions, increase the load slowly, and for maximum effect, you should follow exercise program.

Don't forget that any damage to the spine cannot be used various kinds of weights to work only with its own weight. In any case avoid pain during exercise.

Additional methods

Treatment of diseases of the back should be implemented in combination with other effective means.


Treatment of diseases of the back massage reduces or completely eliminates pain in the area of the offset drive increases the metabolism, stops the inflammatory response and improves muscular corset. Tense muscles relax, and the mood and General physical condition improves.

Back massage with osteochondrosis helps to identify the most affected areas and effectively acts on them.


Swimming is one of the most effective methods of physical exercise if you have back problems. Scientists say that after a workout in the pool, the spine of a person suffering from osteochondrosis, in the sky, and the growth increased by an average of 1 - 1.5 cm.

The maximum effect from swimming in the pool is achieved by the backstroke. Not worth it to swim in open waters with more current, as it will increase the load. Cold water can contribute to various kinds of exacerbations, therefore, the heated pools are the most suitable option.


To achieve results in the fight against disease is very important to follow the principles of proper nutrition. You should not eat large portions 5-6 times a day. Eating pickles, and various meats should be kept to a minimum. At least 30% of the diet should be foods rich in proteins like fish, poultry, eggs, beans and corn. For a healthy spine is necessary a sufficient amount of calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, ascorbic acid, manganese and vitamins b, C and D.

Medication is one of the most effective ways of influencing the disease and is strictly on the recommendation of the attending physician.

Treatment of osteoarthritis should be comprehensive, including gymnastics and special exercises. You can hang on the bar in osteochondrosis, however, is not for everyone and in some cases may cause harm. If your doctor recommends the use of a crossbar, it is best to use a vis the floor, it's safer.