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Exercise therapy in ankylosing spondylitis: a set of exercises, photos, videos

Chronic illness is ankylosing spondylitis. In this disease are inflammation in the joints, especially the spine. If the treatment is not produced in a timely manner, it can be dire consequences, such as splice joints, which can paralyze the affected joint. Exercise therapy in ankylosing spondylitis play a very important role in the treatment. Ankylosing spondylitis can progress very quickly and if she did not do, the consequences may be a partial loss of function of the joints or ligaments. In the complete absence of treatment there is a risk of disability, and therefore need timely physiotherapy in ankylosing spondylitis.

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The symptoms of the disease

The main symptom is the pain in the articular apparatus. Morning feel stiffness and pain in the spine. Improvement in health when physical activity on the musculoskeletal system. Immobilization of the vertebral joint and ligamentous apparatus. Despite the fact that the disease affects the spine, the patient may experience pain across the back. This happens for the reason that of the vertebral column out sensitive roots of the spinal cord. They Innervate the entire body, upper and lower limbs. That is why, the pain of ankylosing spondylitis can be felt throughout the body.

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The use of therapeutic exercises

Physical stress on the joints required for a complete and full treatment. Ankylosing spondylitis often affects the intervertebral articular apparatus, which leads to splicing of the intervertebral discs. The same physical load on the body is the key to good health of the patient. Regular and moderate exercise will greatly help in the treatment.

The complex of exercises for ankylosing spondylitis can help relieve spasm in muscles and reduce the risk of stroke, heart attack and other cardiovascular diseases.

Duration of physical loads on the spine should expect the physician on the basis of overall well-being of his patient, sometimes it takes years. The same can not always approach a normal load on the body.

Types of exercises

To support the overall health of the disease can be treated in a special rehabilitation centre with special programs for patients exercising with ankylosing spondylitis a big help on the road to recovery. It so happens that there is no way to get to such a center, in such case, you can always do gymnastics at home. Here are the most effective and simple exercises to improve the condition.

Patients in the morning, sometimes a strong stiffness in the intervertebral discs, so you should walk at a convenient time. The first walk should start with 2-3 miles every day, increasing distance when he reached 5 km a day, it can help relieve stiffness of the joints and spine. You should also enroll in the gym and train at least twice a week.

During long walks, restores blood circulation, cease to be formed stagnation in the blood, beneficial effects on the articular apparatus and intervertebral discs. During these walks there is a pressure stabilizing and strengthening the muscles of the legs and back.

Morning exercise

Every morning should begin with a charge that lasts at least 10 minutes. While we sleep, inflammatory processes are much more active that is why exercises can help relieve stiffness and restore function of the locomotor apparatus. If your job involves long sitting, you should change position every 30 minutes. Bechterew's disease is the stagnation of the blood at the level of the spine, so charging is very important to disperse the blood in the vessels and cause the development of edema. Swelling can occur not only on the skin and inside the organs in the peritoneum, liver and spleen.

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Exercise "Book"

Exercise "Owner" you need to lie on your back, feet should be aligned together and the hands to separate the sides. After you have to make a left turn, the right hand put on the left, the legs can not be separated from the surface. After return to the starting position and take a deep breath. Repeat the turning motion to the right side. Repeat at least 4 times. Chest is a fairly large area in our body. Fullyfilled, it affects all the surrounding organs. Straight posture is important for correct anchoring of the muscle corset of the spine and the corners has a beneficial effect on the joints, improving their blood supply.

Exercise "Boa"

Exercise "Boa" for this exercise is to lie on your stomach, head must touch the bed, hands at the level of the shoulder joints. Then raise your head and upper body on straightened arms. Turn your head to the left. Return to starting position, exhaling. Repeat making a turn in the other direction to breathe.Repeat at least 4 times.

Head turns are very important when ankylosing spondylitis is a developing osteoarthritis of the cervical joints in the future could lead to serious consequences, such as migraine and cerebral hypoxia. This exercise prevents the development of osteoarthritis, however too frequent repetition and too much twists can lead to hypermobility of the cervical joints and development of osteoarthritis.

Exercise "Swimmer"

Exercise "Swimmer" for this type of physical therapy need to lie on her stomach, arms folded under his head, after pulling the left arm forward and right foot back, hold my breath. Return to the starting position. For this therapeutic exercise enough 4 reps, however, if you feel tired, it is better to break from execution.

This type of therapy is well develops blood circulation in the body. Vessels stretch, starts biocity layer of the intima of the vessel. It helps to combat stagnation of the blood, reduces the chance of development of edema and reduces the osmolarity of blood – the main cause of the stagnation of the main body fluid.

Breathing exercises

An effective lesson will be breathing exercises, to maintain health of the respiratory tract, lungs and chest. Compression of the diaphragm necessary to produce small breaths. When dizzy do not worry just reduce load.

Breathing exercises good for the body – oxygen, the main source of superoxide, has beneficial effects on cell proliferation of intervertebral disc and vertebra. It is advisable to do breathing in fresh air more oxygen enters the body, triggering the healing process is faster than the stale city air.

Massazh spiny

Back massage is a fundamental step in the treatment. It is believed that massage with ankylosing spondylitis should be gentle, which is why it consists of stroking and rubbing. Just as well warm up the spine. This treatment is useful in that it is the blood flow to the spine, which beneficially affects the organism as a whole.


If exercise therapy in ankylosing spondylitis causes pain, it is necessary to limit the amplitude of movements and a number of approaches. Should avoid running, jumping and other outdoor games. Not worth much to overload the body, distribute the load approaches Is often to breathe through the nose. If you want to breathe through the mouth, reduce load. Eliminate sharp and quick movements, all kinds of therapeutic exercises should be performed smoothly, slowly.

Do not try to avoid visiting doctors adequate load is often possible to find only under the supervision of a doctor of physical therapy.


The most fundamental principle in the exercise Bechterew's disease any disease of musculoskeletal system is caution. Gymnastics is a gentle character. Don't forget about the diet – in the absence of sufficient amount of vitamins will not be able to start essential enzyme processes. Sudden movements, a large number of repeats and inadequate load can cause more disruption than you have been.