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Exercise for your back "Fish" in the system of Katsudzo Niche, photos, videos

Exercise for your back "fish" suitable for any age. It can be included in morning exercises baby. From infancy children should be strengthened spine, otherwise irregularities in the posture disturb blood circulation, which causes the emergence of a large number of diseases in our body. It's easy, especially with the rules of the healthy spine program training Japanese healer, Katsudzo Niche and its simple, unique program for the prevention of diseases of the back.

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Healthy sleep and exercise

These rules should be done daily:

  • For correct positioning of the spine, you should sleep on a firm, level bed.

He who sleeps on a soft bed, the vertebrae take an irregular shape, clamping the blood vessels of the back and nerve endings. As a consequence, the internal organs will receive less power. Each vertebra in the wrong location, or otherwise affects the malfunctioning of the human body. Solid bed the spine is in an upright position, which improves nutrition and circulation of the whole body. Sleep on a firm, level bed fully relaxes the muscles of the body that helps the body to distribute the body weight evenly about a vertical plane, the veins in this situation are working more actively. Also, before bedtime is recommended to stretch the spine performing stretching his arms and legs, in one direction or the other.

  • Necessary to strictly observe the regulation of posture.

For this you need to push your shoulders back, chin lift, eye lift up, the provision of a bearing is the correct one. Should be fixed back in this straight position and repeat these simple steps each time the muscles relax and the spine takes an irregular shape. Over time the muscles of the back without the constant stimulation and self-control will keep the spine in a straight position.

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  • Need to sleep on a hard cushion-the cushion is placed under the cervical vertebrae.

Since the neck is the most movable and the neck muscles are in constant tension, solid roller helps to fix the correct position of the vertebrae of the neck, giving it the ability to relax muscles and improve blood circulation. Sleep on a firm cushion aligns the location of the septum of the nose, the air enters the body in the proper amount that saturates the brain with necessary oxygen. As well as all the internal organs of the reflex are connected with the brain, respectively, such the position of the spine has a healing effect on the whole body. In addition, this position back allows even a small sleep to feel fresh and rested.

  • It makes no sense to visit a chiropractor if you do not do gymnastics.

After vpravki spines into place and further wrong attitude to his physical health, displacement and pain again. Without regular exercise and prevention of diseases of the back, help from chiropractors and chiropractic doctors will not be as effective.

  • For the proper functioning of the entire body you need to take a cold shower, when you take a hot shower pores, reveals and go out of body toxins

For more than 10 minutes to take a hot shower is not recommended, as along with toxins the body begins to lose important minerals. In the case of alternating hot and cold water, then hot water it opens the pores removes all harmful elements from the body, and cold water tempering the body activates the adrenal glands, which in turn contribute to the direction of all the useful minerals to the center of each cell of the organism.

Uprazhnenie po sisteme Kacudzo

Find out: how to make a simulator for the back with their hands

  • You need to perform simple exercises for correcting displacement of the vertebrae on a daily basis.

Most effective exercise system, Katsudzo Niche is "goldfish". Below we give a detailed description of how to perform this exercise and what benefits regular exercise brings to our body.

Complex exercise "Golden fish"

Lie on the floor with your back, stretch the hands above the head, the legs are straight, toes slightly apart, looking upward, the heel pressed to the floor. The first step is to produce a stretching of the back muscles, for that we do the following.

  1. The heel of the right foot pull from itself, simultaneously the right hand is also starting to pull in the oppositefacing away from you. For ten seconds and stretch the muscles of the right side of the body, then switch to stretching the left part of the back, left Piglet pull from itself, simultaneously pull the left hand too from yourself and count to 10. This exercise must be performed at least 5 times.
  2. Next, both arms bend at the elbow and palms placed under the top of the head. Back straight, heels connected together, toes apart. Then the legs start the movement from side to side, as if loosening the tail of a fish. This vibration gives us the opportunity to release the capillaries, improve blood circulation and circulation of all fluids that exist in our body. At the time of the exercise, it is recommended to perform two minutes.

Thus, if every day to devote some time to exercise "Golden fish" to correct subluxations of the spine, straighten your posture, improve the body, to restore the work of all internal organs, especially the digestive system, to cope with nervous tension and to stimulate more active work of the brain. Subsequently, you will constantly feel youth and lightness throughout the body and renew the vitality of your body.