Home / Scoliosis: extent, causes, symptoms, treatment of spinal curvature / Scoliosis of 2 degrees: is there a cure, S-shaped, C-shaped

Scoliosis of 2 degrees: is there a cure, S-shaped, C-shaped

Scoliosis is the most common pathology of the spine, which affects more than 40% of the total population. The initial stage of the disease does not manifest itself. This files most often diagnosed scoliosis, which has already seen a visual external signs. Depending on the time of occurrence of scoliosis can be congenital and acquired.

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The causes of the disease

Scoliosis of 2 degrees is 1 degree progression of the disease. The exception is congenital scoliosis, which is formed due to improper laying and development of the vertebral disks and ligaments in the womb and scoliosis caused infant abnormalities (rickets, cerebral palsy, polio).

The acquired type of the disease develops in childhood and adolescence, especially during the period of active growth of the organism. The causes that trigger a scoliosis of 2 degrees, are:

  • Weak back muscles and a passive lifestyle;
  • Bad malnutrition;
  • Classes are "unbalanced" sports;
  • Incorrect sitting position at a Desk;
  • Carrying bags on one shoulder.

Scoliosis has a huge number of prerequisites to its development. So if you are diagnosed with curvature of the spine it is most often attributed to idiopathic group. This means that the true cause of the disease cannot be established.


Curvature of the spine entails certain psychological and aesthetic disturbances. Scoliosis of 2 degrees is difficult to disguise, it can be seen with the naked eye:

  • The patient slouches noticeably, it increases the asymmetry of the line blades, shoulders and pelvis;
  • Even standing one arm seems longer than the other;
  • When a person bends over, clearly seen rib hump of the right or left side, an obvious difference of the waist triangles;
  • After a long stay in a uniform position and exercise pain in the dorsal spine;
  • Fatigue of the back muscles every day becoming greater.

In most cases scoliosis of the spine is actively progressing and the symptoms can be added to very real problems – violation of the functions of respiration, dysfunction of internal organs, low back pain. People with scoliosis are more prone to bronchial asthma, pneumonia and problems with the cardiovascular system.

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The types of scoliosis

Treatment of the disease cannot begin without determining its precise form. Scoliosis of 2 degrees – quite a strong deviation of the vertebrae from the norm in 10-25 degrees.

The shape of the curvature disease is divided into With neck (one arc of curvature), S shape (two arcs of curvature), and Z-shaped (three arcs of curvature) scoliosis.

The most common S shaped scoliosis of 2 degrees, especially in children of school age. At 1 degree this type of disease is almost impossible to follow, but rather quickly it turns into a more serious stage, when the vertebrae are visible the turns and bumps in the muscle tissue of the back.

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The location of the scoliosis of 2 degrees is divided into:

  • Cervical-thoracic

Affects the strain on the movable first 4-5 vertebrae.

  • Thoracic scoliosis

Thoracic curvature of the spine is formed by 7-8 vertebra. The level of the shoulder blades and shoulders relative to the floor is different. Depending on right-hand or left-hand scoliosis of 2 degrees there is an increase or decrease in the right/left scapula and shoulder.

Probably, deformation of the chest, therefore, the operation of internal organs, spinal cord and do not exclude the formation of the rib hump.

  • Lumbar scoliosis

Most often scoliosis of the lumbar spine 2the degree has a deflection angle to the left, but it is possible and right deformation. During home inspection the initial stage can not be detected, it can detect only an experienced podiatrist. The disease progresses very slowly. To track the dynamics of events, when applying to the clinic people with pain in the lumbar low back pain and suspect learns of the presence of 2 degree curvature of the spine.

  • Thoracolumbar scoliosis

At the top arc of curvature affects the vertebra 10-11. This type of scoliosis is difficult to treat and is one of the main reasons for the development of early degenerative disc disease, spondylolisthesis, intervertebral disk protrusion and herniation. Left-sided thoracolumbar scoliosis does not develop as fast as the right-hand and expressed to a lesser extent, by Recalling the clinic lumbar curvature of the spine.

Is there a cure for scoliosis

The sooner diagnosed, the diagnosis, the easier it is to fix. In childhood and adolescence scoliosis of 2 degrees is in active progress, because the process of growth of the spine continues. At the same time, the spine lost flexibility, inherent to the age of 20, so defects will also be more prolonged and difficult.

In parallel with the spine start changing the shape of the chest, leading to the formation of the rib hump and scoliosis of the thoracic spine. This is the risk of 2 degrees of scoliosis.

The 2 degree scoliosis in adults is less depressing – the spine stops growing, the intervertebral discs complete their formation, and the likelihood of development of disease in a more complex form is reduced. On the other hand and the treatment more prolonged and less effective than in patients childhood and adolescence.

Treatment of scoliosis of 2 degrees

During the period of active growth of the organism, the probability to get rid of the huge curvature of the spine and in 90% of cases it is possible. But how to cure a scoliosis of 2 degrees, if it is detected after 18-20 years? Unfortunately, completely to correct the situation fail. But that's no reason to give up and allow the disease to progress.

First, it is highly recommended to contact your specialist who diagnose a disease properly and explain how to treat his complex methods. The correction of the curvature depends on the individual characteristics of the organism and the desire of the patient.

There are many cases when to motivate people with persistent desire not only suspended the development of the disease, but also reduced the curvature from 2 degrees to 1.


One of the main methods of struggle with scoliosis – treatment-and-physical complex, which is necessary to execute every day on a regular basis. After visiting fizkabinet and clarification of all the nuances of their exercises can be performed at home as a daily morning or evening charging. Start with a light load on the spine. Gradually training your muscles, you will need to move to more complex and lengthy exercises.

The option of therapeutic exercises during a scoliosis of the second degree:

  • Go to the place with the highest level posture, to control her, you can put the book on the head;
  • Get on all fours and bend forward so that hands and feet were shoulder width apart. Vegimite back up, chin trying to touch chest, then performs a deflection downward, slightly lifting the head;
  • Starting position – lying on stomach, hands crossed behind you head to the castle. Slowly raise the head up and Flex the back, fixate in that position for a few seconds.

Each of the activities to carry 7-10 times daily increasing number of repetitions and approaches. They are aimed at stretching the longitudinal muscles of the back and give them tone and strengthen the muscular system, the expansion of the intervertebral spaces and flexibility of the intervertebral column. Physical therapy has a dual effect, if during its execution, follow the correct breathing. In the case, when diagnosed with thoracic scoliosis – special attention is paid to breathing exercises.


A set of methods of mechanical and reflex effects on the scoliosis of 2 degrees has its own characteristics, so the therapeutic massage is performed by an experienced technician. In left-hand scoliosis stretching my right side as in right hand focus more on the left side of the back. Massage should be carried out courses of 10-15 sessions no more often than every six months.

Corset and inclined beds

To cure scoliosis, in which the degree of curvature is greater than 10, the doctors insist on the use of various orthopedicdevices. To 18 years practiced corrective and supportive corsets. The most effective are corsets Abbott-chenault, which are made individually for each patient by computer 3-D models and plaster cast of torso.

The use of these devices for adults is not considered appropriate. After the period of active growth of the muscles and ligaments in the spine Department to practice better sleep on semi-rigid mattresses. To affect the deformation of the bone bed can not, but to suspend the further development of the disease will help very effectively.

Physical therapy

With the help of magnetic laser therapy, electrophoresis, UHF and other methods of physical treatment it is possible to correct the scoliosis at its early stage. Unfortunately, the 2nd stage of the disease they are practically ineffective and are not included in the list of assigned treatment. Contrast showers and baths with the addition of sea salt, and infusions of chamomile, calendula and sage to produce a restorative effect. They give tangible cheerfulness and energy, but the muscle imbalance does not affect can.

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Therapeutic swimming is different from sports and recreational. Treatment swimming is a complex of special exercises in water, which is aimed at strengthening skeletal muscles of the back and the offset correction of the spine. Lessons are scheduled individually, based on individual characteristics of the organism, the direction of scoliotic deformation, age and physical fitness of the patient. Scoliosis of 2 degrees swimming is a positive effect, but there are serious contraindications to the use of the pool is instability of the vertebral column in the erect and supine position.


Not every patient with back problems or other reasons, there are opportunities to go horse riding. However, horse riding is a good addition to the conservative treatment of spinal curvature. Widespread left-sided and right-sided scoliosis of 2 degrees more amenable to correction when participating in hippotherapy.

During hippotherapy on a reflex level is ensured by the involvement of all muscle groups, improves the functioning of the musculoskeletal system, around the spine creating a powerful muscular corset is formed, and habit to keep your posture straight.

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In addition to riding and swimming, patients with scoliosis recommended preventive sports – cross country skiing, Cycling.

Manual therapy

Deciding how to correct a scoliosis of 2 degrees, patients often turn to specialists in manual therapy. This technique of treatment of the spine is becoming increasingly popular and shows good results. But it should be borne in mind that an experienced chiropractor is smaller than the chiropractors self-taught, trying to impersonate professionals. So before you trust the doctor, ask about her experience and qualifications.


Scoliosis of 2 degrees are treated conservatively, but in some cases, doctors can be assigned to surgical treatment. Absolute indication for surgery is a rapidly progressing and life-threatening patient second degree scoliosis. Such cases the unit.

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As preventive measures against the curvature of the spine is necessary to observe a simple list of mundane instructions:

  • To organize the mode of the day;
  • Take breaks in sedentary work;
  • To avoid asymmetric stress;
  • To monitor the quality of the food, take vitamin-mineral complexes;
  • A daily walk in the fresh air;
  • To devote time to preventive give of sports (swimming, skiing, Cycling);
  • To train yourself to keep good posture and develop a beautiful gait.

And remember, in case of any suspicion for the presence of scoliosis should be sure to see a doctor, the disease tends to progress!