Home / Injuries of the spine: compression fractures, bruises, sprains / How to treat the displacement of the vertebrae of the lumbar spine without surgery

How to treat the displacement of the vertebrae of the lumbar spine without surgery

It is dangerous to ignore back pain, possible symptoms of displacement of the vertebrae of the lumbar spine, spondylolisthesis. This spine condition is unpleasant and fraught with consequences: the lack of timely therapy leads to pathologies mobility, disability. The disease is typical not only for the elderly, young people at risk to offset the discs of the spine due to heavy physical exertion, trauma.

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Degree of displacement and their symptoms

The offset discs of the spine according to the degree of severity is divided into four types, each of which has a number of specific symptoms. The process of displacement of a vertebra occurs gradually, the symptoms intensified with the change of stages:

  1. The prolapse. The initial stage when the offset discs of the spine does not exceed 2 mm. For prolapse is characterized by the absence of obvious symptoms: pain only occur during sudden movements, lifting heavy loads, sport loads.
  2. Protrusion. Now, spinal disc has moved significantly, by 10 mm or more. Frequent nagging pain in the spine, increasing during physical activity.
  3. Extrusion. The displacement of the vertebrae of the lumbar 50%. Starts sagging of the spine due to the depletion of the intervertebral discs. For the third stage is characterized by severe pain attacks in the lumbar spine, stiffness. The progress of the disease can cause the displacement of several of the lumbar vertebrae, damage to nerve endings.
  4. Sequestration. The joints of the spine is exposed to irreparable distortions. Aching lower back takes on a chronic form, not helps to take a vertical position. Patient complains of constant fatigue, cramps, numb limbs. Gait is becoming uncertain. Sore fingers, feet, knees.


The displacement of the vertebrae of the lumbar is caused by a variety of factors. The impetus for the early development of disease can become:

  • Congenital defects of the disk of a vertebra, forcing him to shift. This form of the disease called dysplastic spondylolisthesis;
  • Injuries: bruises, sprains, falls. At risk are athletes, especially gymnasts constantly perform movements with stretching, provoking the displacement;
  • Operations on the spinal cord or the spine. Such interventions sometimes harm the supporting functions of the vertebral departments, and then eventually part of the vertebrae runs the risk of shifting;
  • Age-related changes in the spine structure. For years, undergoes degeneration of the intervertebral cartilage. Common cause is arthritis.
  • Muscular disease or tumor defects of the vertebral bones;
  • Regular exercise for the spine often provokes the displacement of the vertebrae.

Often the culprits of the condition be several reasons that together cause rapid progress of displacement. The presence of at least one of these risk factors is a good reason for additional examination.

Conservative treatment

If the symptoms of displacement of the lumbar vertebrae was confirmed, treatment will be determined by the level of development of the disease. Area and stage lesions of the spine is determined by x-ray examination. Early detection offset allows the use of conventional therapy.

It is a complex of measures aimed at the regeneration of muscle tone:

  • Wearing a special corset, tight belts provides solid fixing and reduces the load on the vertebrae;
  • Medications – anti-inflammatory, antispasmodics. With the unbearable pain requires compliance with hospital bed mode;
  • Treatment physical therapy: formulation of a special complex of physical exercises, individually tailored to the patient. It is necessary to strengthen the muscles of the lumbar and abdominal region. To develop a program needs a specialist, independent, uncontrolled activity could exacerbate the displacement of the vertebra;
  • Massage course spinal, reflex-manual therapy;
  • Alternative medicine. Hydrotherapy: salt, radon, turpentine baths. Paraffin and mud wraps.

General advice instruct the patient not to lift weights, avoid sharp turns and slopes, possibly most of the day to be in a lying or sitting position. A good strengthening effect and give long walks.


If within six months of traditional treatment does not produce the desired effect, it is necessary surgery. Practiced two methods of stabilization is shiftedvertebra:

  • When you shift forward the operation is performed through an incision in the back;
  • The setback allows for make the cut wall of the trunk.

After resection in the place of displacement of vertebral discs sets locking flap, metal plate. The operation does not injure the surrounding tissue, the insert clamping system is constantly being improved.

The risk of complications is about 1%, they usually occur in the early postoperative period: respiratory failure, intestinal obstruction, thrombosis, paresis, difficulty urinating. After the intervention the patient is under close medical supervision and the risk of negative consequences is minimal.

The rehabilitation period after surgery is about two months, during this period, you can not move and all the time the patient lies on a special bed. In most cases, surgical treatment gives a positive effect, the shift is terminated.

Folk remedies

To reduce the clinical manifestations of the displacement of the spine can independently at home. From back pain it is recommended to apply a warm compresses for healing. Here are some effective recipes:

  • Grind into powder the fruit of the horse chestnut. To 30 g of the resulting mass, add 50 g of honey and mix well. The composition of the supply for 3 days in dark place, shake well before using.
  • Grated raw potatoes mixed with honey in the ratio 1:1, leave to stand for quarter of an hour, then apply on the affected area of the spine and wrap something warm. The desired exposure time - a few hours.
  • Fresh horseradish leaves to throw into boiling water, cook for a few minutes, then get warm and attach to the lower back. Wrap the compress with a woolen scarf.
  • Grind 20 g of black poplar buds, melt 30 g of honey and 20 g of visceral fat, all the ingredients mix well. Get a thick ointment, which after cooling is necessary to add 10 ml of camphor oil. Composition stored in the refrigerator for a week, then the healing properties are lost.

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Healers also use the displacement of the spine thyme, propolis, Apple cider vinegar, mummy, mustard. It is important to remember that these tools are not a panacea, they will bring only temporary relief.

The substances contained in the medicinal plants can cause severe irritation. Therefore, before using the means described it is better to do a sensitivity test: apply a small amount on the crook of the elbow, wrap fabric, and to evaluate the result in a few hours.

The decision on how to treat the displacement of the vertebrae of the lumbar should take only doctor. Self-treatment and procrastination in this matter may cost health.