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Analyses of the spine: l3, l4, l5 vertebra, what is it, treatment, surgery

Among the many diseases of the spine stands out analistas l4 vertebra. Analyses is a serious disease that can lead to disability. Therefore, it is important to notice analistas l4 and cure, knowing what it is.

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What is it?

Spondylolisthesis – dislocation and displacement of the vertebrae. The offsets are different: forward, backward and sideways. Special attention should be paid to one of the particular cases of spondylolisthesis – analistas.

Intellisteam is the displacement of one vertebra forward relative to the overlying, and disturbance of the spine that causes damage to the nerve roots and pain.

Allocate analyses of the cervical, thoracic and lumbar. The disease affects not only the structure of the skeleton, but the nearby organs, because their function is diminished on the background of pathological changes.

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The treatment of the disease

Treatment analistas l4 vertebra depend on neglect, extent of disease and condition of the patient. There are two methods: conservative and surgical. Conservative treatment of analysese is the following:

  • Relief of the load on the spine. The change of lifestyle, posture, wearing of a brace will relieve spasms in muscles and reduce stress on the back.
  • Therapy aimed at pain relief. Ointments, gels with anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, massage, manual therapy will relax tired muscles. Although procaine blockade, injecting b vitamins.
  • Strengthen ligaments and muscles of the back and press. Therapeutic exercise or gymnastics, in some cases, helps to stop the progression of the disease and alleviate the current state of the patient.

In the later stages of the disease, doctors insist on immediate operation. Surgeons will adjust the position of the vertebra and locks. The patient will get rid of long-term medical treatment of pain, which was, in fact, timeless. Sometimes used for fixation of artificial inserts (e.g., to increase the height of the vertebrae to the original level).

One of the biggest misconceptions of patients is the belief in folk medicine. Analyses l4 is not the disease that can be cured without the help of a doctor.

Recipes in this case will not help, as analystes l4 affects the spine, skeletal structure, and without the mechanical action is not enough. Herbs and lotions will not give a positive result, and only spend time and delay treatment. So you need to consult a doctor immediately once there is suspected analystes.

Possible complications

Improper treatment or late treatment to the doctor analystes can develop into something dangerous that threatens the capacity and even the life of the patient. Among the possible complications are the following:

  • Acute pain may acquire a chronic form that is resistant to treatment with analgesic drugs.
  • Diminished strength in the muscles (paresis) and paralysis of the lower body.
  • Loss of sensation (partial or complete).
  • The inability to control urination and defecation.
  • The formation of a permanent deformation of the spine.

You need to understand that timely access to a doctor and following the recommendations could significantly decrease the chance of progression analystes to complications.