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Treatment of herniated lumbar without surgery

Spinal disk herniation is a fairly common ailment. Its treatment is long, is not difficult. For example, it is possible to treat herniated discs of the lumbar spine without surgery, but it requires a timely diagnosis. If the hernia is discovered early, to beat the disease without surgery and with minimal complications for the patient.

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Non-surgical therapy

A therapeutic method used to eliminate the resulting complications on the spine, is selected based on the symptoms, on the health of the patient and the presence of other anomalies of the skeletal system. When the first symptoms of the disease, treatment of pathology of the lumbar spine start from the action:

  • It is necessary to ensure peace in the form of bed rest, limited stress. In the prone position the body must have ill situation, so it is recommended to use a specialized furniture. There were cases when, after the traffic restrictions hernia has resolved on its own. Back optional overlay corset, which is easy to do yourself from the sheets. So it is possible to immobilize the vertebrae and to prevent the aggravation of pain sensations. Also be treated with drugs.
  • Apply cold and warm temperatures. When the pain syndrome becomes noticeable to the hearth is applied warmer or salt, wrapped in cloth. Alternating heat and cold, you will remove the popup spasms that will help to reduce pain.
  • It is recommended to use NSAIDs. They prevent the spread of the inflammatory process and have a soothing effect (diclofenac).
  • You can use steroids, relieving inflammation: don't remove the inflammation near the nerves. But they should be used only when severe pain syndromes, and short courses (Medrol).
  • To relieve pain you can use pain tools. If there is reasonable evidence that a doctor is assigned to a narcotic analgesic.
  • The introduction of steroids into the epidural space. Drugs administered directly in the affected area that helps to instantly eliminate the pain and inflammation.
  • In some cases, the doctor may prescribe a complex of physical exercises to reinforce muscular frame. Don't pick them yourself, you can pinch a nerve.
  • Using manual therapy to release entrapped nerve roots and treatment without surgery of the spine, restoring the blood supply in affected areas.

Conservative therapy is long and may take up to 3 months. If the positive trend in this period does not appear, then will be assigned to surgical intervention.

Treatment of folk remedies

Before starting treatment of herniated folk remedies need to consult with the doctor. People's councils will not help when pronounced inflammatory processes and pain syndromes, and if you delay the use of drugs, it is possible to aggravate the patient's condition. In the most part, traditional recipes help to ease the symptoms of the disease and speed up the recovery process. Folk methodology identifies the following as treatment options.

  • The most effective is the honey.

It stimulates the blood flow in the spine. The product is applied as a compress or used in massage of the herniated lumbar. There were cases, when practiced bee stings in the inflamed region. Ingestion of pollen and Royal jelly will help with lumbar hernia. They enhance the protective properties of the body, normalize metabolic processes and prevents premature cell death.

  • A proven remedy is Shilajit.

The mixture can be prepared so: take 100 gr. pine oil, the same amount of honey and 1 C. Shilajit. The resulting mixture should be applied on the sore area for 30 minutes, covering a warm cloth. Removing the compress, wipe with a cloth moistened with rubbing alcohol, and DAB the affected area warming up ointment, wrapped the treated area with a belt of wool. Apply not less than one month.

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  • The use of horse fat has beneficial effects on blood circulation in the lumbar region.

Fat need to stretch his hands to put the food packet and placed on the waist warm belt. This compress can be worn for 2 days. Removing it, wipe the skin with an alcohol pad. The effect of a prescription will increase if at the same time to take a tincture of cinquefoil, which is made from 1 liter of vodka and 300 gr. fine dry grass.

Suggest to read: belt, hernia of the lumbar spine.

  • You can prepare the healing rubbing with the use of birch leaves and oil of corn.

Fresh leaves should be crushed and to supply the glass container, pour the oil and infuse for 14 days. Apply the rubbing as the ointment 3 to 4 times a day.Using any folk remedies to achieve the desired result, limit physical activity. Avoid heavy weights, alternate work and rest, are not long in one position.


Therapeutic exercises designed for the recovery period after treatment of lumbar herniation. But they also help in acute disease and much easier pain syndromes, subject to the basic rules of exercise. Arbitrary exercise can result in a worsening situation and surgery.

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To treat hernia without surgery exercises should strengthen muscles, reduce stress and to normalize their work. Daily doing exercises, you increase blood flow to the back, the tissue will be better nourished and will reduce the risk of pinch nerve. In the process of exercise involves not only the lower back but also the press.

Strengthening the chest wall to ensure the proper formation of muscle structures near the desired region. Exercises assigned by a doctor, because the patient can present with concomitant diseases of the skeletal system and simple exercises can be contraindications.

Special attention should be paid to the hernia resulting from injury. Exercises for this pathology is selected only by the doctor.

Having defined the complex, you need to remember:

  • In the intervals between executions of the spine range of motion;
  • With a long presence in one position take a break every 60 minutes;
  • Go swimming: in the water you attach to the back of the best position and reduce the stress of the spine. Warm water relieves pain and reduces inflammation.
  • Find time for daily walks, but convenient for this Shoe

Application of yoga

Rehabilitation centers offer a treat intervertebral hernia with yoga. Indeed, she can get rid of back problems, but choosing this method, consider the following:

  • Yoga is not easy a variety of poses, this high-grade system of the body;
  • In the acute form of disease is yoga contraindicated;
  • At the initial stage of training, the exercises should be done under the supervision of the master.

The learning system is able to produce a positive effect, and completely eliminate the pain and make the human body healthy, but with the full course in a specialized center.


Massage is the impact on the principal points of the human body, the result of which is the warm-up of muscles and fat tissue under the skin.

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Massage when the hernia is needed for:

  • Relieve muscle tension;
  • Enhance blood circulation in the tissues;
  • Elasticity of muscle tissue and prevent atrophy;
  • Prevention of the transformation stage of hernia chronic.

With the passage of the full rate mobility of the muscles is restored, they become stronger. A notable positive result is obtained when the hernia first appeared. If the disease repeats itself, massage will not have an appreciable therapeutic effect. Therefore, when the primary disease try time to apply the techniques offered by the doctor to avoid complications. Massage is contraindicated in the case when there are exacerbations with severe pain: it can only be done after their removal.


Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese technique based on the influence of using needles on specific points of the body. This impact has a positive effect on hearth disease and the General condition of the body. Professionals turn acupuncture into a serious tool for the treatment of intervertebral herniasI. It allows you to:

  • To stop the pain that accompaniesdisease.
  • To eliminate spasms of the muscles that support the vertebrae.
  • To eliminate inflammation and pinched nerves.
  • Activate the metabolism and improve immunity.

See also: herniation treatment by acupuncture.

It's important to acupuncture alongside other treatments to monitor the disease and adjust treatment as needed.

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A session of acupuncture should not be uncomfortable: on the contrary, upon its completion, the patient should feel relaxed, to feel the flow of heat in the area of inflammation. At the conclusion of therapy take the hour and a half, and then put on the corset and avoid excessive physical exertion.

About five sessions of acupuncture, alternated with other methods, and you will feel noticeable relief that almost 100% confirmed in the research.

There are many ways to combat the disease without surgical intervention. But any methodology must be agreed with the doctor. Know the intervertebral hernia lumbar not a sentence. Giving the disease time, and fully completing all of the appointment of a neurologist, you can easily come out the winner from fight overpowered by the disease.