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Pain in the thoracic spine: causes, symptoms, treatment

If you feel pain in the thoracic spine causes can be severe: degenerative disc disease or herniated discs. But you continue to ignore back pain, believing that just tired or cold. Meanwhile, diseases that are accompanied by pain in the thoracic back, cause a violation of the internal organs.

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Causes and symptoms of diseases

Pain in the thoracic spine does not always mean problems with the spinal column. We can talk about how abnormalities of the spine and the surrounding internal organs. The symptoms and character of pain may vary.


Most often occurs as a mechanical back injury, the displacement of the vertebrae. Dislocations, subluxations, bruises, rib fractures, the spine can damage the spinal canal and serious consequences, including paralysis. When such injuries coughing, sneezing, sudden movements cause sore abdominal muscles. In the case of injury is a noticeable swelling, bruising. Felt pain during probing and light limitation.

The most serious injury – fractures in the spine that can compromise the integrity of the spinal canal.

Direct injury and sudden contraction of the muscles lead to multiple and bilateral fractures. In this case, you will experience discomfort when bending to the side and trying to lift a straightened leg. On the site of the fracture will manifest swelling and bruising. Osteoporosis in the elderly because of the fragility of the tissues possible fracture of the vertebral body. Occur pain when you inhale-exhale, bending in different directions, twisting and various body movements, coughing, lifting a small weight. Often radiating to the heart, sternum, liver, under the shoulder blade.

Diseases of internal organs

  • Contagious diseases like tuberculosis, tuberculous spondylitis, polio, epidural abscess, herpes. The nature pain the pull is constant;
  • Herpes and shingles can cause a sharp pain around the thoracic spine;
  • ISB, angina cause pain left of sternum, radiating to left arm or jaw. Also possible pain between the shoulder blades. Myocardial infarction will lead to severe pain under the right shoulder blade;
  • Diseases of the liver. Cases can experience pain right under the ribs or under the shoulder blade;
  • Gallbladder disease. Diseases such as cholecystitis, cholelithiasis, biliary dyskinesia can declare itself with pain on the right side of the thoracic;
  • Pancreatitis and pancreatic cancer exhibit strong encircling rib pain, back pain, thoracic in the upper part;
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Painful feeling between his shoulder blades may indicate the aggravation of gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer or gastritis;
  • Pneumonia, pleurisy, lung tumor cause unilateral pain – case pathology one light. In the case of bilateral inflammation completely sore thoracic spine. Pain will increase during the process of breathing, and cough. Can a fever;
  • Kidney disease. Stones and inflammation in the kidneys give a sharp or dull pain in the lower part of the shoulder blades;
  • Appendicitis can cause pain centered under your right shoulder blade;
  • Pathology of the thoracic aorta as dissecting aneurysm or thrombosis may manifest different symptoms at different stages at different locations of the disease from ravaging a burning pain to disorders of sensation and paralysis;
  • Subphrenic abscess is characterized by pain, feeling of heaviness in the lower part of the chest, radiating to the shoulder blade, collarbone. The pain may be moderate and increase to acute deep breathing, coughing, active movements;
  • Another reason for pain in the thoracic spine may be malignant tumors of internal organs.

Interesting to read: pain in upper back

Diseases of musculoskeletal system

  • Scoliotic deformation

Scoliosis, kyphosis and kyphoscoliosis – disease incorrect posture leads to muscle strain of the cervical-thoracic. Young people have found the disease Chairman Mau.

The result of the degenerative process inthe intervertebral joints. The disease develops in the joints, which are fastened ribs. The fabric of the articular cartilage becomes thinner, loses its elasticity. Further there is a deposition of calcium salts in the bones adjacent to the joints. Formed osteophytes – bone spurs. Intervertebral channels are compressed, there is a trapped spinal nerve and ganglion. Possible compression of tissues and blood vessels. All this leads to the development of pain and disorders of internal organs. The patient may experience almost unbearable pain in the interscapular region or in the entire region of the thoracic spine. Possible numbness and crawly or burning sensation, chills and hypersensitivity. Pain worsens during movement and breathing. In such diseases, there are periodic pains in the stomach and heart.

See also: symptoms of protrusion of the thoracic spine.

  • Herniated disc and protrusion

Herniated discs of the thoracic spine like protrusions occur rarely with low mobility Department. But this is precisely the location of the hernia often leads to pinching of the spinal cord, causing develops the pain syndrome and neurological disorders. The first stage of the development of a herniated disc – protrusion – virtually no pain. And so it is more dangerous. The absence of symptoms allows the disease to detect until a full intervertebral hernia, which is impossible to ignore.


And another reason why pain in the spine, can be cancer, vertebrae or spinal cord, tuberculosis in the spine or lungs, as well as vasculitis and diabetes.


Pain thoracic spine there are three stages of diagnosis:

  • A detailed study of history. The patient describes in detail the nature of the pain. The doctor determines the cause of ailments;
  • Manual diagnostics – point examination of the body to identify the specific location of pathology and the degree of its development;
  • Additional examination for correct diagnosis and prescribing the right treatment of the thoracic: x-ray, CT, MRI, ECG, electrocardiogram, spondylograms etc.

Initial examination of the thoracic must commit the therapist to redirect you to the appropriate specialists.


How to get rid of the pain yourself

Pain in the thoracic spine can be a sign of very serious diseases. So be sure to consult your doctor. To help yourself you will be able in the following cases:

  • The pain increases during motion – the likely causes of pain in the malfunctions of the musculoskeletal system;
  • You are undergoing treatment for diseases such as gastritis or cholecystitis and pain caused by a violation of diet.

Pain due to problems in the musculoskeletal system, try to remove:

  • The patient needs to rest;
  • VapoRub with analgesic effects, such as Capsicum or Diclofenac, is applied to the spine;
  • Damaged back cover with a woolen cloth;
  • To do exercises that stretch and relax the muscles and lying down.

If these steps did not help to remove pain – find a way to see a doctor. In case of violation of medical diet, take regular dose of prescription drugs to treat your illness. In other cases, get immediate help. Self-medication can be life-threatening.

If the pain is acute, fever – call the ambulance. If such symptoms are absent, consult your physician.

The prevention of pain

From pain in the thoracic you will save simple prevention:

  • Daily 20-minute exercises and treatments for hardening;
  • A balanced diet not to gain excess weight;
  • For sleeping it is desirable to have a pillowtop mattress and a pillow and sleep the most useful thing on the side;
  • At the table to keep the back straight, pressing it to the back of the chair, not to throw a leg over the other and not cross them;
  • Fit car seat by itself, for example, with the help of special rollers under the back;
  • Lifting weights, bend the lower back;
  • Sports under the guidance of an experienced coach, in order to avoid incorrect excessive load on the spine.