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Back pain when breathing in: rear, right, left, what could it be

If you on a regular basis back pain when breathing in, the reasons for its occurrence may be different. We are not only breathing easy. During inhalation involves other bodies, including the intercostal muscles. Therefore, to determine the origin of the problem and must be resolved before the occurrence of irreversible consequences. So let's take a closer look at why when you inhale or when you exhale back pain.

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Why back pain during breathing?

Breathing is a complex and important process. But this is one of the few functions in our body that run all the time (with small breaks). Most people does not notice how he breathes, especially does not form any discomfort.

The breathing process is as follows:

  • Breath. First, there is a reduction of the intercostal muscles, which leads to lowering of the diaphragm below its usual position. It reduces abdomen and enhances your chest in the volume, making the lungs expand and air is pulled in.
  • The exhalation is performed the same as breath, but all the movement and manipulation of the bodies is carried out in reverse order.

Control of respiration takes place in the brain and spinal cord. So look for the problem it is necessary not only in the lungs. Let's look at all possible causes of back pain during the breathing process.

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Referred pain

Sometimes it happens that a bad back and hurt you to breathe due to issues with some other part of the body not associated with breathing. Maybe it's the organs adjacent to the diaphragm and lungs. They can be susceptible to the disease, or even damaged. Respiratory system can interfere with the abdominal organs, pressing on them. The result, when breathing, pain impulses are projected in the back. This phenomenon is present when presence of tumors or deformities in internal organs.

Reflected in the back pain when breathing process may just cause the usual fatigue, or any long heavy loads.

Hurts when pneumothorax

The phenomenon of pneumothorax is a disease leading to the collapse of the lungs. This is when the pleura (covering of a double layer of serous matter) starts to produce quickly solidifying mucus. Breathing becomes much more difficult and there is pain in the back. The risk of pneumothorax can occur at high fluid accumulation in the lungs, receiving stab wounds and hypothermia back. It also reduces the absorption of oxygen the lungs.

In pneumonia

In most cases, the cause of back pain when taking a breath is pneumonia. It is a violation of the respiratory process. Pneumonia is accompanied by pleurisy in his lungs, thickening of the pleural layers due to frequent and prolonged inflammatory processes. When you exhale or inhale a piece of the pleura rubs against another piece that causes bad discomfort.

When the costal chondrite

Tietze's syndrome is accompanied by inflammation of these costal cartilages. In this disease the pain extends to the sternum and costal cartilages. The occurrence of chondrite often provoke injury to cells during severe congestion (e.g., accident) or to different pathogens (disease-causing) infections of the respiratory tract.

For angina

Angina most often occurs after heart attacks and a significant stress. In the people this disease called "angina pectoris." It is characterized by a sudden cutting pain for 15-20 minutes. Angina is accompanied by symptoms of pain when inhaling in the back and in the jaw, neck, stomach, etc. in addition back pain, in this disease appears more difficult breathing, nausea, vomiting and profuse sweating.

Problems with the spine

The locomotor mechanism of its malfunction also affects some breathing problems. Perhaps in the spine there is a disc herniation. Then it may ache in the back, in the chest. The presence of degenerative disc disease of the lumbar and thoracic aroundparts of the body also creates pain in the lower back. In diseases such as arthritis and sciatica, pain when breathing can often radiate to the back. This is particularly evident after a long sleep. Most likely, violated the exchange process, there is hypothermia or overloading of the spine.

In myositis

If you have back pain when breathing in left or right – the reason for that is, myositis, or when inflamed skeletal muscles. This problem happens because of the emergence of infections, intoxication, loss of muscle parasites, trauma to the muscles during times of high stress. In this case, back pain you find it difficult to breathe and bend. Even myositis is accompanied by muscular weakness, a low-activity lifestyle. These short muscles upper left back. For the prevention of myositis it is best to do cardiac exercises, then the pain will be alleviated.

In diseases of the digestive system

It happens, with a deep breath back pain during prima food. Then, it is to blame the digestive system. Since some of these organs, no nerve endings, the pain experienced in the back or lumbar. Make sure no food got you in the lungs – in fact back pain when breathing in even that.

How to diagnose and treat back pain when breathing?

If you have during the respiratory process has already felt some discomfort then you should immediately begin treatment, so it doesn't become a pain. But before you determine treatment, should undergo a complete diagnosis, namely conducting:

  • External inspection;
  • Electrocardiography;
  • X-rays of the vertebral column in the thorax;
  • Ultrasound examination of abdominal cavity;
  • Gastrofibroscopy;
  • Magnetic resonance imaging of the spine.

Diagnostics helps isolate the problem or at least narrow down to identify potential causes, the one that when I inhale my back hurts.

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Based on the obtained information after the diagnosis, the doctor may prescribe treatment with such complex procedures:

  • Vacuum therapy;
  • Of the pharmacopuncture;
  • Manual therapy
  • Of laser therapy;
  • Acupuncture;
  • Dry traction
  • Magnetopuncture;
  • Electrostimulation;

To self-medicate should be performed only if the causes of back pain is insignificant. Can be treated using pain medications, but do not overdo it with them. In the treatment well help heat ointments and creams – it will relax your muscles in the back and make the pain not so strong. It is strongly recommended not to do gymnastics in the treatment of back pain, so you risk only aggravate the situation!

Back pain when breathing in not necessarily a negative phenomenon, because such pain can understand that the body for some reason is not working properly. Once you have discovered what can cause pain when inhaling, you need to remove it gently in order to avoid negative consequences.

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If you have the opportunity to consult with the doctor, be sure to use it. Better to let it diagnose. And only then can you treat your pain when you breath at home in order not to harm your body.