Home / Back pain in the lumbar region, between the shoulder blades, causes, treatment / Pain in right shoulder blade: back side of the back that hurts, how to treat

Pain in right shoulder blade: back side of the back that hurts, how to treat

If we are talking about pain under the right scapula from behind, diagnosis in this area is difficult due to several reasons specific and a purely human nature. Patients visiting doctors if the pain under the right shoulder blade back back becomes unbearable. The long wait does not allow time to determine the first signs and localize the disease in her hearth.

Usually with the onset of disease until its detection is a decent amount of time. The patient forgets about the circumstances of what happened and complains to the doctor quite different symptoms, which complicates diagnosis.

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Where and how it hurts

Trying to understand what danger is present described patients complaints, attention is paid to the spread of symptoms and their manifestation. There are following types of pain in back under right shoulder blade:

  1. Aching pain between shoulder blade and a spine is often a result of stiffness of the body.
  2. Pain under the shoulder blade, exhausting, long. Ill not only under the right scapula, but in the right hand. Symptoms occur in case of sudden release of the hands up and down, or any movement of the torso and neck. The reason for dull pain under the right scapula ambiguous to understand it yourself, unlikely.
  3. Pain under right shoulder blade finds himself suddenly, for example, when the efforts of coughing, trying to breathe, or to move disproportionately fast. The reason is not always harmless. With persistent symptoms, it makes sense to sort out this problem.

If the pain is bothering right rear not once, but is intermittent, we must find the cause and immediately start treatment.


Causes of pain under the right shoulder blade, to determine. This requires some knowledge and equipment. The original doctor set a preliminary diagnosis on the basis of how it manifested pain and why it hurts in this area.

Dull pain

If we are talking about a dull pain in the back, its possible causes should be sought in:

  • Spasm of one muscle and the affected scapular nerve;
  • Diseases of the internal organs.

Reasons why back hurts in the blades, lie in:

  • Pyelonephritis;
  • Chronic cholecystitis;
  • Tumors of the liver, pancreas, right kidney, or lung;
  • Cirrhosis of the liver.

Long dull pain under the shoulder blade on the right side of the back appears in the gall bladder, kidney and pancreas. Pancreatitis starts to hurt suddenly, the person is not asleep and takes no convenient posture in the supine position, as torture was settled with much comfort causes even more inconvenience. These diseases are a source of considerable trouble.

Aching pain

Continuous aching back pain on the right, tingling and stretching sensation, evidence of the disorders in the spine.

Nagging pain under your right shoulder blade may be the first symptom of osteoarthritis, chondrosis and spondylosis. It occurs in people do not pay enough attention to sports.

Sedentary work, lack of ability to do exercises, all this will inevitably lead to cervical osteochondrosis or osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine. Unpleasant sensations are not the only symptom of the disease. Patients with numb fingers, sore head. The cause may be a basic pinched nerve, a neurological disease.

It is possible that the pain on the back of the result of the tumor. In the latter case, it is required to make a full examination of the patient by specialists from different fields. To look for reason in the place of concentration of the pain, it's pointless, most likely, pain below the shoulder blade only gives to the specified location. Another reason could be pancreatitis, in chronic form, bronchitis, pneumonia, cirrhosis, or hepatitis.

It is not excluded, that nagging pain in the lower part of the blade that is located to the right of the vertebral column, the result holitsestity and pyelonephritis. When holitsestity it can be given in the chest, paroxysmal taking the form. Pyelonephritis is accompanied by a burning sensation in the upper part of the scapula, which developed as a result of inflammation of the right kidney.

At the time of the formation of gallstones, and pain alsoaching. When gallstones pain in the blades occur along with nausea, vomiting, and fever. The skin turns yellow, starts the fever.

Acute pain

Burning and tingling in this area usually from the vertebral area are not connected. The cause of back pain should be sought in the damage to internal organs. Symptoms occur primarily in people with abnormal heart rhythm, vascular disease, problems with the digestive tract and rectum. Often back pain occurs when:

  • Colic;
  • Acute holetsistita;
  • Gallstones;
  • Hypertensive form of a dyskinesia of a gall bladder.

If the cause of back pain is one of these diseases over time will have and other characteristic symptoms, the irritability, sweating, insomnia and fatigue.

Persisting sharp pain in the back under the shoulder blade indicates a subphrenic abscess, located at the last stage. Uncomfortable sensations while trying to make the inhale and fall on exhale, reflected in the right shoulder blade. If it hurts under the right scapula, then this indicates colic, or purulent infiltration. In the latter case, the patient will encounter a fever, there may be problems with urination.

Particularly worried if it hurts the right shoulder is not worth it. As mentioned above, a short pain in the area of the right shoulder is not what it says. Worry should start only if the pain persists for 1-2 hours.

Rooting may be recent trauma, in this case to consult a specialist immediately. It is impossible to exclude fractures or outbreak of an infectious process in the latter case, the chance for quick relief from the problem without professional help, is quite low.

Diagnosis and treatment

Because, how quickly will be diagnosed correctly, it depends very much, and above all, the life of the patient. For the first time feeling not good need to contact the therapist. It is the therapist must perform the initial examination of the patient and interview him on the subject of the other symptoms that ignorant in medicine man, could not pay proper attention.

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After carrying out such inspection and identification of warning signs, the therapist must guide the patient to orbitology, gastroenterologist, cardiologist, trauma surgeon, or a neurologist. To determine the location of back pain in the scapula area, ill have to do an x-ray, blood and urine.

Appointed on the basis of the results of treatment, regardless of the nature of pain on the right side, starts with taking pain medications.

If we are talking about a common cold, the doctor will prescribe appropriate medications, recommend warming the lower back compresses and ointments. In other cases, the patient is prescribed an anti-inflammatory, antiviral, neurological and other drugs designed to treat not just symptoms but the very cause of the disease.

Right treatment severe pain right side under shoulder blade largely depends on what bothers the patient. It is possible that pain itself is treated and does not have, and all the efforts of the specialist will be focused on the attempt to overcome the source of the problem. The sooner this is clarified, the better for the patient. Some of the above diseases is quite dangerous and can cause serious trouble.

kak ustranit bol pod lopatkoj

It is very important to find a doctor able to identify the cause of pain and eliminate them. It is better to visit several specialists to pass all the tests and agree to all of the recommended doctor treatments. You may have to engage in physical exercises and start to visit swimming pool. Gymnastics, massage and stretching performed under the supervision of competent trainers will be forced to forget about any kind of pain.