Home / Dorsopathy: diseases of the cervical, thoracic, lumbar spine / Subchondral sclerosis of the spine: what is it, causes, symptoms, treatment, prevention

Subchondral sclerosis of the spine: what is it, causes, symptoms, treatment, prevention

When pain in the neck and spine, going to the doctor often found the diagnosis that sounded like subchondral sclerosis of the spine. Rare patients know what is the danger to health, how to treat sclerosis of the cervical spine, diagnosis, and manifestations of subchondral sclerosis of the spine, what it is like to be treated and other things.

Subhondralnyj skleroz pozvonochnika chto eto takoe


Basic description multiple sclerosis is a pathogenic process, acting in the tissues, indicated by the formation of compacted areas. Subchondral sclerosis of the vertebral bodies increases the density of bones, helping to increase area and volume of connective tissue. One of the main signs of impaired blood flow in bones is considered multiple sclerosis. The disease appears for two main reasons:

  • When the premature aging of fabric fibers;
  • As a result of all processes causing inflammation that appeared in other diseases.

Multiple sclerosis is considered to be not the primary disease, and the radiological sign, which indicates the presence of pathology, the carrier of degenerative changes. The affected area in the pictures looks like a seal in the bony structure, changes in the joints, causing inflammation, limiting movement, making the spine rigid.

pochemu voznikaet subhondralnyj skleroz pozvonochnika

The main diseases causing sclerosis:

  • Osteochondrosis;
  • Osteoarthritis.

Other factors that are essential for the emergence of pathology:

  • Tensile cracks;
  • Diseases associated with the blood vessels;
  • Diabetes mellitus, other types of diseases relating to the endocrine system;
  • Joint injuries, unhealed.
  • When the compromised immune system that occur in hormonal levels.

Diseases, namely osteoarthritis and degenerative disc disease have different type of causes, symptoms, but combined into one – with the progression of pathologies appear osteophytes. For osteoarthritis the typical sprawl at the edges of the vertebrae, and arthritis is manifested on the edges of the joints. Treatment two options is rarely a full-fledged, successful, relieves the pain, stops the progression of the disease. Surgery is needed only in very advanced cases, but it is not always possible to change the course of events.

The occurrence of osteophytes, growing bone tissue on the region of the vertebrae, similar to the bumps, hills and spikes occurring depending on the disease, without proper treatment of the underlying disease, continue to inflict pain, cause inflammation, creating a vicious circle of pathology. Over time the joint may lose mobility due to blocking growths.

The deviation is formed as the representatives of the male and female, age, exceeding the mark of 50 years. Representatives of professional sports face the complex of symptoms at an earlier age.

Progression of osteochondrosis

Osteochondrosis is called the process of accelerated aging of the spine. Pathology the intervertebral discs are exposed to losing important property – depreciation. Hence there is a greater chance of herniation between vertebrae that impact in the form of compression of the rootlets of nerve fibers of the spinal cord. The process causes severe pain, sometimes unbearable. Hernia formed between the vertebrae, causing neurological disorders, impairing the normal course of life of the patient.

The progression of arthritis

Inflammatory processes in the tissue of cartilage, lead to the formation of subchondral sclerosis, growths. Is manifested not quickly and actively as other diseases, but the essence remains the same – the cartilage is erased, occurs pain syndrome because of the appearance of osteophytes.

How to identify a pathology

Symptoms of multiple sclerosis are extensive, manifested in accordance with the affected area, but the main symptoms are:

  • Difficulty carrying heavy objects;
  • Suddenly appearing and growing with time the pain;
  • Discomfort, difficulty in rotating the head and tilting of the back;
  • Lost balance, changes,disturbed coordination;
  • Weak, numb upper, lower extremities;
  • Felt a slight tingling in the muscles;
  • Difficult breathing;
  • The sudden appearance of tremor in the upper and lower extremities;
  • Sudden, inexplicable relief of body weight;
  • Depressive mood;
  • Impaired concentration of attention;
  • Significant memory loss, hearing.

Some patients have not encountered the above symptoms, as their manifestation depends on the extent of disease and rate of progress. With regard to localization of the affected area, formation of impermeable growths on the bones, the diagnosis looks like this:

  • Extensive lesions of the spine are called subchondral sclerosis;
  • With the appearance of pain syndrome in the upper limbs, the neck, there is a sclerosis of the cervical;
  • Absolutely immobilized vertebrae, each disk, the chest tells about the sclerosis of the thoracic, followed by unbearable pain;
  • The final diagnosis was subchondral sclerosis zamechatelnyh plates of the vertebral bodies.

proyavleniya subhondralnogo skleroza pozvonochnika

Diagnosis of the disease

The following are the diagnostics:

  • The doctor prescribes x-rays. Thanks to the procedure in the picture are clearly visible human bones, which determine the presence of pathologies, measure parameters;
  • Magnetic resonance imaging is considered the most effective method to pinpoint the location of the disease. Obvious be not only causes, but also significantly simplifies the determination of the diagnosis;
  • Computed tomography is used for the same purposes as above.

Stage of sclerosis of the vertebrae, the measurement of volume and density of bone tissue is determined using a special test on density (densitometry). In rare cases, blood is taken for analysis, genetic testing, in order to exclude the presence of any other diseases caused by infections or inflammatory processes, of which the patient may not be aware of.


Already mentioned, the subchondral osteosclerosis of the spine and other areas of the body is not an independent disease but a complex of symptoms indicating the presence of pathologies. Methods of correcting the situation, improve the patient's condition, pain relief are the application procedures:

  • The use of drugs, individually selected by the attending physician;
  • Physical therapy;
  • Physical therapy, gymnastics;
  • A strict diet.

metody ustraneniya bolevogo sindroma


Doctors prescribe not only medications, relieving pain, but also the means responsible for restoring mobility of the vertebrae. Main drugs used:

  • Non-steroidal drugs, relieving inflammation;
  • Painkillers;
  • For the regeneration of cartilage, use of chondroprotectors;
  • Getting rid of the spasms in the tissues of the muscles are the muscle relaxants.

Physical therapy

Procedures, responsible for improving blood flow, normalization of metabolic processes in tissues, improvement of the General condition of the person. Used by:

  • UHF;
  • Phonophoresis;
  • Electrophoresis.


The complex-designed exercises, leading the fight against diseases of the spine, the neck and chest, osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia, and other, allows to weaken the effect of multiple sclerosis.

Through improved metabolism, the recovery process is accelerated and the disease does not develop. Useful special yoga classes, swimming, gymnastic exercises in the pool.

Any movement leads to improved mobility of the spine, eliminating the possibility of ossification. The muscles are strengthened, forming the muscles holding the vertebrae to the correct location. Load mild increase not immediately, but gradually to prevent injury.

A strict diet

Used products are not just "healthy food", and "special ingredients" that contains vitamins, essential minerals, valuable components responsible for improving blood circulation and metabolic processes of the body. Boiled lean meat, all kinds of seafood, rich in fatty polyunsaturated acids, fresh fruits and vegetables.