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Transverse myelitis of the spinal cord: causes, symptoms, treatment

Myelitis of the spinal cord inflammatory disease that affects the spinal cord. Typically, the disease affects one or two segments of the brain. The causative agent, penetrating into the spinal cord, in the process of life emit toxic substances that trigger inflammation.

This disease, although rare, but provides a serious danger. It is heavily treated and often cause irreversible consequences. The myelitis can develop people belonging to different age groups. But most often the disease is diagnosed in middle age.

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There are several varieties of myelitis, characterized by symptoms, severity and prognosis. According to the severity of the symptoms there are:

  • Acute transverse myelitis;
  • Subacute;
  • Chronic.

Depending on the location of the lesion distinguish myelitis:

  • Limited, focal or develop on separate sites;
  • Disseminated, or diffuse, or multifocal – affects multiple areas;
  • Cross – applies to several adjacent segments;
  • Diffuse, or spread – affects the whole brain.

Depending on the causes of myelitis are:

  • Infectious (viral or bacterial) – develops when injected into the body of infection;
  • Traumatic – caused by trauma;
  • Toxic – provoked by poisonous substances;
  • Post-vaccination – the unique form which appears after vaccination;
  • Radiation is called radiotherapy;
  • Idiopathic – the cause is unknown.

Infectious myelitis in turn divided into:

  • Primary – develops under the influence of viruses, selectively damaging the nerve cells;
  • Secondary – caused by other infections (measles, scarlet fever, syphilis, tonsillitis, erysipelas, pneumonia, sepsis).

A separate form of the disease is neuromyelitis Optica,. In this case, in addition to characteristics deterioration of vision and even loss.

The cause of the inflammation

The main factor that causes myelitis, infection. It can be caused by viruses influenza, herpes, rabies and HIV, and bacteria (meningococci, streptococci, and spirochetes), fungi, encephalitic mites. Viral infection is found in 40% of cases.

Also trigger inflammation is capable of:

  • Complicated trauma of the spine;
  • Exposure to mercury, lead, other chemicals, and certain medications, especially psychotropic;
  • Allergic to vaccines so developing postvaccinal myelitis;
  • Radiation therapy used for the treatment of cancer.

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In some cases to determine the cause of the disease is not possible. Assume that in these cases the inflammation develops due to disorders in the functioning of the immune system.

Increase the risk of myelitis hypothermia and weakened immune system.

In some cases, transverse myelitis is the first sign of multiple sclerosis.

The symptoms of the disease

The development of myelitis involves several steps:

  • The manifestation of acute – symptoms are pronounced;
  • Early recovery – begins after you have stabilized and lasts for about 6 months;
  • Late recovery – lasts up to two years;
  • Residual manifestations after 2 years.

Primary myelitis is accompanied by the following symptoms, developing in turn:

  • Flu-like symptoms (headaches, high temperature, fever, pain in muscles, General weakness), which persist for two or three days (this period is called the prodromal);
  • Surrounding pain of varying intensity, itching, tingling, "crawling" on the back;
  • Spinal cord lesions (appear after pain reduction): the weakening of sensitivity, weakness in the legs, tension of muscles of a press, flatulence, problems with urination and defecation);
  • The formation of trophic ulcers and bedsores (they appear even with a high-quality patient care).

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Symptoms may develop rapidly (within hours) or slowly (the entire processwill take a month or more). The manifestation of the disease depends on the location of inflammation. The most difficult leak to the cervical, lumbosacral and nizhnegorodsky myelitis. The secondary myelitis is characteristic symptoms can develop during the peak of the underlying disease or during convalescence.


After neurological examination of the patient is directed to instrumental and laboratory diagnosis:

  • Myelography;
  • Computer and magnetic resonance tomography;
  • Puncture to study the presence in the spinal fluid of pathogens and inflammatory cells.


Treating myelitis in the hospital. Mostly used conservative methods. But in some cases may need surgical intervention.

Treatment of myelitis is aimed at:

  • Provision of dehydration;
  • Prevention of intoxication of the organism;
  • Emptying of the bladder;
  • Preventing the formation of bedsores:
  • Artificial respiration (paralysis of the muscles, provides respiratory function).

Conservative methods

When drug therapy is prescribed:

  • Antibiotics;
  • Hormones;
  • Analgesics;
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs (usually corticosteroids);
  • Potassium orotate that provide anabolic action;
  • Diuretics;
  • Muscle relaxants – when you increase muscle tone;
  • Antipyretic medications for fever;
  • Anticholinesterase drugs – with urinary retention;
  • Glucose;
  • Vitamin complexes.

An excellent complement to drug therapy will be a therapeutic exercise, massage, treatments.

Beneficial effect, particularly when paralysis, will have physical therapy:

  • Electrical stimulation;
  • Electrophoresis;
  • Ultrahigh-frequency therapy;
  • Ultraviolet exposure;
  • Thermal procedures (paraffin bath).

Unconventional treatment

Among non-traditional techniques the most effective action has hirudotherapy – treatment with leeches. To complement drug therapy of transverse myelitis can popular recipes, consult your doctor. It is best to use the packs: potato and honey and is prepared from a mixture of diluted alcohol, propolis, aloe and mustard.

Surgical treatment

The need for surgery may occur when:

  • Pronounced motor limitations;
  • The formation of purulent foci;
  • The strongly pronounced symptoms associated with compression of the spinal cord.


Pathology can develop in several ways:

  • Manifestations of the disease permanently weakened condition and stabilizes;
  • Symptoms remained at the same level life (typical PSO);
  • The disease progresses and covers the entire spinal cord.

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The consequences

In the absence of timely medical care possible disability. Severe damage to the spinal structures can lead to numbness and paralysis of upper or lower limbs. But even in mild cases the disease can cause seizures, paresthesia, and limitation of movement. To prevent the development of disease will help vaccination against polio, mumps, chicken pox, measles.