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Osteoarthritis of the spine: what it is, types, symptoms and treatment

Osteoarthritis of the spine dystrophic and degenerative changes of the spine characterized by pain. The disease limits physical activity and working capacity of patients, usually occurs in older people. Osteoarthritis changes the tissue of cartilage and bone near, the affected area swells and the pain begins. With the progression of the disease on bone tissue formed osteophytes and spurs. Can affect the cervical, thoracic or lumbar.

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Osteoarthritis of the spine appears because of the following reasons:

  • Big load on one of the spine, often associated with the profession (lifting heavy objects, sedentary lifestyle, neck bent for a long period of time);
  • Pathology of the spine with improper load distribution. It is kyphosis, lordosis, scoliosis, etc.;
  • Inflammation in the spine;
  • Injury;
  • Pathology of congenital nature;
  • Hormonal changes;
  • Hernia;
  • There are problems with the exchange processes;
  • External factors (unfavorable environmental conditions, poor quality of drinking water).

Initially, the cells of cartilage (chondrocytes) occur pathological changes. As a result, affects the discs between the vertebrae and articulations: the cells here die off, which affects a full-fledged production of collagen. Those cells that continue the production of collagen can't handle the load and hold in the right quantity in cartilage water and proteins.

The cartilages lose their elasticity and cease to be elastic, there is a restriction of motor activity, begin with pain.

As the progression of the disease in the joints osteophytes grow, and there is a loss of muscle and ligaments. Muscles atrophy and become inflamed. Deformation of the affected Department can already be seen visually.

The symptoms of the disease

Symptoms in people suffering from a disease similar whether osteoarthritis of the peripheral joints and the spine or osteoarthritis of the lumbar spine. Symptoms of the disease includes:

  • Severe pain in the affected area. They occur in bouts, after finding the static postures, after exercise. If the person got up and warmed up, the pain passes, but as the progression of the disease, they become permanent;
  • The patient is deformed joints;
  • In the period of exacerbation of the affected area become swollen;
  • Due to the deformation of the vertebrae is compressed vessels, deteriorating blood circulation. This leads to migraines, toothache;
  • The patient constantly feels unwell;
  • Limited movement due to pain in the cervical or thoracic;
  • The affected vertebrae crunch when you make sudden movements.

Types of osteoarthritis

The disease is divided according to the location of the affected area into 3 main types:

  • Lumberton – manifests itself by pain in the lumbar spine and the sacrum.
  • Cerveceros – a type of disease that affects the neck.
  • Disastrous – it is characterized by localization in the thoracic spine.


Occurs due to the frequent spasm of the muscles of the neck and shoulders. Usually the cause is a sedentary lifestyle, heavy physical workload on the neck, a sedentary lifestyle.

Is characterized by pain in the neck and head, worse when bending or turning of the head. In osteoarthritis in a state of neglect, the patient may see floaters before the eyes, falling vision, dizziness, ringing in the ears. Possible neurological nature.


The patient complains of severe pain in the sacrum and lower back. The main causes of injuries; congenital anomalies; scoliosis; excessive weight, etc. At risk people who spend too much time sitting or on his feet, straining the knees and hip joint. Osteoarthritis of the lumbosacral spine does not occur if the work is done charging or warm-up time in 30-60 minutes. The nature of the pain aching, radiates to the thigh or gluteal muscle. At first, the pain bothers the person only if the movement starts to chase constantly, even at night. Starts pain due to severe spasm of the muscles and osteophytes. The leg and thigh may be numb,patient them bad feels.


The disease is characterized by painful aching, which is localized between the shoulder blades. Then, the patients noted stiffness arising in the morning. Often the patient feels numbness of the thoracic, disturbed functioning of internal organs.

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The treatment of the disease is complex. The sooner the patient to see a doctor, and begin to treat the disease, the sooner will go a positive trend. Basic methods of treatment of osteoarthritis:

  • The use of drugs;
  • Orthopedic effect;
  • Manual methods;
  • A course of physiotherapy.


This method is based on the elimination of inflammation and pain. Doctors use hormonal drugs, muscle relaxants, pain relievers.

Orthopedic therapy

The doctors provide traction of the spine, relieving nerve compression, increasing blood flow. Moreover, there are special orthopedic devices (e.g. collar of a Trench, bandage, corset). With their help, removed an extra burden from the spinal division, which makes the disease develop.

Manual therapy

In order to prevent the deformed spine, doctors recommend the use of massage. Its action on the body: increased blood flow, elimination of pain, restoration of nutrients to tissues and cartilage, removal of muscle spasm.

Physical therapy

These methods are combined with physical therapy makes the muscles stronger, eliminates pain, improves joint function. After removing the aggravation of using acupuncture, treatment with leeches, application of paraffin and mud.

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When the all the rules of treatment and frequency of symptoms of the disease recede, and osteoarthritis of the spine ceases to progress. But if the MRI shows that the disease continues to develop, then the patient surgical intervention. It is understood that the damaged nerve endings will not be restored, so early treatment is the key to high efficiency of treatment.