Home / Pinching of spinal nerves and blood vessels, causes, treatment / A pinched nerve in the back: what to do, symptoms, treatment at home

A pinched nerve in the back: what to do, symptoms, treatment at home

A pinched nerve in the spine gives acute pain. The symptoms of pinched nerve in the spine can come and suddenly disappear. Therefore, the patient does not pay attention to the problem and begins treatment. This is a big mistake, because pinched spinal nerves can be just the tip of the iceberg. The disease requires medical control and prevention. How to behave if there is a pinched nerve?

 Zashemilo nerv v spine chto delat

Causes and symptoms

Almost always the patient complains that struck a nerve in the back because too much strained back. The spine takes most of the load when a person lifts weights or tends to move. Back sensitive to such stress to the body. Common risk factors are the following:

  • Overload (during sports or everyday lifting);
  • A long stay in one position, for example during office work;
  • Constant strain on the spine during pregnancy;
  • Cold, cold wind;
  • The consequences of many diseases, for example colds;
  • Uncomfortable posture during sleep;
  • Too soft or too hard bed;
  • The excess body weight.

Many patients require treatment of infringement of the nerve between the ribs or in the spine. At the junction of the ribs and vertebrae a sharp change in the position of the vertebrae often causes the clamp. Sometimes the nerve can clamp even due to the fact that people suck in a breath or turned. This pain can be very strong. Pain can be chronic or acute. Sometimes they manifest themselves only during sudden movements, sneeze or cough.

chto mozhet vyzyvat zashemlenie nerva

In the lumbar and sacral region

Sometimes patients believe that root lumbar pain – in normal fatigue, and I hope that after they lost. But shooting, finding the waves of pain can not pass.

  • Difficult to confuse this painful syndrome with the sensation of sore muscles, as it is shooting, penetrating nature;
  • The pain is well localized;
  • In pregnant and given birth recently often pinches the lumbar nerves;
  • The pain instantly come muscle spasms, a person is difficult to change the situation;
  • If it hurts on the right, it may seem that pains in the liver;
  • If it hurts on the left, you may think that hurts the spleen or heart.

If the problem is only in the strained muscles, the pain will be localized vague and will pass quickly. So do not confuse fatigue and a pinched nerve.

The most vulnerable is the sciatic nerve because of its long length. It stretches from the lower spine to the feet. With the pinching of the sciatic nerve is sometimes necessary to treat paralyzed legs.

Nervous tissue at the bottom of the spine can be pinched including for the reason that:

  • Changed the status of the intervertebral disc. If the vertebra thus deforms the nerves of the patient can affect the infection or inflammatory process;
  • Disrupted pelvic organs;
  • Appeared benign or malignant tumor.

By entrapment can numb the pelvis or waist, to disrupt the functioning of the urinary apparatus, to weaken the lower limbs.

In the neck and shoulder region

Clip a nerve in the neck or shoulder region of the spine is rare, this is usually caused by sudden head movements or exposure to low temperatures. Pinching in the cervical spine are rare, but most dangerous path of disease – complication could be complete or partial paralysis. If a pinched vertebrae in the shoulder is in poor condition, can develop an intense inflammatory process of the nerves and neurological pathology.

Pinch nerve can also during sleep in a condition of alcoholic intoxication when the person is not in control of the movement and does not feel that lying in an uncomfortable position.

zashemlenie nerva v shejnom otdele pozvonochnika

Between the shoulder blades or under the scapula

If pinched nerve betweenblades or under the shovel in hand to start much to shoot. Many patients worry that pain are cardiac in nature, but it is not. Others believe that the pain is localized in the lungs.

In the chest area

Here the spine is experiencing the greatest daily load, and if the nerve is pinched, the patient is more likely to lose in mobility:

  • Place on the skin, which pinched the nerve tissuein the thoracic blushes;
  • In the same place swell of muscles under the skin;
  • Heat rises, becomes excessive sweating;
  • The pain comes abruptly and without apparent reason.

During pregnancy

During pregnancy, a woman often understands what struck a nerve in the back and didn't know what to do. Pinched nerves can occur during childbirth – because of the strong tension of the body and an incorrect position of the fetus. The fact that the spine is too long unusual experiences load and starts to deform. After birth, however, a relief of weight may be an additional stress. To prevent the development protrusion and hernia, it is necessary to begin treatment.

beremennost i zashemlenie nerva


Back pain between the shoulder blades and under the shoulder blade can have very different causes, self-diagnosis is invalid. To decide what to do if pinched nerve in the back can only be a doctor. To find the cause and to understand whether there is a jam, need to undergo various blood tests, MRI, chiropractic examination, EMG. X-rays from several different angles is mandatory. The show, in the stable position is the spine and intervertebral discs, are there any third-party muscle and bone pathology.

It is advisable to go through all the diagnostic procedures to exclude the possibility of cancer, cardiovascular or neurological problems.


When the pinched nerve in the back, the lumbar region, between the shoulder blades or under the scapula, to treat the patient in three stages:

  • To eliminate the pain. Used injections, tablets, ointments. To cure the infringement, the patient should be at rest, take more rest, to stop taking salty or spicy food;
  • To get rid of the inflammation using non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. They are also used in different forms. The first and second stages of treatment are inextricably linked and are usually held at the same time;
  • When the pain and inflammation subsided, doctors are beginning work to restore the nerve back, waist, between the shoulder blades, under the blade. It will help a chiropractor, massage therapist, specialist in acupuncture, a trainer of physical therapy and vitamin complexes.


Movalis relieves pain and inflammation, used oral or injectable. Diclofenac is the most popular and cheap tool, but has many contraindications. Relates to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory. Ketonal was good because suitable for pregnant women. Ibuprofen is available in forms for topical and oral use in the market is present in the form of child suspension.

Creams and gels are easy to use at home, if there is a pinched nerve in the back symptoms which urgently need to remove.

But consult with a doctor is still needed, because such treatment of spinal pathology can cause allergies. Finalgon well improves blood circulation in the affected tissues, inexpensive. Have experienced an unexpected side effect warms and relieves pain. Batallon well affect the supply of capillaries, making the cells regenerate and the pain disappears. Flexen is a powerful anti-inflammatory agent, as carmolis well relieves pain.

Orthopedic corsets

If there is a pinched nerve in the spine, your doctor may recommend to wear corsets. They support your back, and frees up space between the vertebrae, over time, the inflammation goes away, the nerve is freed and the signs of disease disappear. Corsets by appointment divided into thoracolumbar, lumbosacral, lumbar and for pregnant women.

korsety pri zashemlenii nerva


When the cramping passed, it is recommended to continue treatment with the following lessons and exercises physical therapy:

  • Swimming the crawl and backstroke. Especially useful if it was done surgery;
  • Lying on your back, lift your chest off the floor;
  • On all fours, then bend, then unbend the back, resting in the middle position;
  • Hug your knees and rock back.

Physiotherapy sessions should be conducted systematically and every day to be effective. It is better to conduct them under the supervision of a physical therapist, who will make sure that the spine of the patientnot twisted.


If there is a pinched nerve of the back, between the shoulder blades, under the blade – will help massage services. However, the most simple massage techniques can be mastered by close and patient. The patient lies on the stomach, relaxes and puts his arms along the body. The session should begin with stroking.

Moving first up, then down. Circular motion. Any massage, especially if the work is not professional, it should be remembered that the work is performed with the back muscles, not the spine. Directly working with him can only be experienced chiropractor. After stroking turn to rubbing, kneading. Traffic is not very intense, flowing. It is not necessary to produce strong, indenting, patting manipulation. Ends with a traditional massage also strokes.

massazh pri zashemlenii nervov v spine


If doctors can no longer decide how to treat a pinched by a conservative, it is possible to conduct surgical operations. Held in those cases, if the nerve is pinched due to intervertebral hernia. The operation is called microdiscectomy. The surgeon removes the deformed tissue, sawamura nerve. The patient is recovering from microdiscectomy two weeks to three months.


Do not fall victim to a pinched nerve, adopt preventive measures. Are not a long time in the cold, especially in the draft. Hypothermia can cause inflammation. Don't sleep on too soft nor hard bed. In both situations your spine all night is in a skewed position, the vertebrae are slowly shifted. If possible, use an orthopaedic mattress.

Try to avoid sudden movements. Lifting weights at home, sit down and lift the thing, keeping the back straight. The spine at this point in any case should not warp.

Avoid long sitting or standing in one position. If you are a representative of "sedentary" profession or just spend a lot of time at the computer, often try to warm up. Monitor your weight, because extra pounds increase the permanent load on the back. During pregnancy use corsets and supportive maternity underwear.