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Secondary spinal stenosis: what is it, causes, symptoms, treatment

A disease characterized by an acquired decrease in the primary location of the spinal cord and spinal roots, in medicine is called secondary spinal stenosis. The main difference between this type of stenosis is congenital in its development as a complication of existing pathological processes. Secondary stenosis is accompanied by a primary disease, being one of the results of his consequences. The disease has a large number of reasons and varieties which depend on the degree of possible complications and the possibility of successful treatment.

Vtorichnyj stenoz

With timely detection of the secondary of stenosis in most cases is sufficient treatment without surgery. However, some types of illness, as running, require surgery and may lead to weight adverse effects for the human body, until the disability. Therefore, if you notice signs of stenosis must immediately consult a specialist.

Preconditions for the development of

To answer the questions surrounding the concept of a "secondary stenosis of the spinal channel": what is it, what is development, how to determine the occurrence and how to deal with these, it is important to know the structure of the human spine, especially the lumbar. The spinal canal formed by the vertebrae, consisting of the vertebral holes, connected by dense ligaments. This channel is a repository, which houses the spinal cord. In the process of human movement is resonating in this space, the spinal canal is narrowed periodically.

To prevent compression of the spinal cord, protection against mechanical impacts between it and the walls of the channel provided spinal fluid and fatty tissue.

In some diseases, including stenosis, which is manifested in the reduction of the diameter of the spinal canal is pinched nerve endings or compression of the spinal cord itself. The most common cases of such acts narrowing stenosis in the lumbar.

There are primary and secondary forms of stenosis, caused by genetic and acquired processes, respectively. The first form, idiopathic, result of improper fetal development, or anatomical abnormalities in genetics. An example of such deviations can serve as an incomplete development of the vertebral holes in the vertebra, as a result, this place turns out narrowed and compresses the spinal cord. This manifests itself in any age often in young.

Prerequisites for the development of secondary stenosis are injuries of the vertebral region, complicated processes in the postoperative period or in the possession of the person other diseases (spondylosis, cancer, arthritis, disc protrusion, etc.).

The most common pathology leading to stenosis - disc herniation, which causes compression of blood vessels and nerve endings.

Most causes of secondary type of pathology leads to a slow, gradual narrowing of the spinal canal, which allows to eliminate disease and its consequences. The most dangerous premise supports the trauma, often accompanied by a sudden and strong compression of the spine. Such damage is accompanied by rapid decrease in the vertebral space and is intractable consequences.

Of pathology

The risk of stenosis is defective delivery of the necessary minerals and oxygen into the spinal cord. This leads to increased interstitial pressure in the channel and results in a compressed blood vessels, blood circulation which slows. The man experiencing pain, weakness in the back and limbs.

Proyavlenie patalogii

If a decrease in spinal canal small, it may not occur. With the progression of disease symptoms becomes wider and depends on the Department, subject to narrowing. With the defeat of the cervical disrupted the efficiency of the shoulder girdle and hands, muscle stiffness, and the patient feels their stiffness and tension, numbness of the skin. This is accompanied by headaches and dizziness.

Narrowing of the channel in the chestdivision manifests itself in pain, paresthesia, muscle atrophy. The patient feels pain in the stomach and other internal organs.

The pathology in the lumbar causes pain, loss of sensation of the legs, pelvis, muscle atrophy, impotence in males, impaired function of bowel and bladder function. The pressure directly on the spinal cord stenosis in this Department is minimal, with low probability can cause unpleasant complications.

Diagnosis of the disease

If there are signs of spinal stenosis a patient goes to a doctor who examines the patient and reviews the symptoms. It sets the affected area, the relationship of pain with physical activity, other disorders of the nervous system, which assigns further research.

The most effective and informative methods of diagnosing a stenosis are MRI, x-ray and CT scan.

Magnetic resonance imaging difficult to apply, but the most effective and safe, the outcome is a picture of the internal structure of the human body. With its help, one can fairly clearly identify the location of any pathological changes in body tissues, nerve endings, spinal cord and spinal canal as a whole.

The currently available method for diagnosing lesions of the osteoarticular system is considered x-rays. It allows you to determine the presence of tumors, fractures, infections in the spine and other changes, however, did not reveal any lesion of soft tissues.

As a method that combines both of the above studies, performs computed tomography. It allows you to get the lesion area of the bone tissue of high quality to determine the localization of pathology and the degree of its development. When the patient complaints on pain in the internal organs, the doctor may prescribe ultrasound, electrocardiogram. The need for visualization of soft tissues appoint an myelogram.

The healing process

Depending on the stage of the disease, the nature and severity of its occurrence is assigned to a conservative treatment method or surgery. The first includes physiotherapy, massage, painkillers drugs in combination with glucocorticoid hormonal products.

Lechebnyj proces

The operation is carried out in exceptional cases, when the pain in his back and legs unbearable, impaired functioning of the pelvic organs, and locomotor activity becomes impossible. Surgical intervention is to eliminate compression of the spinal cord and nerve endings.

However, any operation on the spine has high risk, long duration and trauma. So to hold it can only be a specialist of high qualification.