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Exercises for lower back: pain, protrusion, hernia, incarceration

There are exercises for the waist, which when properly and systematically applied, and the absence of pathologies will be an excellent prevention of back pain. The problem with the lower back pain, became relevant regardless of the age category, it appears in young and old. And if old, but this problem is obtained by years of hard work, the young people suffer from their own laziness and despair. If you have a huge number of different pain pills, ointments and gels, the pain returns again and again. There is a way, it is totally free and requires little time and labour – exercises in low back pain.

Kak vypolnyautsya uprazhneniya dlya poyasnicy?

The benefits of exercise

Causes of pain in the lumbar different, this may be a pathology such as osteochondrosis or just a perfect sharp motion, or degeneration of the back muscles. That did not cause discomfort, there are several methods for solving this ailment.

Treatment is possible and brings several advantages:

  1. Exercises for the lumbar spine to help stretch and relax the muscles.
  2. Constant training of muscles, strengthens the whole spinal division, which affects not only the cause of pain but also your General wellbeing.
  3. Increasing, while exercising, blood circulation, nourishes the joints and vertebrae need nutrients, lead to the restoration of the intervertebral discs.

Before you begin the exercises should consult a professional on the subject of contraindications and the presence of pathologies. The main thing is not to harm their health and not to self-medicate.

How to remove pain

The exercises consist of several blocks, depending on the location of the human body, they may be lying, standing, sitting and using an additional shell. Therapeutic exercises for the lumbar spine should be performed slowly, smoothly, without strain.

Exercises for pain in lower back lying down

  1. Lie back on the floor, legs bent. Gently raise the pelvic area and in its original position. Use 10-15 approaches. This exercise for the sacral spine, activates the gluteal muscles and abdominal muscles.
  2. Lying back on the floor, knees bent. Slowly pull himself to one foot, grab it with both hands in the thigh and calf. Pull until you feel tension, stop for 30 seconds. Repeat with the other leg. Is used for pain in the sacrum.
  3. The back on the floor with arms extended at a right angle, legs bent. Perform exercises twist: keep feet together, swinging left, then right, with the head directed in the opposite direction. These exercises to relieve lower back pain.
  4. Take position on the abdomen. Hands along the body. Slowly raise the legs, shoulders and head. Will succeed at first, you should practice. Exercises for lumbar sacral spine, based on stretching.
  5. Get on your knees, hands in emphasis. Reach the left arm up and right leg back. Then change the position. This exercise will help you not only from back pain but also as a training of the vestibular apparatus, in which the need to maintain balance. It is recommended for the elderly.

For people constantly leading a sedentary lifestyle, developed by chair exercises. First sitting on a chair, holding on to the seat and make movement of the body forward and backward like a pendulum. Such exercises for the lumbar, eliminates stagnant processes and enhances blood flow, resulting in the increased flow of nutrients to the vertebrae. Second, in the sitting position, rest your hands on his knees, and alternately press on them until you feel tension. With such gymnastics 5-7 minutes a day, you can avoid unnecessary problems with the loin.

Exercises for lower back focusing: stand on your knees, put her hands on the floor. Slowly sit on your heels and then bend forward. The second stage begin to wiggle left-right basin. This is a wonderful exercise for the sacrum, involve the lower back and upper sections of the back.

Standing exercises

In the posture of a ballerina on misochkah, trying to keep his balance. Alternating from heel to toe, will release tension in the back, simultaneously preventingvaricose veins.

Withdrawal of acute pain

When not developed spinal muscles, and the absence of other pathologies, sometimes have a lumbago, a sharp lumbago in the lower back. Acute lower back pain can be removed with the help of physical therapy.

  1. I sit down on the knees. As a projectile in front of him placed the chair. Put both hands on the chair and arch your back up and then down. Perform 5 to 10 reps.
  2. Pose, on his knees. Leaning her head and hands on a chair, slowly making the motions left and right, with a deflection of the back.
  3. Exercises against back pain: posture on all fours, gently Flex your back like a cat, and then inflate the hump, like a camel.

When pinched

With the pinching of the vertebrae, acute pain contributes to their separation the following set:

  • Exercise 1. As an additional shell is used fixed a door or a horizontal bar (crossbar). Exactly hang on the bar for 1 minute, relax, don't make other movements. Repeat the exercise every 10 minutes, these approaches to the day is done 2-3 times.
  • Exercise 2. Using a horizontal bar, hang on straight arms, and then take turns from side to side. It is important that in the performance exercises, the body was not tense.

Exercise to strengthen the back

Many people, it is easier to carry out exercise for lower back at home. To prevent pain, use the following set of exercises for lumbar sacral:

  1. Sit on the floor, one leg bent at the knee, and aside, another video. Reach for the toes of the straight leg, gently and slowly. Runs about 10 approaches, and then leg changes.
  2. The exercise is carried out with the support hand (windowsill, table). Left hand is on a pedestal, left leg in front, right behind the knees slightly bent. Are not performing full squats. Carry out 10 reps and change position. Exercises for sacral spine can also help to relieve pain and improve blood flow.
  3. A simple exercise, lying on your back, alternately lift your feet as high as possible. Runs for 5-10 approaches.

The drill press

A wonderful way to take the weight off the spine Department, is to strengthen the abdominal muscles. It is press, and provides substantive support to the lumbar, forming the front of the corset. Lie back on the floor, arms crossed on the chest or placed behind your head. Raise body without bending the hands work only your abdominal muscles, arms do not push on the neck, the neck relaxed.

Exercises for beginners

The level of physical training of different people is individual and depends on many factors such as age and weight.

Specialists have developed a special complex for beginners from back pain.

  1. Pose sitting on your heels. With a deep breath, lifted, and his arms. On the exhale slowly drop.
  2. The strengthening of the press. Lie on the floor with your back, bend your knees. Elbows reach the knees. Then place left heel on right knee and do body lifting with the right. Change the position.
  3. Lie on your side, rest on elbow and lifts the pelvic area. Replaceable arm.
  4. Resting his hands and on his knees, performed a swinging motion left to right. Then back and forth.
  5. Lying on his stomach. Alternately separates from the floor of the body, the legs.
  6. Lie on his side, resting his hand. Waving leg, stopping halfway for a few seconds. Switch to the opposite position.
  7. Pushups, focus on your knees. Performed first not full presses.
  8. Sit on the floor. Movements of the pelvis and the buttocks and crawling forward.
  9. Get up on all fours, running alternately swinging the legs back and forth.

Suggest reading: exercises for the back with a cushion under the lower back

Contraindications to the gym

Exercises for pain in lower back does not always help and sometimes hurts. A number of issues which are causing the pain, can not be solved by physical therapy. Physical activity is contraindicated in case of existing injuries in the spinal Department with pain from kidney diseases, various tumors, hernias, and diseases occur in the acute form.

kogda nelzya vypolnyat lechebnuu gimnastiku

To the problem of health, each person must be approached comprehensively. He needs to exercise with lower back pain not only in the moment of its occurrence, but also in the preventive purposes. Outdoor air to enhance the effect, as well as good nutrition and regular exercise.