Home / Exercises for treatment of scoliosis, osteochondrosis, protrusion and herniated / Yoga for the spine and back muscles, video tutorials for beginners

Yoga for the spine and back muscles, video tutorials for beginners

Yoga for back is able to stop the pathological changes in the spine. A set of exercises yoga relieves back pain, restores normal functioning of all body systems.

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Yoga for the back is considered a special treatment that really heals the patient, unlike drugs that only remove the symptoms and operations, creating even more problems.

Effects on the body

All yoga exercises for the spine built on the principle that prolonged retention of the posture in one position. To perform the exercises needed daily, otherwise the deal makes no sense. In the course of employment reduces the pressure on the annulus and increases the mobility of all parts of the back, by improving tissue elasticity. Restore natural functions of the muscular system is due to the static postures that require muscular exertion. At the same time no heavy physical exertion that can hurt. This is the fundamental difference yoga.

Exercises relieve static tension, stimulate motor neuron complex, improve the blood circulation in the intervertebral discs.

When you exercise, the patient may use the entire spinal column or in a certain area. The choice of methodology is determined by the doctor depending on the lesions and stage of the disease. Classes are held in the presence of an experienced instructor. A beginner will not be able to determine what exercise to do and what is not.

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Yoga can be used not only for treatment of musculoskeletal system, its impact extends to all organs and systems:

  • To cleanse the body of harmful substances and toxins, to improve it in General;
  • Creates a positive mood;
  • Develops adaptive capabilities;
  • Boosts the immune system.

The treatment of back asanas

The treatment of the spine yoga is appointed, after examination and an accurate diagnosis allows to cope with such diseases as:

  • Osteochondrosis is a complex degenerative processes of the articular cartilage, straighten posture can stop them;
  • Scoliosis – deformation of the musculoskeletal system in 3 planes, special exercises will be the same position;
  • Lordosis – curvature of the spine forward, concomitant disease hard to be treated;
  • Herniated vertebral disks. Serious disease therapeutic yoga is applicable to the stage of complications;
  • Arthritis of joints is a complex musculoskeletal system of the body;
  • Arthritis;
  • Endocrine and gynecological pathology.

Yoga for the treatment of the spine is very effective. Wellness gymnastics solves the two main problems: increase muscle strength and stretching.


Any method has contraindications, including yoga for back and spine. Before the sessions of the expert must verify the absence of contraindications:

  • You cannot assign in the period of exacerbation, there is the risk of such infringement, which will only help the neurosurgeon. Only after the relief of pain non-steroidal drugs can begin;
  • Infectious and inflammatory processes in the body. Any wrong move can hurt and cause a sharp deterioration in the condition;
  • Malignant neoplasms, in rare cases, hernias can become cancer naturally in this situation is already fundamentally different methods;
  • The initial period of rehabilitation after surgery, this period excluded any physical activity, it is only the healing of the incision site;
  • Prohibited purpose at sekvenirovanie, can lead to the rupture of the hernia and the loss of its detached parts in the area of spinal cord nerve, fraught with paralysis of the lower limbs forever.

Not in all cases yoga exercises for back applicable, but only as prevention of complications or as a way to stop the disease at an early stage. The combination of yoga with acupuncture possible great results. The patient not only get rid of the primary disease, but generally improve their health.

Joga dlya lecheniya pozvonochnika

A set of exercises

Before beginning yoga for thoracic spine need to do some preparatoryexercises: turns, bending, circular head movements. These manipulations are performed 1 time per day, gradually increasing the pace up to ten times per second. You can then move on to basic procedures.

Cervical and thoracic departments

  1. Adopting a comfortable position, raise the hands up and bent at the elbow, raise to parallel to the floor, hands going up in the form of a candlestick. Committed head movements left and right. The mobility of the neck each time to increase, relieves muscle tension;
  2. Ardha-Matsyendrasana, in the Lite version. Against the wall is a step away, deep breath, raise your right hand and rotate the upper part of the body and head. To touch the wall. After the return to the former position. Returns the vertebrae to their natural position;
  3. Ardha-Matsyendrasana full version. Sitting on right hip, it is necessary to bend the right leg at the knee, touching the fingers of his left buttocks. Rotate the torso to the left, the right hand slides under the left knee, left bends back, it is desirable to lock arms to the lock. It is recommended to perform at the end of the occupation;
  4. The inverted triangle. Become the bar at shoulder width, bend over touching your right hand to your left. Stretches the spine;
  5. The side triangular. Wide lunge right, bending the leg at the knee. Further, the torso towards the bent leg, the left arm is extended upwards, causes the previously stationary segments to work again;
  6. Cobra. Lying on his stomach, lifted the trunk and head. Helps the muscles again become the support for the skeletal system.

This yoga set of exercises aimed at mobilizing the resources of the body to restore lost function, or rather the raising of a muscle tone, increased mobility of the bone structure. To perform the exercises recommended without "fanaticism". When the pain, dizziness to discontinue and immediately consult a doctor. Complex good to use in the early stages of protrusion.


The system is designed to strengthen the spine, the main task is to eliminate the compression of the nerve endings by stretching to strengthen the muscle corset. Strong muscles will not allow the hernia to come out again.

  1. The Lotus posture. Legs crossed, back straight, arms down to his knees. After 5 minutes comes relaxation. You must remember your pain, each time they will be less. It is rather a method of relaxation than therapy;
  2. Tilts forward. Aimed at eliminating the deformation of the damaged area by stretching. Performed sitting upright. Legs extended, you need to reach your fingertips with your hands, repeat 5-7 times;
  3. The embryo, relaxes, relieves stress and swelling at the site of pain. You need to get on your knees, hands not much in hand, slowly, touching the shoulder of the floor;
  4. Twisting. Should be used very carefully. Causes of side muscle tone. Sitting cross your knees, back straight, slowly in place rotate your body in different directions;
  5. Legs on the wall. Relieves tension in the lower back. Lying on your back, arms at sides, feet at a right angle to lean against the wall;
  6. Free wind. Working on deep muscles of the lower back. Similar to the previous exercise with the difference that the knees bent, hold hands, ankles crossed, pull up to the stop;
  7. Dove, acts on the lower limbs, relieves pain. Be on all fours, his hands rested in the floor, one leg bend under him, the other drawn, and the body leans forward, head and posture straight.
  8. Fish, this is a simple item with a deflection to the ceiling, focusing on the elbows.

All the exercises are effective and safe, if the lower back is not in need of medical treatment, it is best used in combination with physical therapy. Yoga for back pain is widely applied to deposition of a hernia. But in advanced stages the application must be careful, only under the supervision of a coach. Unauthorized occupation, as a rule, anything good does not bring.

The opinions of patients and physicians

The majority of patients appreciated the yogic method of treatment. The pain is really gone, people can return to normal life, do not drink pills and not spend money on trips to the hospital. But there are those for whom yoga has not helped. Perhaps in these patients the stage of the disease no longer respond to conservative therapy.

Among experts the opinion is also divided, some believe yoga is the best remedy for back pain, in evidence, cite examples of successful treatment, results of clinical examinations. Do medical statistics evidence in favor of this point of view.

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Skeptics argue, believing that a healthy back yoga is achieved by the placebo effect. And popularity is based on the psychological impact of Eastern philosophy. Some doctors believe yoga is a dangerous treatment method, pointing to the cases of deterioration of their patients. Inthis is the truth, the true method requires a comprehensive and balanced approach.