Hyperextension for the back: how to make at home

Simple at first glance, but quite difficult technique of performing the exercise hyperextension for the back. It precisely will work lower back, glutes and hamstrings of the thighs. First of all, this is a basic exercise for the back, but approach it from different sides. In this case, it is possible to pay more attention to pumping buttocks, or thighs. But, really, few people know how to perform correctly for the development of the lower body.

giperekstenziya dlya spiny

The spine is a very important part of the skeleton that is responsible for many functions. It protects the spinal cord from damage, and is the main support of the whole organism. Thanks to the spine, a person can do most of the movements, so the muscle should always be healthy and developed. If there is a problem in the development of the dorsal muscles, the functions of the spine are not fully implemented, or not implemented. Hyperextension helps to develop back muscles for proper functioning of the musculoskeletal system.

The effectiveness of the exercise

Exercise has many different forms and ways of implementation. Therefore, before you undertake it, you need to decide on the result that you expect from the exercise. Because it is not only power, in addition to pumping certain muscle groups, it also performs a number of related functions:

  • Supports different muscle groups in good shape;
  • Aligns posture;
  • Normalizes blood circulation;
  • Strengthens bones, joints, tendons, and most importantly, the spinal column;
  • Helps to saturate the body with oxygen;
  • Speeds up the metabolism in the body.

giperekstenziya effektivnost

Who should perform the hyperextension?

Because the effect is different, depending on the desired result, to make it possible for different groups of people. The main thing – correct execution. Hyperextension should be performed:

  • Novice athletes. Most relevant, the task is a for beginners in the sport. Serious exercise can cause damage to the spine since it's still surrounded by powerful muscles, and the load is always large. To strengthen the spine is a must to perform, before the serious sports power sports. With this performance, the main goal – muscle extensors. The whole effect should be focused on them;
  • Athletes. Hyperextension for the back is advised to perform as a warm-up. Due to the above-mentioned related functions, the exercise will warm up the body before serious loads, will cause the muscles in vigor (tones), reduce the risk of injury, particularly back;
  • People with back problems. Hyperextension is not only preventative activity, but also curative. People with abnormalities of the back, is a must. But to undertake the exercise only after consulting your doctor after a complete examination, to avoid complications from execution. Osteochondrosis, scoliosis, hernia, protrusion and other diseases, will help to cure hyperextension. Systematic exercise will provide an opportunity not only to make the back healthy and stronger, stronger;
  • People leading a sedentary lifestyle. Nowadays more and more people are inactive and sedentary lifestyle. It also gives you the opportunity to progress to various diseases. Office people are haunted by the stooped posture, fatigue and back pain. Because of immobility, muscle atrophy. Regular exercise will keep the body from disease and give good posture.

You can perform a few options. Each is designed to obtain a certain result that is different from other forms. Business in technique and in the group of involved muscles. The same forms are different for professional athletes, beginners. Hyperextension for the treatment of the spine is not much different from strength training for the pumping of certain muscles.

The types of hyperextension

Gorizontalnaya giperekstenziya

Horizontal hyperextension. Fixed legs parallel to the floor. Versatile way to perform in the gym and at home. The amplitude is less than normal execution. Well suited to work with additional weight.

Oblique hyperextension. View exercises for the simulator. The angle is adjustable depending on the load calculations. The legs are fixed to the platform. From a distance of feet to the platform depends on the amplitude. Works well stretching of the lumbosacral back and hips. This is performed in two ways:

  1. Bend the back. Back Flex back for greater tension on the muscles. The emphasis on pumping.
  2. Spin round. Hands crossed on his chest. The exercise is performed with bent back to form a circle. Stretches the spine, back warming up. Givesthe spine to spresovuyetsya.

The reverse hyperextension. The housing is fixed, Mahi made with their feet. Back exercise is less affected than the thighs, buttocks and press. Additional exercise for overall development.

Lateral hyperextension. To clean the sides better in this form. Back rests, work the oblique abdominal muscles and the intercostal. Legs during a workout constantly tense.

Hyperextension on the fitball. Since the body is not fixed, because of the softness of the fitball, it is necessary to establish alignment. With particularly developed muscles-stabilizers.

Weightlifters often train this hyperextension because it is good for coordination.

Giperekstenziya na fitbole

Hyperextension at the back – a mandatory exercise for every sportsman. The spine should be securely fixed on the muscles, and hyperextension best strengthen the long muscles of the back. For therapeutic applications, there is a need of consulting a doctor, as there may be negative effects from exercise. Hyperextension is an additional exercise for overall development, but it is good pumping from the back, glutes and hamstrings.