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Exercises for kids to strengthen back muscles, photos, videos

Before you give your child to the sports section, every mother to take care of his health. It is important to understand how to strengthen the back of the child. What exercises to use and how in different phases the back should develop. All is the key to healthy development and avoid problems later in life.

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Exercises for infants

The baby is still impossible to give independent loads. At this age the child is just learning how to strain your back muscles and hold her head up. In addition, at this time his back has two main curves. Therefore, in order to maintain the back as straight as possible, he needs extra effort.

The simplest exercise is to use the GALANT reflex. To run it, turn the baby on its side, and slide your finger across the vertebral column.

The child will try to bend in response to the tactile sensation, thereby starting to develop the beginnings of a muscular corset.

For preschoolers

For children of preschool age are encouraged to apply the stretching on the bar, and simple exercises from the course of grace (touch fingers to floor, boat, basket, plank, etc.) At this age, the spine being formed, so as a result even the simplest injuries, the child can get curvature of the spine 20th degree. Luckily at that age they are easy to reduce a therapists. A basic exercise done for strengthening of the corset, and stretch back.

To resort to serious loads and corsets are not recommended because it can slow down the growth of the child, or lead to other serious consequences.

Perhaps in this age, suitable orthopedic ball. So, in a game form accustom the child to the fairly complicated exercise technique.

For students

At this age, the spine begins to take on its current form. It is important to correct any distortions to 14 years. It is still being done with the help of massage. But the best choice would be to go for swimming regularly to strengthen his spinal corset with heavier exercises, such as pull-UPS or visov. In the list of basic exercises should include:

  • Statics (basket, plank, boat);
  • Dynamic stretching (hanging on bar);
  • Strengthening the core muscles (oblique twists);
  • Support balance between the development of back and abdominal ( lateral twisting, hyperextension).

Avoid rods with one hand, and other types of exercises, because of which the load may move in the same direction. For this reason, buy backpacks with two straps.

In the lower grades is already possible to give the baby up for dance or swimming. Swimming will be the best option for the treatment of serious deviations. And most importantly, swimming is good for developing all the muscle groups that hold the spine and saving it from warping.

General guidelines

Exercises to strengthen the back can be used from a very early age, but it is necessary to follow certain guidelines:

  • Do not use heavy exercise to 14 years;
  • Not engage children in sport, which can adversely affect the spine (wrestling, martial arts);
  • Do not use weights until the age of 13.;Prefer active games.
  • Resort to orthopedic mattress;
  • Use regular massage treatments to correct development of the spine.

By following these simple guidelines, you can rid the spine of the child from any distortions. In addition, the performance of all exercise even without sports, will help grow toned guy/girl that will not have problems with excess weight or lack of physical preparation.

Exercise to maintain the spine are important in human life. Practice shows that 90% of modern diseases are solely due to sore back. For this reason, doctors have invented the orthopaedic chairs and bandages. If you don't want to 20 years, the child turned into a young disabled person since the childhood accustom him to discipline and force to regularly carry out the "hated exercise". Perhaps in childhood he won't like it. But in adult life he will thank you.

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And remember, even if at this age the childthere is a small curvature, it can be corrected without surgery. What can be said about later periods.