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Vertebroplasty of the spine, what to do after the surgery

Vertebroplasty is a minimally invasive surgery that helps to strengthen damaged vertebrae. The strengthening of the vertebra may when filled with bone cement. The presented method of treatment is recommended for compression fractures of the vertebrae that occurs when bone tissue diseases, back injuries, benign tumor growths, tumors, and secondary foci of the pathological process in the vertebrae.

Vertebroplastika pozvonochnika

What is a vertebroplasty?

Surgery – vertebroplasty is performed to strengthen the damaged vertebral body by entering in a special plastic (bone cement). For transporting cementitious mixtures requires a special needle and x-rays. The control operation is not possible without computer-tomographic and fluoroscopic observation. The components of the mixture injected bone cement (polymethyl methacrylate), antibiotics, and contrast.

The method of introduction of the mixture determined on the basis of the affected area. Painful deviations in the lumbar and thoracic pedicle require a needle. In disorders in the cervical spine is provided by the side access.

The cementing mixture has a number of properties. Important the speed of solidification and the time spent in a state of paste. The duration of this state from 6 to 11 minutes – a time during which a surgeon the filling of the cavity. In the polymerization process of the PMMA is heated to 70 degrees. This allows him to ensure the stability of the injured vertebral body. A mixture exerts a cytotoxic effect, i.e. opposed to the development of cancer cells.

The effectiveness of the procedure

Percutaneous vertebroplasty is a highly effective method. This operation is accompanied by local anesthesia and a minimum hospital length of stay. Minimization of pain and preservation of movement is achieved with minimal trauma. Because percutaneous vertebroplasty is considered small invasive operations that do not require large incisions.

vertebroplastika effektivnost

Mitigation is achieved through the use of the latest techniques and tools. The incision is several millimeters, which reduces the blood loss and traumatization of the tissues and muscles.


Vertebroplasty requires aggressive vertebral hemangioma. The symptoms of aggressiveness and the emergence of pain syndrome in law enforcement efforts. The pain can be combined with the violation of the vertebrae in the chest area and porous structure, which can be seen on magnetic resonance or computed tomography.

Also vertebroplasty of the spine shows fractures when the safety of the broken vertebra in height occupies more than a third of the volume.


The procedure may not be recommended for some reason. There are relative and absolute contraindications. Contraindications that are absolute, the following:

  • The presence of vertebral osteomyelitis (inflammation of bone tissue);
  • The presence of asymptomatic vertebral fracture;
  • Impaired blood clotting;
  • The presence of allergies to contrast or cementing substance.

Relative is:

  • The presence of progressive infection;
  • Significant narrowing of the Central channel;
  • Radiculopathy or myelopathy near the fracture.

What is the procedure

The operation is performed under local anesthesia, which is accompanied by the introduction of sedative drugs. The use of antibiotics is necessary to prevent minimize complications. The patient is placed on the abdomen. Through mm slit introduced a conductor metal, for monitoring the input needle. This allows the needle to take the tissue of the vertebrae to study.

After studying the sample, carried out the operation. The introduction of the tube occurs through the conductor. The tube is a channel through which the filling of the cavity with polymethylmethacrylate. Sometimes, cement is injected from both sides of the vertebra. Further pain relief to the patientassigned analgesics. When a compression fracture of the spine has a direct relationship with osteoporosis, it should be the treatment of last. Because there is a high probability of vertebral fracture again.


Often the complications arising on a background of cancer of the vertebrae and benign tumor growths. Some complications can be in the presence of osteoporotic lesions. The main complication of this surgical intervention may be the penetration of PMMA into the spinal canal. If the cementing mixture entered the channel, but signs of complications are not identified, treatment is not indicated.

oslozhneniya posle vertebroplastiki

In contact with a large amount of the mixture in the channel may experience pain and weakness in the hands and feet. This situation requires a second operation to extract excess cement from the spinal canal. Infection of wounds is very rare, because the incision is small, and the cement is heated to 70 degrees. In exceptional cases, the complications can be:

  • Allergy to anesthesia;
  • The lack of effect.

After the operation the improvement of health and reduction in pain intensity is observed immediately after surgery or within a few days. If the patient continues to experience pain after the postoperative period, it is necessary to consult a doctor. It may be recommended for examination, the purpose of which is to establish the causes of the pathological state. Today, vertebroplasty spine enough demand, feedback after operations allow to judge the effectiveness and safety of the method.