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The transport in the fracture of the spine and pelvis, photos, videos

This injury, fracture of the spine, regardless of its degree of complexity, and a number of other features, is the most severe. According to statistics, about 40% of such injuries to the spine ends with the defeat of the spinal cord. This can lead to a long period of rehabilitation, disability, and in the most severe cases – fatal. It is, therefore, affected the injury he needs to be in the shortest possible time to provide the right help.

Often untimely and unprofessional help can lead to deterioration of the patient and exacerbate the trauma. That is why everyone needs to master the basics on the solution to this problem.

Kak vypolnyaetsya transportirovka pri perelome pozvonochnika?

The main causes of injury

This type of spinal injury often occurs for the following reasons:

  • Owing to road accident;
  • Because of man's fall from a height;
  • When doing an extreme sport;
  • Wrong diving into the pond.
  • Methods for determining back injury and her diagnosis

With the intention to correctly provide first aid for your injury, it is important to quickly identify the seriousness of the damage and to determine the subsequent sequence of actions. This includes the restriction of human movement and transportation of the injured to the hospital. The person far from medicine, these two processes seem very complicated. However, there are certain signs by which you will be able to determine that the victim has a fracture of the spine. So, symptoms of trauma:

  • The patient is unconscious and is an unnatural position;
  • Severe pain at affected area of the back. Moreover, the deterioration of the patient occurs at the slightest movement;
  • Possible complete paralysis of all extremities of the body, if the trauma ruptured the spinal cord;
  • In the case of fracture of the neck of a possible cardiac arrest and cessation of breathing.

As informative methods of diagnosis of injury is common to use x-rays and magnetic resonance therapy, but it is, as you have already understood, not always after the injury is available, and to avoid complications, it is important to look exactly at the above in the reason text.

First aid

Paramount after the trauma the person is in a state of shock and does not understand the seriousness of the incident, in which he found himself. It can start body movement, which may exacerbate the already existing damage. Therefore, it is important to immediately forbid him any kind of movement. Do not allow the patient to stand, sit and to take any other position other than that in which he found himself after the incident. Next, you should immediately call a medical team or emergency, but if not expect help from – you'll have to deal with the problem alone. Make banal events of diagnosis, with which you will be able to determine just how bad things have affected.

Find out in the consciousness if the patient felt he got a pulse of how things are breathing, and whether pain in the region of injury.

If all four questions people will agree, it is the signal through which you will be able to begin gentle movement of the stretcher. There are times when even the slightest movement bring unbearable pain to the victim, and in the place where there was damage, and swelling, you can confidently say: "this man has a fracture of spinal column". In order to eliminate the symptoms of pain is needed to make patient injections containing anesthetics in the form of solutions of novocaine and hydrocortisone.

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If the victim does not have a clear conscious and has problems with sensitivity, to give him drugs with the analgesic effect of the pills is in any case impossible. Is not allowed because this process is associated with swallowing, which the patient in this state will be difficult. The very same confusion and its absence are often a clear indication that the patient has a painful shock, which appears on the background of the resulting injury, or infringement of nerve endings.

If the patient has no pulse and breathing, it is imperative to resuscitate the heart and lungs. In this case, clear the mouth from the victim vomit. Start the process of artificial respiration. To this end, pinch the nose of the patient, andcover his mouth with gauze. Take a deep breath, and exhaled in the mouth of the victim. Then unclench your nose and performed a passive exhalation and the steps are repeated. Periods alternate artificial respiration with heart massage the victim.

This purpose take a position on the side of the patient, the hands fold over each other in the heart. The fingers should be bonded at their point of intersection. Then straighten the limb and start with a vengeance to crush in the lower third of the sternum of a patient with a burst of 4-5 centimeters. The minute you have to produce about 100 pressure. Remember that you never have to lose contact with the body of the victim. After another 30 pressure should be performed two approaches of artificial respiration. Resuscitation should be performed until, until the team of doctors does not appear on the scene.

Transportation of the victim

Perhaps the greatest danger of fracture of the spine lies in the displacement of the damaged vertebrae, which can greatly aggravate the existing injury and lead to the deterioration of the General condition of the patient. Until the arrival on the scene of doctors, the victim in any case should not move.

In a situation when you need to convey the patient to the ambulance or to the nearest medical institution should use the three main basics of the transportation of victims suffering fractures of the spine:

  • Transportation is carried out with the participation of three people. But it would be better to use just five assistants. Due to the large number of people you will be able to control all parts of the body and their movement;
  • If you when you transfer a patient are going to use soft stretchers, be sure to lay the victim on his stomach, and if the transportation plan to use a hard surface – make sure in advance that the victim was lying on his back;
  • Use available materials (such as bandages, rope and cardboard), you can build a corset for the neck of the patient and to rigidly fix his legs. In cases when to make the corset does not work – one of the porters need hands to hold the head lying on the stretcher, in order to avoid involuntary twists to the side.

Before to shift the victim on a stretcher, it is important to coordinate the whole transportation process with its members. The spine of the victim must be in the correct position, and it is very important to watch it.

Error when transporting

Stress, depression, banal fear, lack of appropriate expertise – all these factors often affect the result of rendering first aid to a man injured when the fracture of the spine. The most common mistakes in such extreme situations are considered:

  • Incorrect fixation of the neck of the victim;
  • The absence of soft lump of clothes under the waist of the victim;
  • The absence of a lump of folded clothes under the chest or pelvis, when the victim transporterowych in position "lying on belly".

In the process of transporting the injured man as his torso and uninjured limbs of the body are required to be well attached to the stretcher or any other portable means of transportation. For injuries of the cervical spine, the most effective immobilization with transport tires Babichenko. In it was based on the method of stretching the victim over the head with a loop of Gleason. Victims with spinal injury are transported to the neurosurgical Department, and in the case of combined trauma – generalist in the hospital.